COMMAND Acroread symlink vulnerability via /tmp SYSTEMS AFFECTED Acrobat Reader version "x86 linux 5.0.5 Apr 25 2002 11:55:36" (Other UNIX versions probably also affected.) PROBLEM Paul Szabo [http://www.maths.usyd.edu.au:8000/u/psz/] says : <--snapp--> Acroread creates or overwrites the file /tmp/AdobeFnt06.lst.UID, and changes its permissions to wide open (mode 666); it also follows symlinks. The attack is obvious: ln -s ~victim/.bashrc /tmp/AdobeFnt06.lst.VUID and wait for victim to use acroread; then we can write his .bashrc. <--snapp--> SOLUTION Patch (update 25 July 2002) ===== Get Acrobat reader 5.06 Workaround ========== I use the following wrapper around acroread (move original script or binary to acroread.real, put this in its place). Use TMPDIR, but also ensure file in /tmp is safe (in case writing in TMPDIR fails for some reason: diskquota?). With file in /tmp, leaves no race with the open() in acroread, just a window of opportunity to mess with the data. #!/usr/bin/perl -- $PROG = '/usr/share/Acrobat/505/bin/acroread.real'; $TMPF = "/tmp/AdobeFnt06.lst.$<"; $MYTD = "$ENV{'HOME'}/.acrobat"; $MYTF = "$MYTD/AdobeFnt06.lst.$<"; $ENV{'TMPDIR'} = $MYTD; use Fcntl; sub checkfix { my ($nam, $msg) = @_; ($dev,$ino,$mode,$nlink,$uid,$gid,@rest) = lstat( $nam ); ( -f _ and ! -l _ and ! -d _ ) or die "$msg: $nam is not a file\n"; # BEWARE: on some systems, $gid comes from directory ( $uid == $< and $gid == $( ) or die "$msg: $nam is not your own\n"; ( $nlink == 1 ) or die "$msg: $nam has hardlinks\n"; chmod( 0600, $nam ) or die "$msg: cannot chmod $nam\n"; } $< > 99 or die "No daemons\n"; sysopen( F, $TMPF, O_RDWR|O_CREAT|O_EXCL, 0600 ) and close( F ) #and print "Pre-created $TMPF\n" ; mkdir( $MYTD, 0700 ) #and print "Pre-created $MYTD\n" ; sysopen( F, $MYTF, O_RDWR|O_CREAT|O_EXCL, 0600 ) and close( F ) #and print "Pre-created $MYTF\n" ; &checkfix( $TMPF, "Tricked" ); &checkfix( $MYTF, "Tricked" ); system( $PROG, @ARGV ); &checkfix( $TMPF, "After acroread" ); &checkfix( $MYTF, "After acroread" ); #!#