/* BIND NXT vulnerable SCANNER - CBIND */ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <wait.h> #include <netdb.h> #include <string.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/wait.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #include <sys/socket.h> #include <netinet/in.h> /* DO NOT EDIT THIS LINE */ #define SCAN_EXE "./nmap -p 53 " /* EDIT: directory of NMAP */ #define SCAN_DIR "/home/lb0gspm/tmp/nmap/" /* EDIT: directory of CBIND and it's temporary files */ #define CBIND_DIR "/home/lb0gspm/tmp/cbind/" #define R1_DIR "/home/lb0gspm/tmp/cbind/result1.cbind" #define R2_DIR "/home/lb0gspm/tmp/cbind/result2.cbind" int Scan( char *ip ); char *GetSubnet( char *ip ); char *ChangeSubnet( char *ip, char *subnet ); char *itoa( int i ); int main( int argc, char *argv[] ) { struct in_addr addr; struct hostent *host_entry; unsigned short int option[3], i, wait_st; unsigned char *name; unsigned char *cmd; unsigned char *ip, *subnet, *ip_s; unsigned char *temp; FILE *fp; printf( "Check BIND v 2.00b \n" ); printf( "Bind NXT vulnerablity scanner\n\n" ); name = (char *)malloc( 200 ); ip = (char *)malloc( 16 ); ip_s = (char *)malloc( 16 ); subnet = (char *)malloc( 4 ); cmd = (char *)malloc( 50 ); if( argc == 1 ) { printf( "Options: \n" ); printf( " -s SUB-NET SCAN ( SLOW BUT HIGH PRECISE )\n" ); printf( " -f SUB-NET SCAN ( FAST BUT LOW PRECISE / NMAP REQUIRE )\n" ); printf( " -i PRINT INFOMATION\n\n" ); printf( "Examples: \n" ); printf( " cbind victim.com ( IT WILL SCAN IF TARGET IS VULNERABLE OR NOT )\n" ); printf( " cbind victim.com -s ( IT WILL SCAN ALL SUB-NETs IN DETAIL )\n" ); printf( " cbind -f victim.com ( IT WILL SCAN SUB-NETs LOW PRECISE )\n\n" ); exit(0); } else { option[0] = 0; option[1] = 0; option[2] = 0; for( i = 1; i < argc; i++ ) { if( strcmp( argv[i], "-s" ) == 0 ) { if( option[2] == 1 ) { printf( "Can not use options -s, -f at the same time.\n" ); exit(0); } if( option[0] == 1 ) { printf( "Can not use option -s with -i.\n" ); exit(0); } printf( "Sub-net( high precise ) scan mode ACTIVATED.\n" ); printf( "It can takes long.\n\n" ); option[1] = 1; continue; } if( strcmp( argv[i], "-f" ) == 0 ) { if( option[1] == 1 ) { printf( "Can not use options -s, -f at the same time.\n" ); exit(0); } if( option[0] == 1 ) { printf( "Can not use options -f with -i.\n" ); exit(0); } printf( "Sub-net( low precise ) scan mode ACTIVATED.\n" ); printf( "It require NMAP 2.07 or higher version.\n\n" ); option[2] = 1; continue; } if( strcmp( argv[i], "-i" ) == 0 ) { if( (option[1] == 1) || (option[2] == 1) ) { printf( "Can not use option -i with -s(or -f).\n" ); exit(0); } option[0] = 1; continue; } strcpy( name, argv[i] ); } } if( geteuid() != 0 ) { printf( "Error! You are not ROOT!\n" ); exit(0); } if( (name[0] <= '0') || (name[0] >= '9') ) { host_entry = gethostbyname( name ); if( host_entry == NULL ) { if( option[0] != 1 ) { printf( "Can not scan %s.\n", name ); exit(0); } } if( option[0] != 1 ) { addr = *((struct in_addr *)host_entry->h_addr); ip = (unsigned char *)inet_ntoa( addr ); subnet = GetSubnet( ip ); } } if( (name[0] >= '0') && (name[0] <= '9') ) { host_entry = gethostbyaddr( name, strlen(name), AF_INET ); if( host_entry == NULL ) { if( option[0] != 1 ) { printf( "Can not scan %s.\n", name ); exit(0); } } if( option[0] != 1 ) { addr = *((struct in_addr *)host_entry->h_addr); ip = (unsigned char *)inet_ntoa( addr ); subnet = GetSubnet( ip ); } } if( (option[1] == 0) && (option[2] == 0) && (option[0] != 1) ) { Scan( ip ); printf( "Scanning Done.\n" ); remove( R1_DIR ); remove( R2_DIR ); exit(0); } if( option[1] == 1 ) { for( i = 0; i < 256; i++ ) { if( fork() == 0 ) { strcpy( subnet, itoa( i ) ); ip_s = ChangeSubnet( ip, subnet ); Scan( ip_s ); remove( R1_DIR ); remove( R2_DIR ); exit(0); } else { wait( NULL ); } continue; } printf( "Scanning Done.\n" ); exit(0); } if( option[2] == 1 ) { strcpy( cmd, SCAN_EXE ); strcat( cmd, name ); strcat( cmd, "/24" ); strcat( cmd, " > " ); strcat( cmd, R1_DIR ); chdir( SCAN_DIR ); system( cmd ); strcpy( cmd, "grep \"Interesting\" " ); strcat( cmd, R1_DIR ); strcat( cmd, " > " ); strcat( cmd, R2_DIR ); system( cmd ); if( ( fp = fopen( R2_DIR, "r" ) ) < 0 ) { printf( "File Open Error!\n" ); exit(0); } while( 1 ) { bzero( name, 200 ); temp = (char *)malloc( 200 ); strcpy( temp, " " ); temp = fgets( temp, 100, fp ); if( temp == NULL ) break; if( temp[21] == ' ' ) { for( i = 0; i < 16; i++ ) { if( (temp[i+23] != ' ') && (temp[i+23] != ')') ) { if( (temp[i+23] >= '0') && (temp[i+23] <= '9') ) { name[i] = temp[i+23]; } else { if( temp[i+23] == '.' ) name[i] = temp[i+23]; } } } } if( temp[21] != ' ' ) { for( i = 0; i < 50; i++ ) { if( temp[i+21] != ' ' ) name[i] = temp[i+21]; } } Scan( name ); free(temp); } remove( R1_DIR ); remove( R2_DIR ); } if( option[0] == 1 ) { printf( "Creator : Laks Bluesky\n" ); printf( "E-mail : lb0gspm@hanmail.net\n\n" ); printf( "Version : 2.00 beta\n\n" ); printf( "2000.06.19\n" ); exit(0); } } char *itoa( int i ) { char *ret; char c; int count; ret = (char *)malloc( 4 ); count = 1; if( i > 9 ) count = 2; if( i > 99 ) count = 3; if( count == 1 ) { c = i+48; ret[0] = c; ret[1] = '\0'; return ret; } if( count == 2 ) { c = i / 10; i = i - (c*10); ret[0] = c+48; ret[1] = i+48; ret[2] = '\0'; return ret; } if( count == 3 ) { c = i / 100; i = i - (c*100); ret[0] = c+48; c = i / 10; i = i - (c*10); ret[1] = c+48; ret[2] = i+48; ret[3] = '\0'; return ret; } } char *ChangeSubnet( char *ip, char *subnet ) { char *ip_s; int count = 0, i = 0; ip_s = (char *)malloc( 16 ); strcpy( ip_s, ip ); for( count = 0; count != 3; count = count ) { if( ip_s[i] == '.' ) { count++; i++; continue; } i++; } ip_s[i++] = subnet[0]; ip_s[i++] = subnet[1]; ip_s[i++] = subnet[2]; ip_s[i++] = subnet[3]; return ip_s; } char *GetSubnet( char *ip ) { char *ret; int count = 0, i = 0; ret = (char *)malloc( 4 ); for( count = 0; count != 3; count = count ) { if( ip[i] == '.' ) { count++; i++; continue; } i++; } ret[0] = ip[i++]; ret[1] = ip[i++]; ret[2] = ip[i++]; ret[3] = ip[i++]; return ret; } int Scan( char *ip ) { unsigned short int i; unsigned char c; unsigned char *cmd; unsigned char *version; FILE *fp; struct stat result; cmd = (char *)malloc( 200 ); version = (char *)malloc( 9 ); printf( "Scanning... %s\n", ip ); strcpy( cmd, "dig @" ); strcat( cmd, ip ); strcat( cmd, " version.bind chaos txt > " ); strcat( cmd, R1_DIR ); strcat( cmd, " 2> /dev/null" ); system( cmd ); strcpy( cmd, "grep \"VERSION.BIND.\" " ); strcat( cmd, R1_DIR ); strcat( cmd, " > " ); strcat( cmd, R2_DIR ); system( cmd ); stat( R2_DIR, &result ); if( result.st_size < 30 ) { chdir( CBIND_DIR ); return 0; } if( ( fp = fopen( R2_DIR, "r" ) ) >= 0 ) { for( i = 0; i < 29; i++ ) { c = fgetc( fp ); } for( i = 0; i < 9; i++ ) { c = fgetc( fp ); if( c == '"' ) { version[i] = '\0'; break; } version[i] = c; } } else { chdir( CBIND_DIR ); return 0; } if( strcmp( version, "8.2" ) == 0 ) { printf( "%s: IT IS VULNERABLE! ", ip ); printf( "Try it. :)\n" ); chdir( CBIND_DIR ); return 0; } if( strcmp( version, "8.2.1" ) == 0 ) { printf( "%s: IT IS VULNERABLE! ", ip ); printf( "Try it. :)\n" ); chdir( CBIND_DIR ); return 0; } if( strcmp( version, "8.2.2" ) == 0 ) { printf( "%s: IT IS VULNERABLE! ", ip ); printf( "Try it. :)\n" ); chdir( CBIND_DIR ); return 0; } if( strcmp( version, "8.2.2-P5" ) == 0 ) { chdir( CBIND_DIR ); return 0; } if( strcmp( version, "8.1.2" ) == 0 ) { chdir( CBIND_DIR ); return 0; } chdir( CBIND_DIR ); return 0; }