TUCoPS :: Linux :: Discontinued :: cs2004-0.txt

Various security problems in ucd-snmp - Caldera Advisory CSSA-2002-004.0

Hash: SHA1

                   Caldera International, Inc.  Security Advisory

Subject:                Linux - Various security problems in ucd-snmp
Advisory number:        CSSA-2002-004.0
Issue date:             2002, January 22
Cross reference:

1. Problem Description

   Researchers at the university of Oulo, Finnland, discovered several
   remotely exploitable vulnerabilities in ucd-snmp. This security update
   fixes these vulnerabilities. This update also contains a patch from
   the SuSE security team that cleans up a number of unchecked memory

2. Vulnerable Versions

   System                       Package
   OpenLinux 2.3                 not vulnerable                
   OpenLinux eServer 2.3.1       All packages previous to      
   and OpenLinux eBuilder        ucd-snmp-4.2.1-17             
   OpenLinux eDesktop 2.4        not vulnerable                
   OpenLinux Server 3.1          All packages previous to      
   OpenLinux Workstation 3.1     All packages previous to      
   OpenLinux 3.1 IA64            not vulnerable                
   OpenLinux Server 3.1.1        All packages previous to      
   OpenLinux Workstation         All packages previous to      
   3.1.1                         ucd-snmp-4.2.1-17             

3. Solution



   The proper solution is to upgrade to the latest packages.

4. OpenLinux 2.3

    not vulnerable

5. OpenLinux eServer 2.3.1 and OpenLinux eBuilder for ECential 3.0

    5.1 Location of Fixed Packages

       The upgrade packages can be found on Caldera's FTP site at:


       The corresponding source code package can be found at:


   5.2 Verification

       39455abae12c26af0767e73ce5fa21ba  RPMS/ucd-snmp-4.2.1-17.i386.rpm
       2a13a2370c9da23d09a9fdfb94242cb0  RPMS/ucd-snmp-devel-4.2.1-17.i386.rpm
       552a1f07b57743ea2f83a77878f8b307  RPMS/ucd-snmp-tkmib-4.2.1-17.i386.rpm
       02914263b92c14023b6a8a986739975a  RPMS/ucd-snmp-utils-4.2.1-17.i386.rpm
       6f3b52721566b814f3937f135a82c6f5  SRPMS/ucd-snmp-4.2.1-17.src.rpm

   5.3 Installing Fixed Packages

       Upgrade the affected packages with the following commands:

         rpm -Fvh ucd-snmp-4.2.1-17.i386.rpm \
              ucd-snmp-devel-4.2.1-17.i386.rpm \
              ucd-snmp-tkmib-4.2.1-17.i386.rpm \

6. OpenLinux eDesktop 2.4

    not vulnerable

7. OpenLinux 3.1 Server

    7.1 Location of Fixed Packages

       The upgrade packages can be found on Caldera's FTP site at:


       The corresponding source code package can be found at:


   7.2 Verification

       e1f2eab37121fd66aefab49da3f6173b  RPMS/ucd-snmp-4.2.1-17.i386.rpm
       ad7405f4578ca3f25a56d8e5d96020bb  RPMS/ucd-snmp-devel-4.2.1-17.i386.rpm
       980115ed7580c8a772e8111ad1494067  RPMS/ucd-snmp-tkmib-4.2.1-17.i386.rpm
       48f82f6ee0561fc0961cf99e471a14de  RPMS/ucd-snmp-utils-4.2.1-17.i386.rpm
       6f3b52721566b814f3937f135a82c6f5  SRPMS/ucd-snmp-4.2.1-17.src.rpm

   7.3 Installing Fixed Packages

       Upgrade the affected packages with the following commands:

         rpm -Fvh ucd-snmp-4.2.1-17.i386.rpm \
              ucd-snmp-devel-4.2.1-17.i386.rpm \
              ucd-snmp-tkmib-4.2.1-17.i386.rpm \

8. OpenLinux 3.1 Workstation

    8.1 Location of Fixed Packages

       The upgrade packages can be found on Caldera's FTP site at:


       The corresponding source code package can be found at:


   8.2 Verification

       e1f2eab37121fd66aefab49da3f6173b  RPMS/ucd-snmp-4.2.1-17.i386.rpm
       ad7405f4578ca3f25a56d8e5d96020bb  RPMS/ucd-snmp-devel-4.2.1-17.i386.rpm
       980115ed7580c8a772e8111ad1494067  RPMS/ucd-snmp-tkmib-4.2.1-17.i386.rpm
       48f82f6ee0561fc0961cf99e471a14de  RPMS/ucd-snmp-utils-4.2.1-17.i386.rpm
       6f3b52721566b814f3937f135a82c6f5  SRPMS/ucd-snmp-4.2.1-17.src.rpm

   8.3 Installing Fixed Packages

       Upgrade the affected packages with the following commands:

         rpm -Fvh ucd-snmp-4.2.1-17.i386.rpm \
              ucd-snmp-devel-4.2.1-17.i386.rpm \
              ucd-snmp-tkmib-4.2.1-17.i386.rpm \

9. OpenLinux 3.1 IA64

    not vulnerable

10. OpenLinux 3.1.1 Server

    10.1 Location of Fixed Packages

       The upgrade packages can be found on Caldera's FTP site at:


       The corresponding source code package can be found at:


   10.2 Verification

       0bf1e8d5ec70518f2b548871fb1d00b7  RPMS/ucd-snmp-4.2.1-17.i386.rpm
       7b8f7fd19b3a0dd61a1113e3d12bd00d  RPMS/ucd-snmp-devel-4.2.1-17.i386.rpm
       b0bf4250ba668660b0c9d859d164e918  RPMS/ucd-snmp-tkmib-4.2.1-17.i386.rpm
       df84f06b86e973ee8d38f5f995fa7905  RPMS/ucd-snmp-utils-4.2.1-17.i386.rpm
       6f3b52721566b814f3937f135a82c6f5  SRPMS/ucd-snmp-4.2.1-17.src.rpm

   10.3 Installing Fixed Packages

       Upgrade the affected packages with the following commands:

         rpm -Fvh ucd-snmp-4.2.1-17.i386.rpm \
              ucd-snmp-devel-4.2.1-17.i386.rpm \
              ucd-snmp-tkmib-4.2.1-17.i386.rpm \

11. OpenLinux 3.1.1 Workstation

    11.1 Location of Fixed Packages

       The upgrade packages can be found on Caldera's FTP site at:


       The corresponding source code package can be found at:


   11.2 Verification

       0bf1e8d5ec70518f2b548871fb1d00b7  RPMS/ucd-snmp-4.2.1-17.i386.rpm
       7b8f7fd19b3a0dd61a1113e3d12bd00d  RPMS/ucd-snmp-devel-4.2.1-17.i386.rpm
       b0bf4250ba668660b0c9d859d164e918  RPMS/ucd-snmp-tkmib-4.2.1-17.i386.rpm
       df84f06b86e973ee8d38f5f995fa7905  RPMS/ucd-snmp-utils-4.2.1-17.i386.rpm
       6f3b52721566b814f3937f135a82c6f5  SRPMS/ucd-snmp-4.2.1-17.src.rpm

   11.3 Installing Fixed Packages

       Upgrade the affected packages with the following commands:

         rpm -Fvh ucd-snmp-4.2.1-17.i386.rpm \
              ucd-snmp-devel-4.2.1-17.i386.rpm \
              ucd-snmp-tkmib-4.2.1-17.i386.rpm \

12. References

   This and other Caldera security resources are located at:


   This security fix closes Caldera's internal Problem Report 10987.

13. Disclaimer

   Caldera International, Inc. is not responsible for the misuse of
   any of the information we provide on this website and/or through our
   security advisories. Our advisories are a service to our customers
   intended to promote secure installation and use of Caldera OpenLinux.

14. Acknowledgements

   Caldera International wishes to thank the Secure Programming Research
   Group at Oulu University for their work, and for sharing their research
   results in this fashion. We also wish to thank Thomas Biege at SuSE for
   his additional patches.
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Comment: For info see http://www.gnupg.org


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