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Using Slackware 96 by The Grim Reaper

p A Linux Box
			     Using Slackware 96
			 By: The GrimReaper (c) 1996

Ok, First of all you need the software. I suggest you download the software
from sunsite.unc.edu/pub/Linux/distributions/slackware/slakware First,
you should download the primary files all the "As" "Aps" and "Ns",
for your first time setting up a Linux Box. Then later on as you get
used to setting them up and running them, then you can install the other
disks which have more things such as the C++ compilers, games, etc.
After you have downloaded the "As" "Aps" and "Ns", you then need the
Boot Disk and the Root Disk. Check in the directory /pub/Linux/
distributions/slackware/bootdsks.144, look around for a boot disk, I suggest
you get "bare.i" for now....and download "rawrite.exe" you need so the
files will be able to fit on your floppy diskettes, but I'll talk about that
a little later. Check in the directory /pub/Linux/distributions/slackware/
rootdsks, for a root disk. I suggest you get "color.gz". Ok, after you
get the boot disk and the root disk, you have to rawrite them into
diskettes. To do this get a formatted diskette into your floppy disk drive.
Then go to the MS-DOS prompt type: rawrite bare.i a:\, and
rawrite color.gz a:\. Make sure the two files(boot and root disks) are
in the directory with the rawrite.exe. After you have done this. Put in
the boot disk diskette "bare.i" one after it has been rawrited onto your
diskette and reboot your computer. It will give you a prompt like
just press enter for now....
then, after a few things it will say enter root disk to take out the boot disk
and place in the root one. Then it login as "root" and you won't have to
enter a password for now. It will then bring you to a root prompt "#"
type fdisk. Then it will show command (m for help): type m
It will then show a list of things to do. Now you have to make partitions
for your "Linux Native" and "Linux Swap"(Linux Swap is optional But I
recommend it even though you have more than 4MBs of RAM) now type n
which is to add a new partiton. Type p for Primary Partition. Then select
number 2. It will then have another prompt about "First Cylinder" type
the numbers they have. For Example: First Cylinder (357-528), you
type 357 then press enter...the numbers will vary depending on how
much memory you have. After it will have another prompt "Last Cylinder
+size +sizeM +sizeK" type +(the number of ram you have)M for example:
Last Cylinder +size +sizeM +sizeK: +16M  <---16 RAM, etc. after you
have done this it will bring you back to the command (m for help) prompt
type n again. Then add another primary partition number 3. Then for First
Cylinder type the first numbers again...Like the first partition made,
after instead of typing +16M for you Last Cylinder...type the last number
of the "First Cylinder (number-number). The second partition example:

command (m for help): n

e extended partition
p primary partition (1-4) : p

primary partition (1-4): 3

First Cylinder [(357-528)]: 357

Last Cylinder +size +sizeM +sizeK: 528

That is an example, after you have made these two partitions, type
t on the command (m for help): prompt, it will then ask you for which
number partition type 2, then it will ask you which partition type.
Type "l" for a list of it. Type 83 (this is to make partition 2 into
the Linux Swap) then again at the command(m for help): prompt type
t again. Then instead of typing partition "2" you type 3. Then
type 82(for linux native), after you have done this.
Type: (at the command (m for help): prompt
mke2fs /dev/hda3 (the number you typed for the first cylinder "357")
for example so its:

mke2fs /dev/hd3 356

after you have done that type:

mkswap /dev/hda2 (This is the number of the last cylinder "528")

for example it is:

mkswap /dev/hda2 528

then type

swapon /dev/hda2

after you have done all of this type w at the command (m for help):
prompt. Then it will save these partitions etc. Reboot. The boot back to
Linux and type "setup" at the command (m for help): prompt,
then you are able to setup your Linux with the files "As" "Aps" and "Ns"
make sure those files are on your MS-DOS partition (the drive that has
windows, etc. on it) make all the "As" "Aps" and "Ns" as sub directories
in  C:\slackware or whatever drive you have windows. Then hda1/slackware
will be where you install the stuff.

That's mostly the beginning of how to Set up a Linux Box....
if you have any questions or comments e-mail me at
or visit me on IRC, a efnet server and channel #grimreaper :)
Until next time.....Bye
and Don't forget to visit my pages at:



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