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The Beginners Guide to Linux v1.1

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The Beginners Guide To Linux v1.1
Author: Squiler        
Contact Squiler at: Just ICQ for now, UIN - 34500800, Nick - Squiler 

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  ###    #     ###     ###   #####    ####           Black Sun Research Facility  
    ###         ##     ##    ######   ####             http://blacksun.box.sk     
      ###       ##     ##    #######  ####                 ASCII By : cyRu5       
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1.0 - Intro

Linux- sometimes referred to by the press as 'Windows NT's worst enemy'. 
Wired Magazine once called it 'The greatest story never told'.  This is a
perfect definition because the story behind Linux is indeed a great one, yet
it is unknown to so many people.  Let's start at the beginning.

Back when 'Stayin' Alive' was still topping the charts, and Microsoft was
a spec in the world of computers, AT&T produced a multi-user operating
system and labeled it 'UNIX'.  Throughout the years, UNIX caught on and
many different versions of it began to come out.  A popular one, called
'Minix' (mini-UNIX) was available for use at The University of Helsinki in
Finland.  A student at the University named Linus Torvalds believed he
could create an operating system superior to Minix.  In 1991 he started
his new operating system as a side project, but it soon developed into a
full-time hobby until 1994 when the first official version of the
operating system was released.

You're probably now saying 'so what's the big deal about Linux? Isn't it
just another operating system?' Absolutely not!  First of all, Linux is
released under something called 'open source license'.  Open source is really
more of an idea than a thing.  Linux is released with all the source code and
files that it was made with.  This means a few things.  Anyone who is good
at programming can mess with the Linux code and release his own version of
it.  This also means that even though if you buy Linux in a store it will
cost money, you're not paying for the actual Linux itself. Your money goes to
the price of packaging, the extra software that comes with the operating
system, and technical support.  The second, and most important reason that
Linux is a big deal is because it's a much more stable operating system than
Windows.  It runs on any system; even bottom of the line 386's from before
Linux even came out.  Programs running under Linux almost never crash, and in
the off chance that one does because of bad programming by the program author,
it will not take the operating system down with it.  Another important reason
Linux is good is that it is secure.  It is much harder to bring down by a
hacker than Windows is (for further reading, read the 'Basic Unix Security
Guide' by R a v e N at blacksun.box.sk).  This is just an extremely short list
of the reasons why Linux is so great. For further reading check out

This tutorial is for Windows users who want to migrate to Linux.  This is
written for Redhat or Mandrake Linux (the two most easy-to-install and
user-friendly Linux distributions), but the information here will most probably
help you with whatever distribution you are using. The only problem with this
is that Mandrake and RedHat are relativley simple to install, and some other
distrobutions are much more complex.  I highly suggest you buy Linux-Mandrake
rather than RedHat.  Mainly because it is cheaper and comes with more
software, but as you read through this tutorial, you'll see more reasons why I
recommend Mandrake.

The first thing you're going to have to do with your new operating system is
install it- but you can't do that so quickly.

2.0 - Preparation

If you already have Microsoft Windows on your system and you want it to
co-exist with Linux, you are going to have to create another hard drive
partition.  What a hard drive partition is a totally separate part of a
hard drive.  If two hard drive partitions weren't physically part of the
same disc, they would be two different hard drives.  Anyway, the reason
for this is that Windows and Linux are totally different in the way they
access hard drives and handle files.  If they are using each other's hard
drive space the two operating systems can conflict and cause major problems
for your computer.  Well, as I was saying, you need to create a hard drive
partition reserved for Linux.  There are MS-DOS programs that do this, but
they are "lethal" partition making programs.  By this I mean that while making
a new partition, they can destroy or at least corrupt files on another
partition.  If you want to make a partition for Linux, without killing your
Windows files you need a "non-lethal" partition program.  If you get
Linux-Mandrake, a "non-lethal" partition program is included with it (this is
just one of the reasons why I recommend Mandrake over RedHat).

Well with all this talk of partitions and hard drives, you must be wondering
roughly how much hard drive space you'll need for Linux.  If you want the
complete system with everything, you'll need about 1.5 gigabyte+ hard drive
space.  However it is possible to productively run a full Linux distribution
(there are "miniature" Linux distributions that range from around 2 to 35
megabytes, and there's also Trinux, which runs from two 1.44MB floppy disks!
Get it from www.trinux.org) to with as little as 150 megabytes. Trust me, you
don't want EVERYTHING. Linux comes with tons of software you'll probably won't
need. For example: Linux comes with a variety of network servers - a web
server, a Sendmail server, a telnet server, an FTP server etc'.  If you choose
not to install something and then regret, you can still get it later off the
original installation CD.

So anyway, if you have sufficient hard drive space, and a "non-lethal"
partition program, you're ready to proceed to the next step: installation.

***Even if you're using a "non-lethal" partition program, I suggest you
backup your Windows files just in case something goes wrong.***

3.0 - Installation

Now that your computer is ready for Linux, you're ready to install it.  
When you bought the software, it probably came with a few CD's and a disk.

The disk is boot disk for the Linux installation program.  You pop in the
disk, reset your computer, the installation program begins, and you're
ready to install Linux.  The only thing is that the installation program
will take a while to load since it's from a disk.

**The stuff on the disk is probably just a duplicate of some of the stuff
on the first CD.  If your computer is capable of booting from a CD (and
most newer ones are, otherwise, check your manual) then instead of putting
the disk in your computer then rebooting, put in the first CD as it will
load much quicker.  Of course, you'll need to mess with your BIOS
configurations first, but that's no big deal.  Hit del when your computer
boots up (after it tells you how much RAM you have) and mess around with it
until you can find out how to make your computer attempt to boot from your CD
drive first.  This differs from different BIOS systems.**

3.1 - Ok..You're finally ready to install Linux.

The first few questions the install program asks you are self explanatory,
just things like your language and stuff.  One thing you might get stumped
on is when you are prompted on whether you have any SCSI adapters or not.  
An SCSI adapter can be anything such as a mouse, printer, scanner, etc.  It
all depends if you have an SCSI controller.  Chances are, you don't have any
SCSIs, but check your manual to be sure.   Also, if you are completely sure
that your copy of Microsoft Windows is properly-configured, you can quit the
installation program at any time, return to Windows, run control panel, click
on system and find out all the information you'll need about your system's

3.2 - More Partition Stuff

The next thing you might have trouble with is a dialog box that appears
asking you some questions about your hard drive partitions.  The name of
the dialog box should 'Disk Setup'. There should be three buttons on the
bottom of the box.  One labeled 'Disk Druid', another labeled 'fdisk', and
the last is the back button.  Since you already set up your partitions,
select 'Disk Druid'.  If you originally only had one partition with
windows, then the top of the screen should look something like this:

Mount Point        Device       Requested       Actual              Type
                   hda1         ??MB            ??MB           Win95
                   hda2         ??MB            ??MB           Linux Swap
                   hda3         ??MB            ??MB           Linux Native

Mount point should be blank.
'Device' is the name of the partition
'Requested' is the amount of hard drive space you wanted for the partition
'Actual' is the amount of hard drive space that is really in the partition
'Type' is what's in the partition

**The 'requested' and 'actual' sections for the 'Linux Swap" type should
be the amount of RAM you have.**

**It looks confusing, but in reality if it is simple.  Don't worry if your
screen doesn't look exactly like my diagram, it probably won't.**

What you should do now is select the 'Linux Native' section (by pressing
tab to get to that part of the screen, then using the arrow keys) and then
press tab again until the 'edit' button is highlighted.  Pressing spacebar
will bring up another dialog box.  In the space provided, put a slash (/)
then press OK.  Now you're back at the main screen. Press tab to get to
OK, and then press spacebar.

**what you're actually doing here is telling the computer to put the root
directory, signified by the slash, in the Linux Native partition.  The
root directory '/', is similar to 'C:\' in DOS/Windows.**

Next you come to a screen asking which partitions to format.  Select the
one that 'Linux Native' is in.  You should select the '/dev/xxxx/'
partition where 'xxxx' is the name of the device that the Linux Native
partition is under.  This is where you put the '/' on the last screen. If
the Linux Native partition device was hda3 then choose '/dev/hda3', if it
was hda6, then choose '/dev/hda6', you get the point.


3.3 - Selecting What to Install

Suppose you had three hard drives on Windows - c:\, d:\ and e:\, and you
want to install Linux on d:\. Windows assigns the letter c to the first
hard drive it finds that has a DOS/Windows file partition, d to the second
DOS/Windows-compatible hard drive etc', so this might help you out
determining which device to choose. Also, if you turn d:\ into the Linux
hard drive, it will disappear from DOS/Windows, and e:\ will turn into

You're not finished yet, but take a sigh of relief, the hardest part is
over.  Next comes the screen asking which packages to install.  Some of
the most important ones are selected already.  If you have a lot of hard
drive space, select all the other packages.  Otherwise, just select the
others that you think are important.  Definitely select 'KDE' and 'GNOME'.
Those are window manager programs for the X-Windows system (a GUI - Graphical
User Interface), and we'll deal with them later.  Anyway, newer versions always
come with new software and/or updates for old software.

Press OK and the Linux installation begins!

3.4 - Misc. Configurations

After everything has been installed, you are prompted for more things.  
The first should be what resolution your monitor is.  Most people would
like to use the same resolution they use on Windows, so if you don't know
which resolution you were using until now, switch back to Windows,
right-click on your desktop area, click properties and find the settings
tab. You should see your current resolution there. This would probably be
the same resolution you would want to use on Windows. If you want a higher
resolution, consult your monitor's manual to find out how high you can go.

Next is the mouse configuration.  If your mouse is not on the list, select
'Generic PS/2 Mouse'.

There are more such as clock set and time zone but those are
self-explanatory.  After this, comes the services screen.  These are the
things that will startup when you run Linux.  Then it will prompt you for
if you want the X-Windows interface to run when you start Linux.  If you are a
Linux newbie (and you probably are, unless you weren't reading this guide), I
suggest you do this.  X windows is the GUI system, as explained before.

The last configuration is the printer.  This is self-explanatory.

3.5 - Configuring Users

Ok...you're almost done; the configurations are pretty much finished.  Now
you will be prompted to create a password for the root operator. Even though
it is still very popular on single home users, Linux is a multi-user operating
system.  Even if you'll be the only person using your computer, having a
multi-user system is quite benefical. For example: you can use a
less-privileged user to prevent yourself from doing stupid things and messing
things up.  You can run sensitive software which can be broken to (say, some
sort of a server. For example: a Sendmail server for outgoing mail if you're
planning to let people sent mail from your machine, or a web server if you
want to serve a website off your computer) as a less-privileged user, so if
someone will manage to exploit some hole in this software, he will have very
limited privileges (up to what the program needs to run properly) and he won't
be able to do much, or nothing at all in most cases (he won't have read
access to password files, he won't have write access to the website's files
so he won't be able to alter them etc').  On any UNIX-based system (and there
are many) the main user is called 'root'.  The root has supreme power over the
system and supreme power over all the other users.  In fact, he has unlimited
power (unless he or another root-privileged user chooses to impose access
limits, but root-privileged users can always restore their rights to the

My root password is a particularly simple one.  Mainly because I am the
only one who uses Linux on my computer (and besides that I trust my own
family!) and that my Linux system is not connected to the Internet (so
hackers [or crackers I should say] would have no way to get into my
system).  Make your password anything not to complicated that you'll
forget it, but something that is very hard to guess.

After you're done making a password for the root user, you're prompted to
create an unprivileged, or ordinary user account.  You make the user name,
credentials, and password.  It may seem pointless at first to create
another user- especially an unprivileged one if you are the only one who
is going to be using Linux.  However there is a big advantage to it.  As a
root user, you can do anything to the system, including seriously messing
it up.  Nothing will stop you because you are root.  An ordinary user
account is like security so if you mess up, the system will stop you.

3.6 - Booting Configurations

Next you are asked if you want to create a boot disk.  I strongly recommend
this because it will put the Linux boot stuff on the disk, not your computer. 
If you put the Linux boot stuff on a computer with windows, it may conflict
with the windows boot stuff in case you ever reinstall Windows (go to
blacksun.box.sk/byteme.html and read #18 for a good example).

The Linux 'boot stuff' I'm talking about is a program called 'LILO'.  
That's short for 'Linux Loader'.  Anyway LILO installs itself to the boot
sector of the computer.  The problem is that Windows also installs stuff
to the boot sector.  LILO can install over Windows and let you choose to
either boot up Linux or Windows whenever you start up your computer.  If you
choose Windows, it'll use Windows' "boot stuff".

Anyway, in my opinion, when the install program asks you to create a boot
disk, click Ok, then follow the directions to create a boot disk.  Oh yeah,
by the way, when you make a boot disk, it puts LILO on that disk.  When it
asks you to install LILO, just press Skip (unless you want to install
LILO, which most users will).

Congratulations! You're done installing Linux!  When the installation
program ends, take the installation boot disk out of the drive.  If you
booted the installation from CD, don't forget to take that out too.

4.0 - Running Linux

I bet you're glad to finish that installation!  Now you're finally ready
to run the system. If you decided to create a boot disk, insert that into
the disk drive.  If you decided to install LILO, just sit tight for now.  
Regardless of what you did, reset your computer.  If you used LILO, you
will get a prompt to load Linux or Windows.  If you used a boot disk, the
system will startup automatically.

After the system starts up, the will get prompted for a user name and
password.  This will look different depending on how you configured it in
the installation.  If you chose to start the X Windows GUI automatically,
the username and password screen will look like it does in Windows (well,
sort of. X-Windows is much cooler, unless you're using some lame version of
it or some lame window manager).  If you chose not to load the X Windows
interface at startup (like most advanced users will), you'll be presented
with a text-based interface.  The text-based interface (the command console)
is much faster than the graphical system, but this also means you cannot view
any graphics until you start X-Windows (this is a good time to mention that
most people just call it X).  Anyway, you can always run a command console
from an X window (usually called an "XTerm", which stands for X Terminal). 
Anyway, the login screen will look pretty much the same regardless of
whether you are using RedHat or Mandrake.

If you're wondering what to type in the username box, that's easy.  Your
username is 'root' (remember?).  The password is the one that you selected
at installation.

5.0 - Using Linux

5.1 - Intro To The Console

Even though you'll probably be able to do everything with ease using the X
Windows GUI, there is still some stuff you should know.  First off, don't
rely on a GUI for everything!  That is very important because you will
learn a lot by using the console.  The console is more powerful and can do a
lot of things you would REALLY like if you'll just grab a good basic Unix book
and start learning.  After you do, you'll find yourself often opening an XTerm
window to run some console commands which you cannot run from X.  If you
selected to start the GUI interface when Linux loads up, there are still lots
of ways to get to the console.

The console prompt should look somewhat like this (if you're logged in as root):

The first part identifies who you are, and the '#' is the actual prompt.  
Any almost and UNIX type system, the '#' means you are root.  On non-root bash
consoles (BASH - Bourne Again Shell.  BASH is the most popular text-based
shell.  Confused?  Don't worry, we'll get to that in a second) this will be
replaced with a $.  Anyway, you can change the prompt, but we won't get into
that now.

5.11 - Shells

You use a shell everytime you're in the Linux console.  What a shell is,
is the program that communicates between you and the Kernel (the kernel is
the core of the system).  Let's think of it as an interpreter for for two
people who are trying to have a meeting, except they don't speak the same
language.  One speaks English and the speaks, oh let's say Hebrew (about half
the members of Black Sun Research Facility (blacksun.box.sk if you don't
know the URL yet. Also, if you havn't noticed, I'm a member of BSRF) are from
Israel).  To communicate with each other they need a guy who speaks both
English and Hebrew.  If the English guy wants to tell the Hebrew guy
something, he tells it to the interpreter in English, and then the
interpreter tells it to the other guy in Hebrew, and vice versa.  Well
anyway, getting back to the subject, this is the case with Linux.  Your
language is the Linux commands, and the Kernel speaks it's own very complex
language.  When you want to talk to the Kernel, you tell shell in your
language, and the shell tells it to the Kernel in it's language.  On any Linux
system, there a few shells.  Some of them are:


The most popular and powerful shell is 'bash' (borne again shell).  We
won't go that much into shells, because you don't need to know that much
about them just yet.

5.2 - Navigating The File System

The most important thing to know when using the console is how to navigate
the file system without a graphical program.

The first thing to understand about this is that the bottom directory, the
directory that everything else is a subdirectory of is '/'.  It's like
'C:\' in Windows.

Ok, you start at the console and as a default you're either in your home
directory (every user has a home directory which contains his personal
configurations files).  Now you want to navigate to another directory.  But
wait, you don't know any other directories!  You'll a directory listing for
this, right?  To do this type 'ls' at the prompt. 'ls' is the equivlant to
'dir' in MS-DOS, and stands for list.   You'll get a list of files and
folders.  To make the list a bit more readable, try ls -Fla.  The -a shows
files which start with a period (for example: .Xclients-default).  The -l
displays file permissions and displays everything in neat columns.  The -F
option adds a / after a directory and a * after an executable file.  I also
suggest using ls -Fla --color to let the system color-code different files
(may not be available on some systems).

Anyway, now that you what directories there are, you need to know how to
get into them.  Luckily, you use the same command as you you use in
MS-DOS, the 'cd' (change directory) command.  Let's say you're at the
bottom directory, '/' and you want to get to '/root'.  You simply type
'cd root'.  There is no need to type 'cd /root', because you're already in
'/'.  Now let's say you want to get to '/root/bin'.  This would be done by
typing 'cd bin'.  There is no need to type 'cd /root/bin' (the "full path" of
the directory), since you're already in '/root'.  Instead, you can use a
"relative path", which is a path that is relative to the current directory
you're in.  Type pwd to find out where you are (pwd stands for print working

Now let's say you're in '/root/bin' and you want to get to '/usr'.  You would
type 'cd /usr'.  This is to signify that the 'usr' directory is under '/', not
'/root/bin', or even '/root'.  Got it? Ok, just one more thing.  If you're in
a subdirectory, and you want to get to the top directory, just type 'cd ..'. 
Let's say you're in '/root/bin', and you want to get to '/root'.  You could
just type 'cd /root', but hey, '/root' is five characters!  If you want to
save precious miliseconds, just type 'cd ..', since '/root' is the directory
in which '/root/bin' is a subdirectory of.  So in other words, . is the
current directory, .. is one directory above, ... is two directories above

5.3 - Basic File and Directory Commands

There are lots of file and directory commands in Linux, but we'll start
with directory commands because they're easier.  First off, you have
'mkdir'.  'mkdir' stands for make directory and the context is:

mkdir the_directory_you_want_to_make

Some rulse apply.  If you're '/', it will make the new directory under
'/'.  If you're in '/usr', it will make the directory under '/usr'.  Of
course though, if you're in '/' and you want to make a directory called
'stuff' under '/usr', you would simply type '/usr/stuff'.

The next command is the 'rm' command.  It works with files and direcotires
and is used to delete some, it stands for 'remove'.  If you want to remove
a file called 'this.gif', you would go to the directory where that file is
and type 'rm this.gif'.  Or let's say again you're in '/' and 'this.gif'
is in '/usr', you would type 'rm /usr/this.gif'.  It works the same way
with a directory.

Next are the 'cp' and 'mv' commands.  They're both relativley simple, but
we'll start with 'cp'.  'cp' stands for copy, and is used to copy a file
from directory to another.  The context is:

cp /directory_where_it_is/filename /directory_where_you_want_to_copy_it

Of course if you're already in the directory where the file is, all you
need to type is:

cp filename /directory_where_you_want_to_copy_it

'mv' works the exact same way, except it moves the file instead of copying
it.  This means it deletes in from the original directory and puts it in
the new one.

5.4 - Finding and Viewing Commands

To find a file, oyu use the 'find' command.  It then followed by the
directory where you want to start looking, then the '-name' arguement to
say that you're searching for a filename.  Next you type the name of the
file.  Let's say you're looking for the 'this.gif' in the '/usr'
directory, the context would look like this:

find /usr -name this.gif

The find command doesn't stop at filenames, it can also search a file for
a paticular string of text.  It has the same context as the find file
command except you put quotes and asteriks around the string of text.  So
if you wanted to search the '/usr' directory for a file containing the
string 'hello', you would type

find /usr -name "*hello*"

Ok, once you find a file, you want to view it right?  Well, you could open
the file with a text editor, but we haven't learned to use tetx editors
yet, and anyway if the file you want to view is important you might
accidently change it and save it using a text editor.  That's what the
'cat' command is for.  Let's say you want to view a file called
'stuff.txt' in '/root'.  You would navigate to the '/root' directory and
type 'cat stuff.txt'.  Or from any directory, type 'cat /root/stuff.txt'

-= For more commands, buy a good basic Unix book =-

5.5 - linuxconf

There are lots of commands in Linux for configuring everything to user
passwords, networks, and the message that comes up when you start Linux.  With
so many things to configure, luckily there is one program that does it all. 
Just type 'linuxconf' at the command prompt, and you'll be brought to the
Linux Configuration program.

5.6 - Mounting

5.61 - Mounting Drives

In Linux, drives not only have to be physically mounted to the computer, but
mounted in software too.  In the KDE and GNOME GUIs, you can easily mount a
CD-ROM or disk drive by clicking on the 'CD-ROM' or 'Disk Drive' icons on the

5.62 - How to mount

Remember earlier in this tutorial when we went over how a hard drive partition
is almost like a separate hard drive?  Well, just like a separate drive,
partitions also have to be mounted.  The main use in this is being able to
mount Windows partition and access Windows files in Linux.  Obviously, Windows
software will not run under Linux but there is still a use for accessing
Windows files in Linux.

Let's say you can't use the internet in Linux.  You ISP only allows to
dialup with software and they don't make it for Linux, you're not used to
Linux yet so you don't want to use the net in it yet.  This is a down
point, but it doesn't mean you can't download Linux files to use.  All you
have to do is download the files in Windows and access them in Linux.

To mount a windows partition in Linux, yhe first thing you must do is
create a directory in Linux where you will mount the windows partition to
reside.  Go into file manager (it should be under utilities no matter what
distribution you're using) and create a new directory under '/'.  Call
anything, I suggest calling it 'windows'.  Now exit file manager and go
into 'terminal' (should also be under utilities). Terminal will give you a
command prompt just like MS-DOS.  This is what you would have to do
everything from if there were no X Windows GUI.  The command to use is
simply enough- 'mount'.  But don't type it just yet, you need to give the
system more info.  The full command is

mount -t vfat /dev/xxxx /yyyyyyy (yes there is a space between 'xxxx' and '/')

Or mount -t vfat32 /dev/xxxx /yyyyyyy in case this is a FAT32 partition.

Where 'yyyyyyy' is the directory you just created, and 'xxxx' is the device
name of the partition where Windows resides.  It is usually hda1 or something.

There, now just go into file manager and click on the directory you created
and you will have all the files that are on your windows partition.

When you're done, don't forget to unmount the drive by typing:

umount /dev/xxxx /yyyyyyy 

Each time you want to access your windows files, just mount the partition
(unless they're set for automount. Edit /etc/fstab, find the line that
represents your Windows partition and look for a place with says noauto.  If
you find the word noauto, change it into defaults.  If you don't, your
Windows partition will probably get automounted whenever you boot-up Linux).  
When you're done with them, just unmount the partition.

5.7 - Runlevels

While Windows is booting, have you ever pressed the F8 key?  Well, if you
have, you're probably familiar with a screen that pops up giving you a
list of ways you can load Windows.  There's safe mode, command prompt,
step-by-step confirmation, etc.  Linux has something just like that, and
they're called 'runlevels'.  There are six runlevels in all, and some are
pretty much the same.  A runlevel is a list of commands to load-up as soon
as you start up Linux (there's a mini-tutorial about runlevels at
blacksun.box.sk/byteme.html).  Your default runlevel is probably 5.  If you
configured the GUI to start up when you boot the system, and if your default
runlevel is 5, then that is the runlevel configured to boot the GUI when it
starts up...simple, right?

Well anyway, if you use linuxconf to change your default runlevel to 2 or
3 or something, then you change it so that the GUI won't start as soon as
the system boots....all without touching the actual runlevel.  When you
want to change it back, just use linuxconf to set the default runlevel
back to 5.

Now let's say you only want to load it without the GUI coming up once.  
Instead of having to change the configuration in linuxconf, and then
changing it back, you can load Linux into another runlevel.  Suppose You
want to load runlevel 2...not for any paticular reason, just because it's
not configured to load the GUI when it boots up, and well, you like the
number 2.  To do this, as soon LILO comes up (whether it's on your
computer, or your boot disk), you have the option to type something next
to 'boot:'.  Just type 'linux x'.  'x' refers to the number of the
runlevel, in this case the number 2, so you type 'linux 2', and press
enter.  This will load Linux without loading the GUI.  When you restart
Linux, it will load the default runlevel again.

For an interesting runlevels-related local hack, read the Byte-Me mini-tutorial
about runlevels at blacksun.box.sk/byteme.html.

You are now officially a Linux user.  Check out www.linuxlinks.com for
links to some great Linux sites.  The best way to learn about Linux is by
messing around with it.  In an hour of playing with Linux you can learn a
lot.  If you want more interesting yet simple and easy-to-understand tutorials,
check out http://blacksun.box.sk.

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