-->[OO]:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: -->]OO[::[ Linux System Security ]::[OO--[ by zomba ]------------------------ -->]OO[::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::[ z0mba@hotmail.com ]::::::::::::::: -->[OO]::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::[ members.xoom.com/phuk ]::::::::::: ***************************************************************************** ************************** D4RKCYDE present (1999) ************************** ***************************************************************************** --oOo--> Covered in this Article: ]------------------- --oOo--> --------------------------------------------- --oOo--> Introduction ]--- --oOo--> Thinking up a Security Audit ]--- --oOo--> Part 1: The Plan ]--- --oOo--> Part 2: The Tools ]--- --oOo--> Part 3: Knowledge Gathering ]--- --oOo--> suid and sgid ]--- --oOo--> How to find suid and sgid files ]--- --oOo--> Setting suid and sgid ]--- --oOo--> File and Directory Permissions ]--- --oOo--> : Files ]--- --oOo--> : Directories ]--- --oOo--> How suid and sgid fit into this picture ]--- --oOo--> The default mode for a file or directory ]--- --oOo--> Passwords: A second look ]--- --oOo--> Related WWW sites ]--- Introduction --oOo------- In this phile you will learn how to protect your box from those nasty hacker- type people, which more often than not will be your online buddies :] When your thinking about your system security you have to remember that your system is as secure as its weakest point. Now, this is an old saying but it has a lot of truth in it, its like locking all your windows to stop intruders but leaving the back-door unlocked. Read on... Thinking up a Security Audit --oOo----------------------- There are three basic parts to a security audit: o--> The Plan - (ie: a set of security apects to be evaluated) o--> The Tools - (ie: what tools are available to you to assist in evaluating the security aspects) o--> Knowledge Gathering - (ie: finding out the ways in which your system can be attacked, this includes physical security issues, learning about he system itself and much much more) Part 1: The Plan --oOo----------- Now the plan doesn't really have to be anything more than a quick scribble on a bit of paper that details what you are going to do. It should though, revolve around two basic questions: o--> What types of security problems could I have? o--> Which ones can I attempt to fix? In order to answer these questions, you may have to find out a bit more about several areas of your system, these include: o--> Accountability o--> Change control and tracking o--> Data integrity, including backups o--> Physical security o--> Privacy of Data o--> System access o--> System availability Okay werd, so now you have a more detailed description of what you want to achieve you can write up a more complex plan. As always, there will be trade- offs. For example, privacy of data could mean that only certain people can log into your box, which affects system access for the users. System availibility is always in contention with the change control. For example, when do you change that failing hard-drive on a 24/7 system? What i'm trying to get at here is that the detailed plan that is developed should include a set of goals; a way of tracking the progression of the goals, including changes to the system; and a knowledge base of what types of tools are needed to do the job. Part 2: The Tools --oOo------------ Okay, so now you should have a fair idea of what you want to do, now you have to think about *how* you are going to do it. A number of tewls are available on the internet, including tools to check passwords, check system security, and protect your system. CERT, CIAC, and the Linux Emergancy Response Team are often good sources of information for both the beginner and advanced sysadmin. The following is a list of tools, all freely available if you look for them, make sure you look around for some other tools as well though! --> cops [ A set of programs; each checks a different aspect ] [ of security on a *nix system. If any potential ] [ security holes do exist, the results are either ] [ mailed or saved to a report file. ] --> crack [ A program designed to find standard *nix eight- ] [ character DES-encrypted passwords by standard ] [ guessing techniques. ] --> deslogin [ A remote login program that can be used safely ] [ across insecure networks. ] --> findsuid.tar.Z [ Finds changes in setuid (set user ID) and setgid ] [ (set group ID) files. ] --> finger daemon [ Secure finger daemon for *nix. Should compile out-] [ of-the-box nearly anywhere. ] --> freestone [ A portable, fully functional firewall ] [ implementation. ] --> gabriel [ A satan detector. gabriel gives the sysadmin an ] [ early warning of possible network intrusions by ] [ detecting and identifying satan's network probe. ] --> ipfilter [ A free packet filter that can be incorperated into] [ any of the supported operating systems, providing ] [ IP packet-level filtering per interface. ] --> ipfirewall [ An IP packet filtering tool, similar to the packet] [ filtering facilities provided by most commercial ] [ routers. ] --> kerberos [ A network authentication system for use on ] [ physically insecure networks. It allows entities ] [ communicating over a network to prove their ] [ identities to each other while preventing eves- ] [ dropping or replay attacks. ] --> merlin [ Takes a popular secur1ty tewl (such as tiger, ] [ tripwire, cops, crack, or spi) and provides it ] [ easy-to-use, consistent graphical interface, ] [ simplifying and enhancing its capabilities. ] --> npasswd [ passwd replacement with password sanity check. ] --> obvious-pw.tar.Z [ An obvious password detector. ] --> opie [ Provides a one-time password system for POSIX- ] [ compliant UNIX-like operating systems. ] --> pcheck.tar.Z [ Checks formats of /etc/passwd; verifies root ] [ default shell and passwd fields. ] --> Plugslot Ltd. [ PCP/PSP UNIX network security and configuration ] [ monitor. ] --> rsaeuro [ A cryptographic tewl-kit providing various ] [ functions for the use of digital signatures, data ] [ encryption, and supporting areas (PEM encoding, ] [ random number generation, and so on). ] --> rscan [ Allows sysadmins to execute complex (or simple) ] [ scanner scripts on one (or many) machines and ] [ create clean, formatted reports in either ASCII or] [ HTML. ] --> satan [ The secur1ty analysis tewl for auditing networks. ] [ In its simplest (and default) mode, it gathers as ] [ much information about remote hosts and networks ] [ as possible by examining such network services ] [ such as finger, NFS, NIS, ftp and tftp, rexd, and ] [ many others. ] --> ssh [ Secure shell - a remote login program. ] --> tcp wrappers [ Monitor and control remote access to your local ] [ tftp, exec, ftp, rsh, telnet, rlogin, finger and ] [ systat daemon. ] --> tiger [ Scans a system for potential secur1ty problems. ] --> tis firewall toolkit [ Includes enhancements and bug fixes from V1.2, and] [ new proxies for HTTP/Gopher and X11. ] --> tripwire [ Monitors system for secur1ty break-in attempts. ] --> xp-beta [ An application gateway of X11 protocol. It is ] [ designed to be used at a site that has a firewall ] [ and uses SOCKS and/or CERN WWW Proxy. ] --> xroute [ Routes X packets from one machine to another. ] All of the above tools will be available from my website: members.xoom.com/phuk when it is finally finished and online. Part 3: Knowledge Gathering --oOo---------------------- There is not really that much to say about knowledge gathering other than to make sure you find out whether or not the system users and the keepers of the sacred root password (hopefully just yourself) all follow the security procedures that you have put into place - and that they gather all the knowledge necessary to do so. One of the major points of this is that you don'r use that same passwords for everything, for example, I know someone whose password is a variation of his name, he uses this password for *everything*, ISP accounts, web email services, he even used to spell it out numerically for his VMB pass. If you do this now, then DON'T, it may be safe to use as the root password because it is hard for someone to find it out but if they find out your pwd for something less secure that just happens to be the same pass for root, then you are fux0red. File secur1ty is another big issue. The use of umask (file creation masks) should be mandated. It should also be set to the maximum amount possible. It is easy to change a particular file to give someone else access to it. It is difficult, if not impossible, to know who is looking at your files. The sensitivity of your data, of course, would certainly determine the exact level of security placed on the file. In extremely sensitive cases, such as all your h/p related files, it should also be encrypted (make sure you use a lengthy pass-word as well, mine is a 34 character sentance containing random upper/lower case letters and numbers, which I have memorised). It might also be a good idea to occasionally search for programs that have suid or sgid capability. suid and sgid --oOo-------- Many people talk about suid (set user ID) and sgid (set group ID) without really knowing that much about them. The basic concept behind them is that a program (not a script) is set so that it is run as the owner or group set for the program, not the person running the program. For example, say you have a program with suid set, and its owner is root. Anyone running that program runs the program with the persmissions of the owner instead of his or her own permissions. The passwd command is a good example of this. The file /etc/passwd is writable by root, and readable by everyone. The passwd program has suid turned on. Therefore, anyone can run the program and change their password. Because the program is running as the user root, not the actual user, the etc/passwd file can be written to. The same concept is true of sgid. Instead of the program running with the permissions and authority of the group associated with the person calling the program, the program is run with the permissions and authority of the group that is associated with the program. How to find suid and sgid files --oOo-------------------------- Using the find command, you can search the entire system looking for programs with their suid or sgid turned on: find / -perm -200 -o -perm -400 -print A good idea is to run the above command when you first load a system, saving its output to a file readable only by root. Future searches can be performed and compared to this "clean" list of suid and sgid files. This way you can insure that only the files that should have these permissions actaully do. Setting suid and sgid --oOo---------------- The set user ID and set group ID can be powerful tools for giving the users the ability to perform tasks without the other problems that could arise with the user having the actual permissions of that group or user. However, these can be dangerous tools too. When considering changing the permissions on a file to be either suid or sgid, keep in mind these two things: o--> Use the lowest permissions needed to accomplish a task. o--> Watch for back doors. Using the lowest permissions means not giving a file an suid of root if at all possible. Often, a less priveleged person can be configured to do the task. The same goes for sgid. Many times, setting the group to the appropriate non-sys group will accomplish the same task while limiting other potential problems. Back doors/Trojans come in many forms. A program that allows a shell is a back door. A program that has multiple entrances and exits are back doors. Keep in mind that if a user can run an suid program set to root and the program contains a back door (the user can get out of the program to a prompt without actually exiting the program), then the system keeps an effective user ID as what the program is set to (ie: root), and the user now has root permissions. With that said, how do you set a file to have the effective user be the owner of the file, or the effective group be the group of the file, instead of running as the user ID or the users group ID of the person invoking the file? The permissions are added with the chmod command, as follows: chmod u+s file(s) chmod g+s file(s) The first example sets suid for the file(s) listed. The second example sets the sgid of the file(s) listed. Remember, suid sets the effective ID of the process to the owner associated with the file, and sgid sets the effective groups ID of the process to the group associated with the file. These cannot be set on non-executables. File and Directory Permissions --oOo------------------------- File and directory permissions are the basics for providing security on a system. These, along with the authentication system, provide the basis for all security. Unfortunately, many people do not know what permissions on directories mean, or they assume they mean the same thing they do on files. The following section describes the permissions on files; after that, the permissions on directories are described. Files --o-- The permissions for files are split into three different sections: the owner of the files, the group associated with the file, and everyone else (the w0rld). Each section has its own set of file permissions. These permissions provide the ability to read, write, and execute (or, of course, to deny the same). These permissions are called a files 'filemode'. Filemodes are set with the chmod command. There are two ways to specify the permissions of the object. You can use the numeric coding system or the letter coding system. Using the letter coding system, the three sections are referred to as 'u' for user, 'g' for group, and 'o' for other, or 'a' for all three. There are three basic types of permissions: 'r' for read, 'w' for write or 'x' for execute. Combinations of r, w and x with the three groups provide the permissions for files. In the following example, the owner of the file (me) has read, write, and execute permissions, while everyone else has read access only. shell:/home/zomba$ ls -l 0d4yz -rwxr--r-- 1 zomba users 10 May 21 48:32 0d4yz The command ls -l tells the computer to give you a long (-l) listing (ls) of the file (0d4yz). The resulting line is shown in the second code line, and it tells you a number of things about the file. First, it tells you the permissions. Next it tells you how many links the file has. It then tells you who owns the file (zomba) and what group is associated with the file (users). Following the ownership section, the date and timestamp for the last time the file was modefied is given. Finally, the name of the file is listed (0d4yz). The permissions are actually made up of four sections. The first section is a single character that identifies the type of object that is listed out, these can be: - Plain File b Block special file c Character special file d Directory l Symbolic link p Named pipe s Socket Following the file type identifier are the three sets of permissions: rwx (owner), r-- (group), r-- (other). Directories ----oo----- The permissions on a directory are the same as those used by files: read, write and execute. The actual permissions, though, mean different things. For a directory, read access provides the ability to list the names of the files in that directory. It does not allow the othet attributes to be seen (owner, group, size, and so on). Write access provides the ability to alter the directory contents. This means that the user could create and delete files in the directory. Finally, execute access lets the user make the directory the current directory. As I stated earlier, the permissions can also be manipulated with a numeric coding system. The basic concept is the same as the letter coding system. As a matter of fact, the permissions look exactly alike. The difference is that way the permissions are identified. The numeric system uses binary counting to determine the value for each permission and sets them. Also, the find command can accept the permissions as an argument using the -perm option. In this case, the permissions must be given in their numeric form. With binary, you count from the right to the left. Therefore, if you look at a file, you can easily come up with its numeric coding system value. The following file has full permissions for the owner and read permissions for the group and the world: shell:/home/zomba$ ls -la 0clue -rwxr--r-- 1 zomba users 10 May 22 00:12 0clue This would be coded as 744, the table below shows how this was formed. Permission Value Read 4 Write 2 Execute 1 Permissions use an additive (if thats a word) process. Therefore, a person with read, write, and execute permissions to a file would have 7 (4+2+1). Read and execute would have a value of 5. Remember, there are three sets of values, so each section would have its own value. The following table shows both the numeric system and the character system for the permissions: Permission Numeric Character Read-only 4 r-- Write-only 2 -w- Execute-only 1 --x Read and write 6 rw- Read and execute 5 r-x Read, write and execute 7 rwx Permissions can be changed using the chmod command. With the numeric system, the chmod command must be given the value of all three fields. Therefore, to change a file to read, write, and execute by everyone, the following command would be issued: $ chmod 777 <filename> To perform the same task with the character system, the following command would be issued: $ chmod a+rwx <filename> Of course, more than one type of permission can be specified at any one time. The following command adds write access for the owner of the file, and adds read and execute access to the group and everyone else: $ chmod u+w,og+rx <filename> The advantage that the character system provides is that you do not have to know what the previous permissions are. You can selectively add or remove permissions without worrying about the rest. With the numeric system, each section of users must always be specified. The downside of the character system is when complex changes are being made. Looking at the preceding example (chmod u+w,og+rx <filename>), it might have been easier to use the numeric system and replace all those letters with three numbers: 755. How suid and sgid fit into this picture --oOo---------------------------------- The special purpose access modes suid and sgid add an extra character to the picture. Before looking at what a file looks like with the different special access modes, take a look at the table below for the identifying characters for each of the modes. Code Name Meaning s suid Sets process user ID on execution s sgid Sets process group ID on execution suid and sgid are used on executables. Therefore, the code is placed where the code for the executable would normally go. The following file has suid set: $ ls -la w0rd -rwsr--r-- 1 zomba users 10 May 22 00:22 w0rd The difference between the suid being set and the sgid being set is the placement of the code. The same file with sgid active would look like this: $ ls -la w0rd -rwxr-sr-- 1 zomba users 10 May 22 00:22 w0rd To set the suid with the character system, the following command would be executed: $ chmod u+s <filename> To set the sgid with the character system, the following command would be executed: $ chmod g+s <filename> To set the suid and the sgid using the numeric system, you will have to use these two commands: $ chmod 2### <filename> $ chmod 4### <filename> In both instances, the ### is replaced with the rest of the values for the permiss-ions. The additive process is used to combine permissions; therefore, the following command would add suid and sgid to a file: $ chmod 6### <filename> The default mode for a file or directory --oOo----------------------------------- The default mode for a file or directory is set with the umask. The umask uses the numeric system to define its value. To set the umask, you must first determine the value that you want the files to have. For example, a common file permission set is 644. The owner has read and write permissions and the rest of the world has read permission. After the value is determined, then it is subtracted from 777. Keeping the same example of 644, the value would then become 133. This value is the umask value. Typically, this value is placed in a system file that is read when a user first logs on. After the value is set, all files created will set their permissions automatically using this value. Passwords: a second look --oOo------------------- The system stores the user's encrypted password in the /etc/passwd file. If the system is using a shadow password system, the value placed in this field will be an x. A value of * blocks login access to the account, as * is not a valid character for and encrypted field. This field should never be edited (after it is set up) by hand, but a program such as passwd should be used so that proper encrytpion takes place. If thgis field is changed by hand, the old password is no longer valid and, more than likely, will have to be changed by root. NOTE: if the system is using a shadow password system thena seperate file exists called /etc/shadow that contains passwords (encrypted). A password is a secret set of characters set up by the user that is known only by the user. The system asks for the password, compares what is input to the known password, and, if they match, conforms that the user is who they say they are and lets them access the system. I can't stress enough - do not write down your password! it might be hard for a remote hax0r to see it but anyone at your comp will immediatley gain your permissions. Related WWW sites --oOo------------ www.l0pht.com www.rhino9.com www.cert.org www.geek-girl.com/bugtraq members.xoom.com/phuk <-- soon all tewls mentioned in this file will be here! www.rootshell.com www.epidemik.org <-- not up yet but be sure to look out for it! Basically, go to any site that offers exploits/security advisories and read them, if any are relevant to your system, make sure you install any patches available. Greets and shouts --oOo------------ Werd to the darkcyde collective, extra shouts to hybrid, bodie and force. Also greetz to [JaSuN], darkflame, xio, PUBLiC NUiSANCE, shadow, gossi, elf, downtime, kryptus, and a BIG shout to Oliver Tate....i mean erm...CFiSH..where the hell did I put his number?...ahh here it is: (+44) 0181 9798895..oops, d1d I s4y th4t 0uT l0UD?...heh (c) b4b0 1999. -----------oOo------------ EOF ------------oOo-----------