TUCoPS :: Macintosh :: c07-2545.htm

Apple QuickTime Player Remote Heap Overflow
Apple QuickTime Player Remote Heap Overflow
Apple QuickTime Player Remote Heap Overflow

	Apple QuickTime Player Remote Heap Overflow
by Piotr Bania  
	All rights reserved.

	Severity: 	Critical - potencial remote code execution.

	Software affected:	Tested on QucikTime 7.1 (Windows
				version), with  all newest add-ons.

	Timeline:		03/09/2006 Vulerability sent to the
				03/09/2006 Initial vendor response.
				06/03/2007 Security bulletin released.

	Full advisory at:

best regards,
Piotr Bania -  - 0xCD, 0x19 
Fingerprint: 413E 51C7 912E 3D4E A62A  BFA4 1FF6 689F BE43 AC33
http://www.piotrbania.com - Key ID: 0xBE43AC33 

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