Vulnerability Annex (xylogic/Bay) Affected Systems using above Description Albert Nubdy from Redes2 Security Team posted following. They have found serveral DoS attacks agaisnt Annex terminal servers from xylogics(bay). The first attack is about the ping program on the webserver. They designed the /ping program to take only 64 chars in the hostname part. They avoided from ppl to insert more than 64 by limiting it in the page on the webserver (/ping.html). But if you do a: http://annex.server.here/ping?query=a lot of aaaaaa's here (more than 64) then annex server goes BOOM!. The second attack is with the land attack. Maybe when they tried the land attack on the annex servers they thought it didn't work. But it does... The problem is that when you do 1 land attack the CPU only rises a 50 percent. Now if you do 2 land attacks consecutively then the annex server freezes because the CPU rises to 100%. You don't need to make any programs for this because you only have to do a shell script that executes your land program at least two or three times. Matt Carter added following. A simple 'strobe' will bring a bay terminal server crashing to it's knees. Hell, lets go something even simpler. 1 x 32k ping packet ever second at a annex will crush it. So, maybe you have something a bit beefier (i'm looking at micro annex els) fire 2 x 32k packets. Solution Bay announced that an "X Release" patch is available to address both the PING attack (CR.81216) and the LAND DoS attack (CR.80603) for all currently shipping Remote Annex and Versalar Remote Access Concentrator platforms. The latest X releases may be downloaded free of charge from: RA2000, RA4000, RA6100, RA6300, 5391, 5393: ftp://ftp-support.baynetworks.com/outgoing/RA/X5.4.22.tar.Z (UNIX) ftp://ftp-support.baynetworks.com/outgoing/RA/pX5_4_22.exe (NT) 5399 RAC, 8000 RAC: ftp://ftp-support.baynetworks.com/outgoing/RA/X6.0.1.tar.Z (UNIX) ftp://ftp-support.baynetworks.com/outgoing/RA/pX6_0_1.exe (NT) In addition, the next release of the Versalar Remote Access Concentrator software, versioned R6.1, will also contain the two aforementioned fixes.