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UTStarcom default hidden user/password
26th Aug 2002 [SBWID-5659]

		UTStarcom default hidden user/password


		UTStarcom B-NAS 1000 / B-RAS 1000


		Scott T. Cameron says :

		The vendor (UTStarcom) has placed 2 backdoor accounts with  full  system
		access in their BAS-1000 system [B-RAS  1000].  (Formerly  known  as  an
		Issanni 1000  [http://www.issanni.com])  One  account  is  approximately
		equal to the account the customer will have, however, the  customer  can
		not see these users logged in, remove  them,  change  access  levels  or
		change passwords.

		It is a relatively simple process to find the usernames  and  passwords.
		Using the strings(1) command on the  latest  firmware  revision,  I  was
		able to find this:

		-- begin --

		Development engineer (this option is restricted)


		Field engineer (this option is restricted)


		Management user with full system privileges


		Management user with limited write privileges


		Management user with read-only privileges


		-- end --


		This shows us that there are 2 access-levels beyond what  the  'manager'
		accounts can see, both 'field' and 'guru'.

		Going further through the strings, we find in  plaintext  the  usernames
		and passwords:

		-- begin --


		initializing module %s

		initialized module %s


		Failed to create permanent user "%s"








		-- end --


		We now know that the login name 'field'  has  a  password  of  '*field'.
		This account is approximately equal to the manager level accounts.

		We also now know the login name 'guru' has  a  password  of  '*3noguru'.
		This account has higher access to a few more system abilities  that  the
		customer would not ordinarily see.

		When we log in with the 'guru' account, we can see a couple  more  users

		-- begin --


		Management User Name              Access Level  Logins  Last Login Time


		mgr                               manager       0       08/22/02 09:48:18

		oper                              operator      0       <Never>

		admin                             admin         0       <Never>

		field                             field         0       08/21/02 16:26:28

		guru                              guru          1       08/22/02 09:48:28

		snmp                              snmp          0       <Never>

		dbase                             dbase         0       <Never>

		-- end --


		'snmp' and 'dbase' are not ordinarily login names that  appear  for  the
		standard 'mgr' account. They have the password of their username.  Which
		is to say:

		account 'snmp' has a password of 'snmp'.

		account 'dbase' has a password of 'dbase'.

		Note, you can not ordinarily see these users via the mgr user. Any  user
		with the IP of the management port will be able  to  log  in  with  full
		system privileges.


		 == Workaround ==


		Log in as the 'mgr' account and add in an ACL for your  management  port
		to deny access  appropriately  so  only  the  correct  individuals  have
		access to the unit. Unfortunately, in version  3.1.10  of  the  firmware
		(the most recent), there is a bug which allows anyone  to  pass  through

		One thing you can do is change the passwords of  the  accounts.  Log  in
		with the guru, field, snmp or dbase accounts, and issue the command:

		conf  manage  <user>  change-password   <old   password>   <new

		I highly recommend this to prevent anyone  from  logging  in  via  these
		accounts and abusing your system.

		 == Vendor Reply ==


		As far as the hidden accounts, yes,  there  are  two  accounts  used  by
		UTStarcom personel for debug purposes. The "field" account  is  used  by
		field  application  engineers  with  some  "engineering"  type  debuging
		information available. Currently, this user is identical  to  the  "mgr"
		user.  The  "guru"  account  is  used  by  development  to   get   debug
		information and debug access to the system. It has some privledges  that
		are not generally available.

		As far as security. There are a couple of levels  of  security  for  the
		management port in increasing security order.

		1) Username/Password only.

		2) added management ACL

		3) added firewall system in front of management port

		4) remove management ethernet and add dial-in modem to serial port


		Most of our customers have their management port  on  a  secure  network
		(either using a firewall or the management ACLs), so this  is  not  much
		of an issue.

		As far as changes, it  is  possible  to  encrypt  the  passwords  in  an
		upcoming release (as well as change the hidden account passwords) as  to
		foil a strings command. We do not have this in our  current  development
		plan however.

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