Vulnerability USR TotalSwitch Affected Those using USR TotalSwitch and CoreBuilder Description Adam Maloney posted following. It's about USR TotalSwitch (chassis which takes 5 cards, 10 / 100 / fddi / whatever, and a network management card). The switch is managable via snmp, telnet or a console port. Using the management features, you can disable / enable certain ports, configure IP routes and such. The management software allows you to set a password to access the switch (either by telnet or the console). Of course, there is a back-door so techs could reset or debug the unit if they didn't have the password. Unfortunately, this backdoor is not limited to the console port like it should be. It is possible to telnet to the switch, enter a "secret code" (which is readily available, for everyone's sake it won't be given out here) and do a memory dump to see the plaintext password. Solution 3COM - limit this functionality to the console port ONLY. End-user - add an access list to filter telnet to your switch's IP address from outside your network. 3COM did put out a patch for this, though it was rather quietly - it also effects all CoreBuilder switches.