********************************************************************** DDN MGT Bulletin 26 DCA DDN Program Mgt Office 30 Jan 85 Published by: Network Info Center Supersedes DDN MGT Bulletin 25 (NIC@SRI-NIC) (415) 859-3695 DEFENSE DATA NETWORK MANAGEMENT BULLETIN THE DDN MANAGEMENT BULLETIN IS DISTRIBUTED BY THE NETWORK INFORMATION CENTER UNDER DCA CONTRACT AS A MEANS OF COMMUNICATING OFFICIAL POLICY, PROCEDURES AND OTHER INFORMATION OF CONCERN TO MANAGEMENT PERSONNEL AT DDN FACILITIES. BACK ISSUES MAY BE OBTAINED BY FTP FROM THE DIRECTORY <DDN-NEWS> AT SRI-NIC [ AND] USING THE FILENAME DDN-NEWS:DDN-MGT-BULLETIN-XX.TXT (WHERE XX IS THE BULLETIN NUMBER.) ********************************************************************** MANAGEMENT OF DDN TACS 1. IN ORDER TO PROVIDE FOR CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT OF THE DEFENSE DATA NETWORK (DDN) TERMINAL ACCESS CONTROLLERS (TACS), AS WELL AS IDENTIFY/JUSTIFY THE CURRENT CONNECTIONS TO THE TACS, THE FOLLOWING POLICY INFORMATION AND PROCEDURES HAVE BEEN ESTABLISHED. A. APPLICABILITY. This management bulletin pertains to DDN Node Sites having one or more TACs and all commands/organizations supporting those Node Sites, the associated Node Site Coordinators (NSC) and all commands, agencies, and organizations desiring full period terminations on DDN TACs. B. BACKGROUND. Effective with the establishment of the DDN on 4 April 1983, all DDN TACs became an integral part of the network backbone and as such are managed and controlled by the DDN PMO. Deriving from this, several changes in TAC management have occurred. As used herein, DDN encompasses the MILNET, MINET, and ARPANET. C. OBJECTIVES. Two major objectives of this management shift are: (1) To provide centralized TAC port allocation; and (2) To provide adequate common user dial access at all TACs. To reach objective 1 and facilitate future port allocation processing a separate project is currently on-going to standardize all TAC configurations by type port (full period/dial-up) and physical/logical sequence. Additionally, and to ensure objective 2 is accomplished, the following policy and procedures are provided for action. D. TAC PORT ALLOCATION AND MANAGEMENT. Since allocation of all ports is now centrally controlled by DCA, under no circumstances should site personnel (specifically the NSC) make changes or allow changes to be made to any DDN TAC without specific DCA authorization. This policy pertains to both IMP side and terminal side physical connections (full period terminations) to the TAC. E. REQUESTS FOR TERMINATION TO A DDN TAC. All requests for a full period termination to a TAC must be processed by means of a Request for Service (RFS) and Feeder TSR in accordance with DCA Circular 310-130-1. No requests will be considered which do not comply with this procedure. DCA reserves the right to disallow a request for full period lines in those cases where the requirement can be met by common user dial access. ARPANET users should submit requirements through their sponsor. F. JUSTIFICATION OF EXISTING FULL PERIOD SERVICE. MILNET - Effective as of 1 May 1985, all existing full period TAC terminations must be justified by means of a Request for Service to your TCO, which in turn will submit a Feeder TSR to the DDN PMO. This requirement will be in accordance with DCAC 310-130-1 and will use the same format as a new start requirement listed in the circular with the following exceptions: Item number 116 must have the present communications service authorization (CSA) number associated with the requirement that is being requested to be assumed by the DDN PMO; item number 407A and 407B must have the present equipment (Cables, modems, cabinets) by name and type that is being paid under this CSA number; item number 416 must reflect the monthly bill total presently being paid and the name and location of the business sales and service center (BSSC) that the bill is being paid to. Item number 417 (remarks) of the TSR format to indicate that the RFS/Feeder TSR is for continuation of service: also include the TAC logical port number in octal of the full period termination to permit ready identification. (If a RFS/Feeder TSR has been previously submitted, provide TSR number and date. Also, include TAC logical port number in octal.) Item number 420 must be filled out if toll charges are part of the requirement. If all of the above information are not provided in the feeder TSR, the DDN PMO will not be able to pickup the charges associated with this requirement, providing this action has not been previously accomplished. Upon completion of this effort, all authorized TAC ports currently in use will have been identified and justified. All termination not identified and justified IAW this procedure will be disconnected at the TAC effective 15 May 1985. ARPANET - Submission of RFS/Feeder TSRs does not apply to the ARPANET. The DDN PMO will provide a current listing of ARPANET TACs and their associated logical port assignments in octal to DARPA for revalidation. All ports, except those validated by DARPA, will be disconnected at the TAC. G. COMMON-USER DIAL-ACCESS EXPANSION. A project is underway to expand the number of TACs and associated Common-User access dial ports on the MILNET. TAC installations are scheduled at every new IMP site, with approximately 90 new TACs to be added by mid 1986. In addition, the user registration data base at the DDN NIC is frequently analyzed to determine additional requirements for TAC installations. A minimum of 16 dial ports are being installed on every MILNET TAC, where the ports are available and the site's telephone cable plant can support the additional lines. All of the new modems will be capable of operating at either 300 or 1200 baud. The phone numbers for these ports will be added to the file accessible via the TACNEWS Server (the @n command at TACs) as soon as they are available. They will also be included in the appropriate edition of a hardcopy TAC Telephone Directory to be published by the NIC in 1985. H. PUBLICATION OF TAC DIAL-UP PHONE NUMBERS. The phone numbers for all existing MILNET and ARPANET TAC dial ports will be published by DCA for common-user access. This paragraph applies only to dial ports which are common-user full period terminations to TACs and specifically does not apply to dial ports which are connected to port selectors, or expanders for which the service was justified by the using command as full period terminations and not for common-user access. The Node Site Coordinators (NSC) or supporting commands for those MILNET sites where billing for common-user dial-up lines has not been transferred to DCA shall submit feeder TSR information immediately in accordance with DCA Circular 310-130-1, in order to transfer billing responsibility to DCA. The information outlined in paragraph 1F must be included in the feeder TSR to enable DECCO to change the billing. I. TAC INVENTORY REPORT ELIMINATED. Effective immediately, the quarterly TAC Inventory Report is no longer required. 2. These procedures have been distributed as an AUTODIN message DTG 211531Z Nov 84 via official channels to the appropriate commands/agencies. 3. Your assistance in implementing the DDN TAC Configuration Management will be appreciated. Note: To obtain a copy of DCA Circular 310-130-1, contact: DCA Code 316 Washington, D.C. 20305-2000 -----END OF MESSAGE-----