TUCoPS :: Networks :: 37.txt

DDN Node Site Co-ord (NSC)/Host Admin. Duties

DDN MGT Bulletin 37              DCA DDN Defense Communications System   
16 Dec 87                        Published by: DDN Network Info Center
Supersedes DDN MGT Bulletin 24      (NIC@SRI-NIC.ARPA)  (800) 235-3155

                        DEFENSE  DATA  NETWORK

                         MANAGEMENT  BULLETIN

The DDN MANAGEMENT BULLETIN is distributed online by the DDN Network
Information Center under DCA contract as a means of communicating
official policy, procedures and other information of concern to
management personnel at DDN facilities.  Back issues may be read
through the TACNEWS server ("@n" command at the TAC) or may be
obtained by FTP (or Kermit) from the SRI-NIC host [ or] using login="anonymous" and password="guest".  The pathname
for bulletins is DDN-NEWS:DDN-MGT-BULLETIN-nn.TXT (where "nn" is the
bulletin number).


                   DDN NODE SITE COORDINATOR (NSC)

1.  Overview.
     a.  A DDN node site is the physical place where the DDN backbone       
equipment is located.  Normally, this will consist of a PSN, TAC and 
other associated equipment; however, a node site may also only consist
of a remote TAC or mini TAC (NAC).  The Node Site Coordinator (NSC) is
the person designated to ensure continuous operation of the node site.
While the NSC may delegate some tasks to other personnel, the NSC is
responsible to DCA for all node site matters.                    

     b.  The NSC's primary responsibility is to provide local, on-site
technical assistance in case of node hardware or circuit degradation or
outage.  The NSC also has several administrative responsibilities.  
Local, on-site technical assistance and administrative responsibilities
are detailed below.

2.  Local, On-Site Technical Assistance Responsibilities.                   
     a.  The NSC must personally provide or arrange for provision of 
local, on-site assistance to Monitoring Center controllers on a 24-hour,
7-day-a-week basis.  If the node site is located in a facility that
is not manned on a 24-hour, 7-day-a-week basis, the NSC must ensure
that local, on-site assistance is provided within 2 hours of a request
for assistance by the Monitoring Center.                          

     b.  Local, on-site technical assistance is normally requested by
Monitoring Center controllers via telephone.  DCA Circular 310-P70-76
provides an introduction to and description of the node site that assists
the NSCs in providing the Monitoring Center with more effective local,
on-site technical assistance.                         

3.  General Administrative Responsibilities.
     a.  Overview.  The NSC will be responsible for general 
administration of the node site in four other areas.  These areas and
NSC functions within them are given below.  For a more detailed discussion
of site administration procedures, refer to site-specific documentation
available at each site.

     b.  Hardware and Software Accountability.

          (1)  The NSC provides for care and safekeeping of all
installed node site equipment, and equipment shipped to the node site 
for future installation (i.e. normally modems, cables and other              
small items).                                                                

          (2)  The NSC provides for accountability and safekeeping            
of the PSN and TAC cassette tapes.  The NSC should ensure that PSN
master and backup tapes are properly marked, stored and maintained
in the PSN area.  (Note:  Further instructions will be provided on

     c.  Site Access Control and Security.

          (1)  The NSC coordinates personnel access to the node
site.  The NSC acquires a current site access roster of DCA                   
contractor maintenance personnel from site security personnel                 
and uses it to coordinate node site access.

          (2)  The NSC ensures that installed node site equipment is 
not altered, tampered with, or moved without proper authorization.

     d.  Maintenance and Installation Coordination.

          (1)  The NSC coordinates, monitors, and verifies the 
installation and implementation of node hardware, software, and
circuits.  In the European and Pacific areas, the DCA Area, Region            
and Field Offices perform these functions.                                    

          (2)  The NSC coordinates and monitors scheduled and                 
unscheduled corrective maintenance, and scheduled preventive                  
maintenance, as directed by DCA or the network Monitoring Center.             

     e.  General Administration and Coordination.

          (1)  The NSC maintains operating instructions issued
by DCA and the DDN Network Information Center (NIC), such as these
instructions.  For reference purposes the NSC should maintain
a file of current Telecommunications Service Orders (TSOs) for
host access lines, directly connected TAC access lines, and                   
interswitch trunks.                                                           

          (2)  The NSC maintains liaison with representatives of 
organizations with whom coordination is necessary for efficient
operation of the node site.  (For example, the NSC is responsible 
for maintaining contact with his node's Host Administrators
and directly connected TAC users, informing them of any planned or
unplanned node site outages.)

          (3)  To support both liaison and local, on-site
technical assistance functions, the NSC maintins a list of telephone
numbers for the network Monitoring Center, the Host Administrator for
each host connected to the DDN PSN's at the node site, and other
telephone numbers such as those of the servicing telephone company 
or local Defense Communications System (DCS) technical control.

4.  Electronic Mail Capability.
     a.  The NSC should possess an electronic mail capability to              
efficiently perform the functions of the NSC.  Each NSC should obtain
an electronic mail account (mailbox) on a mail server belonging or
available to the NSC's command.

     b.  In the event the NSC's command cannot provide terminal equipment     
support, the node maintenance terminal may be used by the NSC for
electronic mail, providing it does not interfere with the Field Service
Technician's requirements.

     c.  Upon request, DCA B652 will provide further guidance on the          
establishment of an electronic mail account.                                 

                          HOST ADMINISTRATOR

1.  Definitions.
     a.  Host - A computer attached to a port on a DDN Packet 
Switch Node.

     Note:  For the purpose of this definition, Terminal Access 
     Controllers (TACs) are not considered hosts; all TACs are part of
     the DDN node site (backbone) equipment and are under the control
     of the Monitoring Center.  Therefore, no Host Administrator is 
     assigned for a TAC.  The local point of contact for all node site
     matters is the NSC.                        

     b.  Host Administrator (HA) - That person who has administrative
responsibility for the policies, practices, and concerns of a host(s)
connected to the DDN, including responsibility for that host's
DDN users.

2.  Responsibilities.
     a.  Assists DCA, by ensuring that network policies and procedures
are observed by their host users.  The Host Administrator is 
responsible for administering the TAC Access Control System (TACACS),
ensuring that all of the host users, who are using the network or
the TACs, have been authorized for DDN and TAC access, and are
registered in the NIC User Registration Database (WHOIS/NICNAM).

     b.  Manages their host's network access control procedures and          
password system, and is responsible for reporting network-related
host break-ins and assisting with investigative effort as needed.

     c.  Coordinates with DCA on installation and removal of hosts           
on the DDN.  Also, coordinates installation of, or changes to, 
host software that has direct or indirect impact on the DDN.  The 
Host Administrator provides the DCS Data Systems Directorate and the
NIC with required descriptive information for each new host
addition or host change, and coordinates the host certification
procedure with the DCS Data Systems Directorate prior to passing
traffic or testing on the network.  The Host Administrator is 
responsible for the proper implementation and maintenance of DDN 
protocols at the host level.

     d.  Serves as local point of contact for the respective hosts
and local users and coordinates suspected network related
problems directly with the appropriate network Monitoring Center.
Host Administrators must report problems to the MC for correction.
When reporting trouble, obtain a trouble ticket number, which
will be used for reference purposes during any follow-up inquiries.

     e.  Provides network information to the NIC, and assists
local users and other interested personnel with network related 

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