********************************************************************** DDN MGT Bulletin 74 DCA DDN Defense Communications System 11 July 90 Published by: DDN Network Info Center Supersedes DDN Mgt Bull. 49 (NIC@NIC.DDN.MIL) (800) 235-3155 and DDN Mgt Bull. 53 DEFENSE DATA NETWORK MANAGEMENT BULLETIN The DDN MANAGEMENT BULLETIN is distributed online by the DDN Network Information Center under DCA contract as a means of communicating official policy, procedures and other information of concern to management personnel at DDN facilities. Back issues may be read through the TACNEWS server ("@n" command at the TAC) or may be obtained by FTP (or Kermit) from the NIC.DDN.MIL host [] using login="anonymous" and password="guest". The pathname for bulletins is DDN-NEWS:DDN-MGT-BULLETIN-nn.TXT (where "nn" is the bulletin number). ********************************************************************** MILNET Gateway and Internet Traffic Homing Announcement PURPOSE: This announcement defines software configuration changes that must be made to each MILNET gateway in order to acquire Exterior Gateway Protocol (EGP) Service. It also defines software configuration changes that must be applied to MILNET hosts sending traffic to subscribers on the Internet. This announcement replaces DDN Management Bulletin 49, ARPANET and MILNET Host Rehoming Announcement dated 23 DEC 88 and DDN Management Bulletin 53, ARPANET and MILNET Gateway Rehoming Announcement dated 12 JAN 89. -- For EGP Service, these changes are required due to the extensive growth in the number of gateways served on the MILNET and to alleviate performance problems in the EGP Servers. -- For Internet Traffic, these changes are required as a result of the termination of the ARPANET and the replacement connections between MILNET and the NSFNET. (NOTE: Air Force Concentrators/Gateways are exempt from this change. Through agreements reached between DCA and the Air Force, those Concentrators will be assigned to one of two EGP Servers (DCEC or LBL). The Air Force has the capability to implement global changes to their Concentrators and has agreed to test and possibly implement several changes in the EGP process which will be beneficial to all.) A secondary purpose of this Bulletin is to acquire information concerning the capabilities and limitations of gateways on the MILNET in order to design and implement future changes to improve EGP Service. Gateway administrators are requested to identify their capability to: (1) modify EGP service parameters that will permit negotiation of updates at variable intervals from three minutes to one hour in order to reduce the frequency of updates, and (2) request EGP service from a single server (versus automatically sending to two servers) and modify that assignment quickly if needed. Also, as the number of networks in the Internet grows, the size of the EGP update continues to grow, and may exceed 4K bytes over the next year. Please note any limitations in your gateways to accommodate such large updates. This information should be sent to: Defense Communications Engineering Center Code DRFDS (Mr Dennis Morris) 1860 Wiehle Avenue Reston Virginia 22090-5500 (Electronic Mail Address is MorrisD@imo-uvax.dca.mil) TECHNICAL NOTES: The upper range value of the EGP neighbor acquisition poll interval was recently increased from 600 seconds to 3600 seconds to permit less frequent polling for those gateways that can effectively function with an extended polling time. Reducing the number of polls will, of course, reduce the loading on the EGP Servers. Gateway administrators are encouraged to implement the most INFREQUENT poll time that can be supported. Contact the Mailbridge Hot Line at 1-800-492-4992 or (617) 873-3571 for clarification and/or assistance in defining EGP Server interface characteristics. EGP Server assignments are based primarily upon the network minimum hop path between the Packet Switching Node (PSN) to which the Gateway is connected and the PSN to which the EGP Server is connected. This logical path is dependent upon network topology and does not necessarily have any geographical basis. Internet Traffic assignments are based upon historical traffic volumes. The use of MITRE as the primary address for most hosts is the result of the predominant Internet Traffic MILNET host being assigned to AMES for its primary address. SCHEDULE: It is intended that these changes be made on a single week-end. Changes may be implemented beginning at 2100 hours local time on Friday, 10 AUG 90 and should be completed no later than 0600 hours local time on Monday, 13 AUG 90. Questions or issues should be directed to: BBNCC Mailbridge Hot Line at 1-800-492-4992 or (617) 873-3571. It is critical that these changes be accomplished; otherwise, EGP service and exchange of traffic with the Internet may be inadequate. These changes are designed to result in equal sharing of the user demand over the Mailbridges. The changes will be verified and non-compliance will be reported to the parent Service/Agency organization for corrective action. NETWORK ADDRESSES: This section provides a list of assignments for the PSN to which the gateways or hosts are homed and their assigned EGP Servers and Internet Traffic Servers. -- For Gateway Administrators. The entries under the column heading "EGP Servers" provides a list of assignments between the PSN to which the gateways are homed and their defined EGP Servers. Each Gateway should acquire as EGP peers (neighbors) only those two Servers assigned. As an example, all gateways connected to MILNET PSN Number 64 (ROBIN) should assign MITRE ( and, if necessary, BBN ( as their EGP servers. -- For Host Administrators. The entries under the column heading "Internet Traffic" provide a list of assignments between the PSN to which hosts are homed and their default gateway or Internet Traffic Server. As an example, all hosts connected to MILNET PSN Number 64 (ROBIN) should send non-MILNET traffic to MITRE (, or to AMES ( when MITRE is unavailable. The following IP network addresses apply: Mailbridge Name Site Location Network Address --------------- ------------- --------------- AMES Moffett Field CA BBN Cambridge MA DCEC Reston VA ISI Marina Del Rey CA LBL Berkeley CA MITRE McLean VA RAN Randolph AFB TX* [* NOTE: On 31 July 1990, the address for the Randolph AFB mailbridge was corrected to in the online version of this bulletin. The bulletin originally had the incorrect address of] SPECIFIC ASSIGNMENTS: PSN PSN EGP Servers Internet Traffic Nbr Name Primary Secondary Primary Secondary 1 OBL BBN MITRE MITRE AMES 2 VHN BBN MITRE MITRE AMES 3 NOSC ISI AMES AMES MITRE 4 HDL BBN RAN MITRE AMES 5 BRM BBN MITRE MITRE AMES 6 RDM RAN MITRE MITRE AMES 7 LON RAN MITRE MITRE AMES 8 NRL MITRE BBN MITRE AMES 9 SIG RAN MITRE MITRE AMES 10 RTA RAN MITRE MITRE AMES 11 CORON ISI AMES MITRE AMES 12 VCA MITRE RAN MITRE AMES 13 GUNTR MITRE RAN MITRE AMES 14 LD2 AMES BBN MITRE AMES 15 RAM BBN MITRE MITRE AMES 16 MFFT AMES ISI AMES MITRE 17 MCLEN MITRE RAN MITRE AMES 18 GRIFF BBN ISI MITRE AMES 19 GAITH ISI BBN MITRE AMES 20 HILL AMES RAN AMES MITRE 21 LVRMR AMES ISI AMES MITRE 22 MCCL1 AMES RAN AMES MITRE 23 MCC2 AMES ISI AMES MITRE 24 JOHNS MITRE RAN MITRE AMES 25 CTN RAN MITRE MITRE AMES 26 PENT RAN ISI AMES MITRE 27 HLH MITRE RAN MITRE AMES 28 ELF AMES ISI AMES MITRE 29 ABER BBN MITRE MITRE AMES 30 BROOK RAN AMES MITRE AMES 31 NFLK2 RAN MITRE MITRE AMES 32 GREEL AMES ISI AMES MITRE 33 MONTY AMES ISI AMES MITRE 34 BERK AMES ISI AMES MITRE 35 SD2NS ISI AMES AMES MITRE 36 BNT BBN RAN MITRE AMES 37 FTMCP MITRE BBN MITRE AMES 38 NAVTN RAN MITRE MITRE AMES 39 EDWDS ISI AMES MITRE AMES 40 CAMB BBN MITRE MITRE AMES 41 RED MITRE RAN MITRE AMES 42 RM2 ISI BBN MITRE AMES 43 SHFT AMES ISI AMES MITRE 44 ORLAN RAN AMES MITRE AMES 45 DOVER BBN MITRE MITRE AMES 46 NEME ISI AMES MITRE AMES 47 WPAFB RAN BBN MITRE AMES 48 KIRK ISI AMES MITRE AMES 49 CAMB2 MITRE BBN MITRE AMES 50 ALEX BBN MITRE MITRE AMES 51 RNDY2 RAN AMES MITRE AMES 52 RNDY3 RAN MITRE MITRE AMES 53 EGLIN MITRE AMES MITRE AMES 54 DETRK RAN ISI MITRE AMES 55 ARGON RAN ISI MITRE AMES 56 LD1 ISI RAN MITRE AMES 57 MEADE MITRE BBN MITRE AMES 58 NYC BBN MITRE MITRE AMES 59 SCOTT AMES BBN MITRE AMES 60 FTMON BBN MITRE MITRE AMES 61 STLS BBN AMES MITRE AMES 62 CPRBT ISI AMES MITRE AMES 63 ELSE2 ISI RAN MITRE AMES 64 ROBIN MITRE BBN MITRE AMES 65 ELSEG ISI AMES MITRE AMES 66 HANSC BBN ISI MITRE AMES 67 ANDRW RAN ISI MITRE AMES 68 PHLPN ISI AMES AMES MITRE 69 FT2 BBN MITRE MITRE AMES 70 DCA2 MITRE BBN MITRE AMES 71 TINK RAN AMES MITRE AMES 72 CAMB3 BBN MITRE MITRE AMES 73 MENPK AMES BBN MITRE AMES 74 WHTSN RAN ISI AMES MITRE 75 YUMA ISI AMES AMES MITRE 76 DCAOC MITRE BBN MITRE AMES 77 ZAMA ISI AMES MITRE AMES 78 PUGET AMES RAN AMES MITRE 79 BENNI MITRE BBN MITRE AMES 80 FTBRG RAN ISI MITRE AMES 81 CRDRK MITRE BBN MITRE AMES 82 BUCK AMES ISI AMES MITRE 83 ROB2 MITRE BBN MITRE AMES 84 NSWC MITRE ISI MITRE AMES 85 CHINA ISI AMES MITRE AMES 86 LOW1 RAN AMES MITRE AMES 87 KIRT2 AMES ISI MITRE AMES 88 BETHS MITRE BBN MITRE AMES 89 CLRK ISI AMES MITRE AMES 90 ALAMO ISI RAN MITRE AMES 91 CPO RAN MITRE MITRE AMES 92 NWNSC BBN MITRE MITRE AMES 93 KADE AMES ISI AMES MITRE 94 LOW2 RAN AMES MITRE AMES 95 LVMR2 AMES MITRE MITRE AMES 96 CORO MITRE BBN MITRE AMES 97 PXNAS MITRE ISI MITRE AMES 98 MAC RAN AMES MITRE AMES 99 HILL2 AMES RAN MITRE AMES 100 HICK AMES ISI AMES MITRE 101 RANDY RAN ISI MITRE AMES 102 WOSWC ISI MITRE MITRE AMES 103 MRDEL ISI AMES AMES MITRE 104 DC104 MITRE BBN MITRE AMES 105 OFAFB RAN AMES MITRE AMES 106 RSLYN MITRE RAN MITRE AMES 107 ALEX3 BBN MITRE MITRE AMES 108 NFKNS RAN AMES MITRE AMES 109 NORL AMES RAN AMES MITRE 110 JAX1 RAN AMES MITRE AMES 111 DAVIS ISI AMES MITRE AMES 112 STLA2 MITRE AMES MITRE AMES 113 ANNIS MITRE AMES MITRE AMES 114 NCAD ISI RAN MITRE AMES 115 WAREN MITRE BBN MITRE AMES 116 FKT BBN MITRE MITRE AMES 117 WLKR AMES ISI AMES MITRE 118 SCOT2 BBN RAN MITRE AMES 119 SNV BBN MITRE MITRE AMES 120 DUGWY MITRE AMES MITRE AMES 121 ALAME AMES ISI AMES MITRE 122 FTHCA ISI AMES MITRE AMES 123 WP2 RAN BBN MITRE AMES 124 WP3 RAN ISI MITRE AMES 125 FTLEV RAN AMES MITRE AMES 126 MONT2 AMES ISI AMES MITRE 127 HAN2 BBN MITRE MITRE AMES 128 ONIZ AMES RAN AMES MITRE 129 FTBEN BBN RAN MITRE AMES 130 FTDIX BBN MITRE MITRE AMES 131 KNOX BBN RAN MITRE AMES 132 SILL RAN AMES MITRE AMES 133 SIDIO AMES ISI AMES MITRE 134 SHARP AMES ISI AMES MITRE 135 FTORD ISI AMES MITRE AMES 136 MIL RAN BBN MITRE AMES 137 SHEP MITRE RAN MITRE AMES 138 LANGL ISI MITRE MITRE AMES 139 KELLY RAN ISI AMES MITRE 140 TINK2 ISI RAN MITRE AMES 141 ANDR AMES ISI AMES MITRE 142 FTBEL ISI MITRE MITRE AMES 143 KEESL MITRE AMES MITRE AMES 144 OFTT2 RAN AMES AMES MITRE 145 WHLR AMES ISI AMES MITRE 146 MUN BBN MITRE MITRE AMES 147 SAM1 BBN RAN MITRE AMES 148 OAK AMES ISI AMES MITRE 149 PHILI MITRE ISI MITRE AMES 150 ANK RAN MITRE MITRE AMES 151 DENVR RAN AMES AMES MITRE 152 MECH ISI AMES MITRE AMES 153 ROCKI BBN MITRE MITRE AMES 154 SAM2 RAN BBN MITRE AMES 155 DB2 BBN MITRE MITRE AMES 156 CLT MITRE RAN MITRE AMES 157 SHERI BBN MITRE MITRE AMES 158 COLA AMES MITRE MITRE AMES 159 LEWIS AMES RAN AMES MITRE 160 BATTL RAN MITRE MITRE AMES 161 NORL2 AMES ISI AMES MITRE 162 CAMP MITRE BBN MITRE AMES 163 FTHD RAN MITRE MITRE AMES 164 CORP RAN AMES MITRE AMES 165 HEL RAN MITRE MITRE AMES 166 BER RAN BBN MITRE AMES 167 NEWRK MITRE RAN MITRE AMES 168 WAHI AMES ISI AMES MITRE 169 COLB MITRE RAN AMES MITRE 170 EIELS AMES ISI AMES MITRE 171 YONG AMES ISI AMES MITRE 172 LITH BBN RAN MITRE AMES 173 PEAR AMES ISI AMES MITRE 174 STI RAN ISI MITRE AMES 175 PND RAN BBN MITRE AMES 176 WPAF4 RAN ISI MITRE AMES 177 GRA BBN MITRE MITRE AMES 178 HAN3 BBN MITRE MITRE AMES 179 KEYP AMES RAN AMES MITRE 180 HL2 ISI BBN MITRE AMES 181 CAMB4 BBN MITRE MITRE AMES 182 SCRMT AMES ISI AMES MITRE 183 CAMB5 BBN MITRE MITRE AMES 184 SEK MITRE RAN MITRE AMES 185 STT BBN RAN MITRE AMES 186 WBN AMES RAN MITRE AMES 187 TKN BBN AMES MITRE AMES 188 WZG MITRE RAN MITRE AMES 189 BIG BBN ISI MITRE AMES 190 HAN BBN MITRE MITRE AMES 191 SEM MITRE RAN MITRE AMES 192 INC BBN RAN MITRE AMES 193 LAH BBN RAN MITRE AMES 195 TJN ISI RAN MITRE AMES 196 AVO MITRE RAN MITRE AMES 197 RUCK BBN RAN MITRE AMES 198 LUKE AMES ISI MITRE AMES 200 HOME AMES MITRE MITRE AMES 203 PATR MITRE ISI MITRE AMES 204 DOB BBN RAN MITRE AMES 205 STEW RAN ISI MITRE AMES 206 GORD ISI BBN MITRE AMES 208 POLK RAN MITRE MITRE AMES 209 MEMPS RAN AMES MITRE AMES 210 BARKS RAN AMES MITRE AMES 211 LORI BBN AMES MITRE AMES 214 GRAND BBN AMES MITRE AMES 215 TOBY ISI BBN MITRE AMES 216 CHARL MITRE ISI MITRE AMES 217 JACK MITRE BBN MITRE AMES 218 FAIR AMES BBN AMES MITRE 219 MALS BBN MITRE MITRE AMES 220 MCORD AMES BBN AMES MITRE 221 KUNS AMES ISI AMES MITRE 222 OSAN AMES ISI AMES MITRE 223 YOKO AMES ISI AMES MITRE 224 FTRIT BBN RAN MITRE AMES 226 NORTH ISI BBN MITRE AMES 228 MATHR AMES ISI AMES MITRE 229 BLISS RAN AMES MITRE AMES 230 MARCH ISI BBN MITRE AMES 231 RILY MITRE BBN MITRE AMES 232 BEN2 ISI BBN MITRE AMES 235 SEYMR MITRE BBN MITRE AMES 236 KZG AMES BBN MITRE AMES 237 LACK ISI RAN MITRE AMES 238 EUST ISI RAN MITRE AMES 241 MUGU ISI AMES MITRE AMES 242 FTLE AMES RAN MITRE AMES 243 PETE RAN AMES MITRE AMES 244 ABER2 BBN RAN MITRE AMES 246 FTRIC RAN ISI MITRE AMES 247 PENT2 RAN ISI MITRE AMES 248 BRATE AMES ISI MITRE AMES 249 WEST BBN ISI MITRE AMES 250 FINE AMES ISI AMES MITRE