********************************************************************** DDN MGT Bulletin 77 DCA DDN Defense Communications System 8 Nov 90 Published by: DDN Network Info Center (NIC@NIC.DDN.MIL) (800) 235-3155 DEFENSE DATA NETWORK MANAGEMENT BULLETIN The DDN MANAGEMENT BULLETIN is distributed online by the DDN Network Information Center under DCA contract as a means of communicating official policy, procedures and other information of concern to management personnel at DDN facilities. Back issues may be read through the TACNEWS server ("@n" command at the TAC) or may be obtained by FTP (or Kermit) from the NIC.DDN.MIL host [] using login="anonymous" and password="guest". The pathname for bulletins is DDN-NEWS:DDN-MGT-BULLETIN-nn.TXT (where "nn" is the bulletin number). ********************************************************************** DDN/MILNET TAC HERALD The Defense Communications Agency (DCA) has been in the process of developing a patch to all MILNET Terminal Access Controllers (TACs) that would remove the DDN "WELCOME" banner. This was being done as a security measure to cease the identification of the system as belonging to the DDN/MILNET, and the type of operating system/software it uses, etc. In addition, DCA wishes to make it clear that unauthorized use of the DDN/MILNET is not permitted. The purpose of this bulletin is to inform addressees that the new TAC herald is ready for fielding. An example of the new herald is as follows: FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY NIC 1-800-235-3155 29 TAC 114 #:20 If you have any questions or problems concerning this change, contact DCA, Code DODM, no later than 14 November 90. Otherwise, the new TAC herald will be changed effective 15 November 90. DCA POC is Maj. Boyd, DSN 312-222-7580 or Comm 703-692-7580.