********************************************************************** DDN MGT Bulletin 83 DCA DDN Defense Communications System 3 Sept 91 Published by: DDN Network Info Center (NIC@NIC.DDN.MIL) (800) 235-3155 DEFENSE DATA NETWORK MANAGEMENT BULLETIN The DDN MANAGEMENT BULLETIN is distributed online by the DDN Network Information Center under DCA contract as a means of communicating official policy, procedures and other information of concern to management personnel at DDN facilities. Back issues may be read through the TACNEWS server ("@n" command at the TAC) or may be obtained by FTP (or Kermit) from the NIC.DDN.MIL host [] using login="anonymous" and password="guest". The pathname for bulletins is DDN-NEWS:DDN-MGT-BULLETIN-nn.TXT (where "nn" is the bulletin number). ********************************************************************** DDN Mailbridge/Internet Routing Services References: A. DDN E MAIL MSG, MILNET NETWORK CHANGE DIRECTIVE MS1-0158, 14 AUG 91 B. DISA/SERVICE/AGENCY MEETING, INTERNET ROUTER SERVICE SUBSCRIBER REQUIREMENTS, 7 MAY 91 C. DISA(DCA) MSG, MILNET GATEWAY AND HOST REHOMING ASSIGNMENTS, 131811Z JUL 90 D. DISA(DCA) MSG, DEFENSE DATA NETWORK MAILBRIDGES/CORE GATEWAYS, 281648Z DEC 90 1. This message provides guidance and status information concerning the Defense Data Network (DDN) Mailbridge (MB) and the two functions which it fulfills: (1) Internet Routing Service (IRS) using Exterior Gateway Protocol (EGP) and (2) DDN connectivity to the non MILNET Internet, commonly referred to as the NSFNET. Request widest dissemination. The following topics will be addressed: -- EGP Update Options (see also Para 8, below, for detailed assignments). -- Randolph Mailbridge Network Address Change Effective 9 Sep 91. -- Non-compliance with Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) Re-Direct Messages. -- Planned Relocations for Mailbridges. -- Planned NSFNET (Internet) Connection Changes. -- Replacement System for MB/EGP Servers. -- Detailed EGP Server Assignments. 2. EGP Update Options. MB software Patch 11, fully deployed as of 30 Jul 91, provides the capability to restrict the EGP update size by eliminating announcement of networks and gateways served by the NSFNET and provides a default routing assignment (zero default route) to reach those non-advertized networks. Due to the update size exceeding 8K bytes and after consultation with relevant gateway administrators and managers, the limited update was activated at BMILBBN, BMILISI, BMILDCEC, and BMILOAK. Full MILNET/NSFNET network update announcements continue to be provided by BMILRAN, BMILAMES, and BMILMITRE at this time. See Ref A for details. See Para 8, below, for specific assignments. 3. Randolph MB Network Address Change Effective 9 Sep 91. As a result of the planned deactivation and removal of PSN 101 at Randolph AFB TX on 9 Sep 91, it is necessary to re-home the MB to node 51. The new network address is All gateways acquiring EGP updates from the MB at Randolph should change their software accordingly. Use of BMILAMES ( or BMILMITRE ( as a secondary source for full EGP updates, pending required changes, may be used as an interim alternative. However, strict compliance with the assignments detailed in Para 8, below, is critical to overall operational effectiveness of the EGP service. 4. Non Compliance with ICMP Re-Direct Messages. When the MB is used as a default route to other addresses, the MB searches its tables to see if a direct route is available. If so, the MB sends a protocol message to the originating address of that packet advising of the direct address. It is expected that properly implemented Internet protocol software will respond to that re- direct command for all subsequent packets destined for that address. Many hosts/gateways are not responding to the re-direct commands, which results in extraneous packets (i.e., packet plus re-direct message plus retransmission for every packet) traversing the network and poorer response to the user. This mis-use also adds additional processing requirements to an already stressed MB. In the future, chronic failure to respond to re-direct commands will be brought to the attention of the parent service/agency for corrective action. Continued non-compliance may result in denial of re-direct service to the offending host/gateway with resultant lost traffic. 5. Planned MB Relocations. As a result of MILNET re-designs driven by changing requirements and funding cutbacks, the packet switching nodes currently connecting BMILAMES (, BMILISI (, and BMILMITRE ( Mailbridges will be deactivated and the Mailbridges re-homed. As soon as a firm re-home location and schedule is determined, an announcement of the new addresses will be provided. 6. Planned Changes to the MILNET/NSFNET Connections. In an effort to provide more efficient and economical service to those subscribers exchanging traffic between the MILNET and the NSFNET, or non-DoD Internet, it is planned to provide this interconnectivity via Internet protocol routers to be located at Ft Detrick (for the fix-east connection) and at Oakland (Navy) CA (for the fix-west connection). MILNET entry points for this Internet traffic will be at one of eight IP router locations. This change will off load this store and forward function from BMILMITRE and BMILAMES Mailbridges and provide a more efficient and economical exchange of MILNET/NSFNET traffic. Further information and specific address assignments will be provided as this plan matures. In the interim, Internet traffic should be routed as specified in Ref C and DDN Management Bulletin 74. 7. Replacement System for MB/EGP Servers. As announced at Ref B, a replacement system for Internet routing service is required because of current Mailbridge hardware and software limitations in addition to Exterior Gateway Protocol (EGP) limitations. A detailed plan describing this replacement system, along with a schedule of events, is being forwarded under separate cover to principal offices of the Deparment of Defense Services and Agencies for review, comment, and concurrence. The plan includes a migration from EGP to Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) and replacement of the current Mailbridge hardware and software within the next two years. EGP will be supported, at least to some degree, until all gateways can convert to BGP. Status updates and required modifications to subscriber gateways will be published as needed. 8. Detailed EGP Server Assignments. a. Strict compliance with the assignments enumerated below is essential to providing adequate service to all users. Failure to comply with these assignments could result in the denial of Internet routing service updates and/or exchange of traffic with the non DoD Internet. Refs C and D previously requested assistance in this matter. b. These EGP Server assignments supersede those provided by Ref C and DDN Management Bulletin 74. c. Air Force concentrators will continue to use either BMILDCEC or BMILOAK as their EGP servers. d. Internet traffic assignments will remain as assigned by Ref C and DDN Management Bulletin 74 (see Para 6, above). e. Host/Gateway Administrators should initiate compliance with this message as soon as possible with complete compliance prior to 30 Sep 91. f. Questions or issues should be directed to the DDN Monitoring Center Trouble Desks: (1) CONUS: 1-800-451-7413 or (703) 486-1982 or (DSN) 231-1787. (2) Europe: (ETS) 430-5532 or (MIL) 2729-5532 or (DSN) 314-430-5532 or (CIV) 011-49-680-5532 (3) Pacific: (808) 656-1472 or (DSN) 315-456-1472 g. The following network addresses apply: Mailbridge Name Site Location Network Address AMES Moffett Field CA BBN Cambridge MA DCEC Reston VA ISI Marina Del Rey CA MITRE McLean VA OAK Oakland CA RAN Randolph AFB TX (until 9 sep 91) RAN Randolph AFB TX (after 9 sep 91) h. Specific EGP assignments. Each gateway should acquire as EGP peers (neighbors) only those two EGP servers assigned. Failure to comply may result in erroneous/conflicting updates or loss of capability to exchange traffic with both MILNET and non DoD Internet gateways. PSN PSN FULL UPDATE LIMITED UPDATE Nbr Name PRIMARY SECONDARY PRIMARY SECONDARY 1 OBL MITRE RAN BBN ISI 2 VHN MITRE RAN BBN ISI 3 NOSC RAN AMES ISI BBN 4 HDL MITRE RAN BBN ISI 5 BRM MITRE RAN BBN ISI 6 RDM MITRE RAN BBN ISI 7 LON MITRE RAN BBN ISI 8 NRL MITRE RAN BBN ISI 9 SIG MITRE RAN BBN ISI 10 RTA MITRE RAN BBN ISI 11 CORON RAN AMES ISI BBN 12 VCA MITRE RAN BBN ISI 13 GUNTR RAN MITRE BBN ISI 14 LD2 AMES MITRE BBN ISI 15 RAM MITRE RAN BBN ISI 16 MFFT AMES RAN ISI BBN 17 MCLEN MITRE RAN BBN ISI 18 GRIFF MITRE RAN BBN ISI 19 GAITH MITRE RAN BBN ISI 20 HILL AMES RAN ISI BBN 22 MCCL1 AMES RAN ISI BBN 23 MCC2 AMES RAN ISI BBN 24 JOHNS MITRE RAN BBN ISI 25 CTN MITRE RAN BBN ISI 26 PENT MITRE RAN BBN ISI 28 ELF AMES RAN ISI BBN 29 ABER MITRE RAN BBN ISI 30 BROOK RAN AMES ISI BBN 31 NFLK2 MITRE RAN BBN ISI 32 GREEL AMES RAN ISI BBN 33 MONTY AMES RAN ISI BBN 35 SD2NS RAN AMES ISI BBN 36 BNT MITRE RAN BBN ISI 37 FTMCP MITRE RAN BBN ISI 38 NAVTN RAN MITRE BBN ISI 39 EDWDS AMES RAN ISI BBN 40 CAMB MITRE RAN BBN ISI 41 RED MITRE RAN BBN ISI 42 RM2 MITRE RAN BBN ISI 43 SHFT AMES RAN ISI BBN 44 ORLAN RAN AMES BBN ISI 45 DOVER MITRE RAN BBN ISI 46 NEME RAN AMES ISI BBN 47 WPAFB MITRE RAN BBN ISI 48 KIRK RAN AMES ISI BBN 49 CAMB2 MITRE RAN BBN ISI 50 ALEX MITRE RAN BBN ISI 51 RNDY2 RAN AMES ISI BBN 52 RNDY3 RAN MITRE ISI BBN 53 EGLIN MITRE RAN BBN ISI 54 DETRK MITRE RAN BBN ISI 55 ARGON RAN MITRE BBN ISI 56 LD1 MITRE RAN BBN ISI 57 MEADE MITRE RAN BBN ISI 58 NYC MITRE RAN BBN ISI 59 SCOTT MITRE RAN BBN ISI 60 FTMON MITRE RAN BBN ISI 61 STLS MITRE AMES BBN ISI 62 CPRBT RAN AMES ISI BBN 63 ELSE2 RAN AMES ISI BBN 64 ROBIN MITRE RAN BBN ISI 65 ELSEG RAN AMES ISI BBN 66 HANSC MITRE RAN BBN ISI 67 ANDRW MITRE RAN BBN ISI 69 FT2 MITRE RAN BBN ISI 70 DCA2 MITRE RAN BBN ISI 71 TINK RAN AMES ISI BBN 72 CAMB3 MITRE RAN BBN ISI 73 MENPK AMES RAN ISI BBN 74 WHTSN RAN AMES ISI BBN 75 YUMA RAN AMES ISI BBN 76 DCAOC MITRE RAN BBN ISI 77 ZAMA AMES RAN ISI BBN 78 PUGET AMES RAN ISI BBN 79 BENNI RAN MITRE BBN ISI 80 FTBRG RAN MITRE BBN ISI 81 CRDRK MITRE RAN BBN ISI 82 BUCK AMES RAN ISI BBN 83 ROB2 MITRE RAN BBN ISI 84 NSWC MITRE RAN BBN ISI 85 CHINA RAN AMES ISI BBN 86 LOW1 RAN AMES ISI BBN 87 KIRT2 AMES RAN ISI BBN 88 BETHS MITRE RAN BBN ISI 89 CLRK RAN AMES ISI BBN 90 ALAMO RAN AMES ISI BBN 91 CPO MITRE RAN BBN ISI 92 NWNSC MITRE RAN BBN ISI 93 KADE AMES RAN ISI BBN 94 LOW2 RAN AMES ISI BBN 96 CORO MITRE RAN BBN ISI 97 PXNAS MITRE RAN BBN ISI 98 MAC RAN AMES BBN ISI 99 HILL2 AMES RAN ISI BBN 100 HICK AMES RAN ISI BBN 102 WOSWC MITRE RAN BBN ISI 103 MRDEL RAN AMES ISI BBN 104 DC104 MITRE RAN BBN ISI 105 OFAFB RAN AMES ISI BBN 107 ALEX3 MITRE RAN BBN ISI 108 NFKNS MITRE RAN BBN ISI 109 NORL RAN AMES ISI BBN 110 JAX1 RAN AMES BBN ISI 111 DAVIS RAN AMES ISI BBN 112 STLA2 MITRE RAN BBN ISI 113 ANNIS MITRE RAN BBN ISI 114 NCAD MITRE RAN BBN ISI 115 WAREN MITRE RAN BBN ISI 116 FKT MITRE RAN BBN ISI 117 WLKR AMES RAN ISI BBN 118 SCOT2 MITRE RAN BBN ISI 119 SNV MITRE RAN BBN ISI 120 DUGWY AMES RAN ISI BBN 121 ALAME AMES RAN ISI BBN 122 FTHCA RAN AMES ISI BBN 123 WP2 MITRE RAN BBN ISI 124 WP3 MITRE RAN BBN ISI 125 FTLEV RAN AMES ISI BBN 126 MONT2 AMES RAN ISI BBN 127 HAN2 MITRE RAN BBN ISI 128 ONIZ AMES RAN ISI BBN 129 FTBEN MITRE RAN BBN ISI 130 FTDIX MITRE RAN BBN ISI 131 KNOX MITRE RAN BBN ISI 132 SILL RAN AMES ISI BBN 133 SIDIO AMES RAN ISI BBN 134 SHARP AMES RAN ISI BBN 135 FTORD AMES RAN ISI BBN 136 MIL MITRE RAN BBN ISI 137 SHEP RAN MITRE BBN ISI 138 LANGL MITRE RAN BBN ISI 139 KELLY RAN AMES ISI BBN 140 TINK2 RAN AMES ISI BBN 141 ANDR AMES RAN ISI BBN 142 FTBEL MITRE RAN BBN ISI 143 KEESL RAN AMES ISI BBN 144 OFTT2 RAN AMES ISI BBN 145 WHLR AMES RAN ISI BBN 146 MUN MITRE RAN BBN ISI 147 SAM1 RAN AMES ISI BBN 148 OAK AMES RAN ISI BBN 149 PHILI MITRE RAN BBN ISI 150 ANK MITRE RAN BBN ISI 151 DENVR RAN AMES ISI BBN 152 MECH MITRE RAN BBN ISI 153 ROCKI MITRE RAN BBN ISI 154 SAM2 RAN AMES ISI BBN 155 DB2 MITRE RAN BBN ISI 156 CLT MITRE RAN BBN ISI 157 SHERI MITRE RAN BBN ISI 158 COLA RAN AMES ISI BBN 159 LEWIS AMES RAN ISI BBN 160 BATTL RAN MITRE BBN ISI 161 NORL2 AMES RAN ISI BBN 162 CAMP MITRE RAN BBN ISI 163 FTHD RAN AMES ISI BBN 164 CORP RAN AMES ISI BBN 165 HEL MITRE RAN BBN ISI 166 BER MITRE RAN BBN ISI 167 NEWRK MITRE RAN BBN ISI 168 WAHI AMES RAN ISI BBN 170 EIELS AMES RAN ISI BBN 171 YONG AMES RAN ISI BBN 172 LITH MITRE RAN BBN ISI 173 PEAR AMES RAN ISI BBN 174 STI MITRE RAN BBN ISI 175 PND MITRE RAN BBN ISI 176 WPAF4 MITRE RAN BBN ISI 177 GRA MITRE RAN BBN ISI 179 KEYP AMES RAN ISI BBN 180 HL2 MITRE RAN BBN ISI 182 SCRMT AMES RAN ISI BBN 184 SEK MITRE RAN BBN ISI 185 STT MITRE RAN BBN ISI 186 WBN MITRE RAN BBN ISI 187 TKN MITRE RAN BBN ISI 188 WZG MITRE RAN BBN ISI 189 BIG MITRE RAN BBN ISI 190 HAN MITRE RAN BBN ISI 191 SEM MITRE RAN BBN ISI 192 INC MITRE RAN BBN ISI 193 LAH MITRE RAN BBN ISI 194 HLN MITRE RAN BBN ISI 195 TJN MITRE RAN BBN ISI 196 AVO MITRE RAN BBN ISI 197 RUCK RAN MITRE BBN ISI 198 LUKE AMES RAN ISI BBN 200 HOME RAN MITRE ISI BBN 203 PATR RAN MITRE BBN ISI 204 DOB MITRE RAN BBN ISI 205 STEW RAN MITRE BBN ISI 206 GORD RAN MITRE BBN ISI 208 POLK RAN MITRE BBN ISI 209 MEMPS RAN MITRE BBN ISI 210 BARKS RAN AMES ISI BBN 214 GRAND RAN MITRE BBN ISI 215 TOBY MITRE RAN BBN ISI 216 CHARL MITRE RAN BBN ISI 217 JACK MITRE RAN BBN ISI 218 FAIR AMES RAN ISI BBN 219 MALS RAN AMES ISI BBN 220 MCORD AMES RAN ISI BBN 221 KUNS AMES RAN ISI BBN 222 OSAN AMES RAN ISI BBN 223 YOKO AMES RAN ISI BBN 224 FTRIT MITRE RAN BBN ISI 226 NORTH AMES RAN ISI BBN 229 BLISS RAN AMES ISI BBN 230 MARCH RAN AMES ISI BBN 231 RILY RAN MITRE BBN ISI 232 BEN2 RAN MITRE BBN ISI 235 SEYMR MITRE RAN BBN ISI 236 KZG MITRE RAN BBN ISI 237 LACK RAN AMES ISI BBN 238 EUST MITRE RAN BBN ISI 241 MUGU RAN AMES ISI BBN 242 FTLE MITRE RAN BBN ISI 243 PETE RAN AMES ISI BBN 244 ABER2 MITRE RAN BBN ISI 246 FTRIC MITRE RAN BBN ISI 247 PENT2 MITRE RAN BBN ISI 248 BRATE MITRE RAN BBN ISI 249 WEST MITRE RAN BBN ISI 250 FINE AMES RAN ISI BBN 9. For further information, contact Mr Wayne Grindle, DISA Code DOD, 703 692 6068 or DSN 222 6068.