TUCoPS :: Networks :: 98.txt

CMC Temporary Relocation

DDN MGT Bulletin 98               DISA DDN Defense Communications System   
28 MAY 1992                        Published by: DDN Network Info Center
                                       (NIC@NIC.DDN.MIL)  (800) 365-3642

                        DEFENSE  DATA  NETWORK
                         MANAGEMENT  BULLETIN

  The DDN MANAGEMENT BULLETIN is distributed online by the DDN Network
  Information Center under DISA contract as a means of communicating
  official policy, procedures and other information of concern to
  management personnel at DDN facilities.  Back issues may be read
  through the TACNEWS server ("@n" command at the TAC) or may be
  obtained by FTP (or Kermit) from the NIC.DDN.MIL host []
  using login="anonymous" and password="guest".  The pathname
  for bulletins is ddn-news/ddn-mgt-bulletin-nn.txt (where "nn" is the
  bulletin number).
                       CMC Temporary Relocation
  The DISA Network Management Operations Center (NMOC) building will have
  a scheduled power outage (including the Uninterruptible Power Supply
  (UPS)) from Friday, 29 May 92, 2100Z (5:00 PM EDT) to Saturday, 30 May 92,
  2100Z (5:00 PM EDT).  The CONUS Monitoring Center for MILNET & DSNET1 will
  also be affected by this outage.  During this scheduled power outage, the
  CONUS Monitoring Center will be relocated and the normal 1-800, DSN, and
  Commercial telephone numbers will not be available for reporting MILNET
  & DSNET1 operational problems.  The following telephone numbers must be
  used to report any MILNET or DSNET1 outages thru SUNDAY, 31 May 92,
  1800Z (2:00 PM EDT).
  Toll Free: 1-800-821-2283
  DSN: 988-4015,4017,4035,4213,4383,4393
  Commercial: (301) or (717) 765-4015/4017/4035/4213/4383/4393
  Normal operation is scheduled to be resumed NO LATER THAN Sunday, 
  31 May 92, 1800Z (2:00 PM EDT).  After this time, all trouble calls
  for MILNET & DSNET1 must be reported via the normal CONUS Monitoring
  Center 1-800, DSN, or Commercial telephone numbers.

  Point of Contact is Mr. McDaniel, DISA/DODM, DSN 222-7582, COMM (703)

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