[ netinfo/alternate-domain-procedure.txt ] REGISTRATION OF DOMAIN NAMES FOR BITNET, CSNET AND UUCP UUCP, BITNET, or CSNET members who wish to join existing domains or establish new domains should do this through the appropriate administrative channels for those organizations. The contacts for UUCP, BITNET and CSNET are listed below. CSNET - CSNET Coordination and Information Center (617) 873-2777 Netmail: CIC@SH.CS.NET UUCP - UUNET Communications (703) 876-5050 Netmail: POSTMASTER@UUNET.UU.NET, postmaster!uunet BITNET - BITNET Network Information Center (609) 520-3340 Netmail: info%bitnic@CUNYVM.CUNY.EDU GENERAL PROCEDURE - The administrator of each of these organization will process domain applications from his/her members and forward them to the NIC (HOSTMASTER@NIC.DDN.MIL) in groups. The NIC will provide a special form for this process online in NETINFO:ALTERNATE-DOMAIN-TEMPLATE.TXT. This template can be FTPed by the administrator, or Hostmaster can send it via electronic mail. The application form in the online file NETINFO:BITNET-DOMAIN-TEMPLATE.TXT is available for BITNET users. - The NIC will check for domain name conflicts and notify the administrators in case of conflicts. - If the names are valid, the NIC will generate name server records for each of the new domains. - The administrators of each organization agree to provide a contact for the domains in their networks. - Hostmaster will notify administrators of acceptance or rejection of applications. MAINTENANCE OF DOMAIN INFORMATION Periodically, each organization should review the information on file at the NIC. The most simple way to do this is by using the NIC WHOIS server and typing "whois domain <domain name> <Return>" at the prompt. If any changes are required, the administrator should contact the NIC Hostmaster.