TUCoPS :: Networks :: alterna2.txt

Template for registering CSNET & UUCP sites

[ netinfo/alternate-domain-template.txt ]

                       FOR CSNET AND UUCP SITES

Please provide the following information to the NIC Domain Registrar.
Hostmaster may be reached by electronic mail (HOSTMASTER@NIC.DDN.MIL),
or by phone at (703) 802-4535 or 1-800-365-3642.

   Please Note: The key contacts will be registered in the NIC WHOIS
   database.  If these individuals are not already registered, this
   will be done at the time of domain registration.  In addition,
   these individuals should have electronic mailboxes.  Complete
   information should be provided below for individuals not already

   1) The name of the top level domain to join.

      For example:  EDU

   (2) The NIC handle (a unique NIC WHOIS database identifier), if
   known, of the administrative head of the organization.
   Alternately, the person's name, title, mailing address, phone
   number, organization, and network mailbox.  This is the contact
   point for administrative and policy questions about the domain.  In
   the case of a research project, this should be the principal

      For example:


            Organization  The NetWorthy Corporation
            Name          Penelope Q. Sassafrass
            Title         President
            Mail Address  The NetWorthy Corporation
                          4676 Andrews Way, Suite 100
                          Santa Clara, CA 94302-1212
            Phone Number  (415) 123-4567
            Net Mailbox   Sassafrass@ECHO.TNC.COM
            NIC Handle    PQS (if any)

   (3) The NIC handle of the technical and zone contact for the
   domain.  Alternately, the person's name, title, mailing address,
   phone number, organization, and network mailbox.  This is the
   contact point for problems concerning the domain or zone, as well
   as for updating information about the domain or zone.

      For example:

         Technical and Zone Contact

            Organization  The NetWorthy Corporation
            Name          Ansel A. Aardvark
            Title         Executive Director
            Mail Address  The NetWorthy Corporation
                          4676 Andrews Way, Suite 100
                          Santa Clara, CA. 94302-1212
            Phone Number  (415) 123-6789
            Net Mailbox   Aardvark@ECHO.TNC.COM
            NIC Handle    AAA2 (if any)

   (4) The name of the domain (up to 12 characters).  This is the name
   that will be used in tables and lists associating the domain with
   the domain server addresses.  (Shorter names are easier for people
   to cope with.)

      For example:  TNC

   5)  A description of the servers that provide the domain service for
   translating name to address for hosts in this domain, and the date
   they will be operational.

      A good way to answer this question is to say "Our server is
      supplied by person or company X and does whatever their standard
      issue server does".

         For example:  Our server is a copy of the server operated by
         the NIC, and will be installed and made operational on

   (6) Domains must provide at least two independent servers for the
   domain.  Establishing the servers in physically separate locations
   is strongly recommended.  A description of the server machine and
   its backup, including

      (a) Hardware and software (using keywords from the Assigned
      Numbers RFC).

      (b) Host domain name and network addresses (which host on which
      network for each connected network).

      For example:

         - Hardware and software

            VAX-11/750  and  UNIX,    or
            IBM-PC      and  MS-DOS,  or
            DEC-1090    and  TOPS-20

         - Host domain names and network addresses

            BAR.FOO.COM on ARPANET

   (10) Please describe your organization briefly.

      Example: The NetWorthy Corporation is a consulting
      organization of people working with UNIX and the C language in
      an electronic networking environment.  It sponsors two technical
      conferences annually and distributes a bimonthly newsletter.

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