==================================================== [ Hacker Supreme's - Hackers Directory Volume # 34 ] [ Compiled by: Ninja Squirrel and Logan - 5 ] ==================================================== ======================================= [ Hack Copyright: Hacker Supreme 1986 ] ======================================= [ AUTONET SERIES (Section 1) ] HOW TO CONNECT TO AUTONET To establish a connection to Autonet, simply follow the steps listed below. 1. Dial your local access number and wait for a high-pitched tone. NOTE: If you are using a direct-connect terminal, proceed to Step 3. 2. Switch data set to DATA, or place the telephone receiver fir- mly in the acoustic coupler, orienting the cord as indicated. 3. Press the RETURN key two times. 4. Autonet will respond with: Autonet Line xxxxxxxxxx Command: 5. Type one or more of the connection dialog commands described on the following pages. The appropriate C or ID command and corresponding name or number will be provided to you when you become an Autonet user. The H and T commands may be used in conjunction with either of these. SAMPLE SESSION User entries are shown in square brackets ([ ]). [ <CR><CR> ] Autonet Line 3130157042 Command: [ C NAME;H;T D1 ] Autonet will respond to this dialog by: (1) setting the correct parameters for your terminal model (2) typing out the connection dialog HELP file (3) connecting you to your destination and issuing this message: CALL CONNECTED AUTONET CONNECTION DIALOG COMMAND SUMMARY COMMAND FORMAT FUNCTION EXAMPLE C nnnnnnnnnn Requests a connection to a host C 5555 whose address is nnnnnnnnnn. C cccccccccc Requests a connection to a host C NAME whose name is cccccccccc. H Prints this list of commands. H ID xxxxxxxxx Identifies the user and re- ID 1234-567 quests a connection to the host associated with the user's identity code xxxxxxxxx. T cn Identifies a terminal model by T D1 the terminal identity code cn. See the TERMINAL option of AID. * Use a space to separate a command name and its parameter. ** Use a semicolon (;) to separate commands which occupy the same line. AUTONET CONNECTION DIALOG COMMAND DESCRIPTIONS In all examples, information the user types is shown in square brackets ([ ]). The C Command PURPOSE The C command requests a connection to a sub- scribing host computer. The particular host can be specified by a numerical address, or, through special arrangements, by an alphabetic name. The terminal session is charged to the subscribing host. GENERAL FORM C nnnnnnnnnn Where: nnnnn~nnnnn is the numeric address assigned by Autonet to the host computer. or C cccccccccc Where: cccccccccc is the alphabetic name chosen by the subscriber for the host computer. EXAMPLE Autonet Line 3130157042 Command:[ C 5555 ] CALL CONNECTED (Proceed with host log-on procedure.) NOTES If no host exists at the given address or by the given name, the user will receive the message: ?**No such host. If the subscribing host will not accept the char- ges, the user will receive the message: ?**User ID required. The ID Command PURPOSE The ID command identifies the user and requests a connection to the host associated with that user's identification code. The network will require the user to enter a valid password before completing the connection. The terminal session is charged to the user. GENERAL FORM ID xxxxxxxxx Where: xxxxxxxxx is an alphanumeric user identification code. EXAMPLE Autonet Line 3130157042 Command:[ ID 1234-567 ] XXXXXXPassword CALL CONNECTED (Proceed with host log-on procedure.) NOTES To connect to a destination other than the default host, use the C command in conjunction with the ID command. EXAMPLE Autonet Line 3130157042 Command:[ ID 2345-12;C 5555 ] XXXXXXPassword CALL CONNECTED Proceed with the host log-on procedure. The H Command PURPOSE The H command prints a connection dialog command summary as a helpful reminder for users. The H command may be used in conjuction with other com- mands, or it may be used as a single command PRIOR to issuing the C or the ID commands. If used individually, the network will follow the summary display with a prompt for another com- mand. GENERAL FORM H EXAMPLE Autonet Line 3130157042 Command:[ H ] . . . Autonet displays Command Summary. . . . Command: EXAMPLE Autonet Line 3130157042 Command:[ H;C 5555 ] Autonet displays Command Summary. CALL CONNECTED (Proceed with host system log-on procedures.) The T Command PURPOSE The T command identifies the use\}r's terminal model so that the network can set certain operat- ing parameters to optimize the terminal's charac- teristics. The T command may be used in conjuc- tion with other commands, or it may be used as a single command PRIOR to issuing the C or the ID commands. If used individually, the network will establish the correct parameters and will prompt for another command. GENERAL FORM T cn Where: cn is the alphanumeric code which identifies the terminal model. EXAMPLE Autonet Line 3130157042 Command:[ T D1 ] (Autonet establishes optimal parameters for ter- minal model.) Command: EXAMPLE Autonet Line 3130157042 Command:[ T D1;C 5555 ] Autonet sets optimal parameters for terminal model and requests a connection to host 5555. NOTES A list of codes for commonly used terminal models appears in "HOW TO USE AUTONET" and under the op- tion TERMINAL in Autonet's on-line information directory, AID. Contact your Autonet Sales Specialist for further information. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Another Great Directory from Hacker Supreme. (Ninja Squirrel /+\, Logan - 5,) (Zaphod Breeblebox, Silicon Rat, Lord Vision, Crazy Horse, Lancelot-1.) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ============================================================================== [ ------------------- Infinity-Cartel Alliance Network --------------------- ] [ The Cartel 1&2 Adventure/AE/BBS 5 meg ------ 206-825-6236, or 206-939-6162 ] [ Infinity's Edge Adventure/AE/Cat/BBS 10 meg ----------------- 805-683-2725 ] [ The Center Of Eternity BBS ---------------------------------- 817-496-1777 ] [ ---------- The Cartel #3 and The Cartel 20 Meg AE comming soon! ---------- ] ==============================================================================