(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*) (*) (*) (*) The Lost Avenger And Spectrum Proudly Present: (*) (*) (*) (*) The Beginner's Guide To Hacking On Datapac (*) (*) (*) (*) Written On October 22, 1990 (*) (*) (*) (*) Copyright 1990 - All Rights Reserved (*) (*) (*) (*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*) - Table Of Contents - Part I Disclaimer Part II Introduction Part III The Ten Commandments of Hacking Part IV How To Find Different Types Of Systems On Datapac Part V How To Connect To Datapac Part VI Explanation Of Datapac's "Call Conencted" Message Part VII Datapac Network Messages Part VIII What Is A NUI? Part IX Why Have A NUI? Part X Datapac Family Of Services (a) Datapac 3000 (b) Datapac 3101 (c) Datapac 3201 (d) Datapac 3203 (BSC) (e) Datapac 3203 (SDLC) (f) Datapac 3304 (g) Datapac 3305 (h) Datapac Access Software (DAS) Part XI Identiifing The Different Operating Systems (a) Hp-x0000 (b) Prime (c) Tops (d) Unix (e) Vax/Vms (f) Vm/370 Part XII Conclusion Appendix A Datapac 3000 Public Dial Ports Appendix B Datapac 3101 Public Dial Ports Appendix C Datapac 3305 Public Dial Ports Appendix D Datapac Network Identifier Codes (DNIC) Appendix E Trouble Shooting Appendix F CCITT Recommendations Appendix G Glossary - Part I - - Disclaimer - The puropse of this document is to educate people about the Datapac network. The author nor the group (Spectrum) will be held responsible for the reader's actions before, during, and following exposure to this document as well as the validity or accuracy of the information contained within this document. - Part II - - Introduction - After reading through my large collection of g-files. I have found that there hasn't been a good text file for beginner's about hacking the Datapac network. This guide will give a general insite on how to identity different types of operating systems when you are hacking about Datapac. I hope this will give you enjoy of my knowledge to help get you started. Hope you learn a lot about Datapac and enjoy reading it at the same time. - Part III - - The Ten Commandments of Hacking - These are the ten rules of hacking that I go by when I hack around on systems. These rules are important in order maintain from being caught or discovered illegally hacking on a system. I. Do not intentionally damage *any* system. II. Do not alter any system files other than ones needed to ensure your escape from detection and your future access (Trojan Horses, Altering Logs, and the like are all necessary to your survival for as long as possible.) III. Do not leave your (or anyone else's) real name, real handle, or real phone number on any system that you access illegally. They *can* and will track you down from your handle! IV. Be careful who you share information with. Feds are getting trickier. Generally, if you don't know their voice phone number, name, and occupation or haven't spoken with them voice on non-info trading conversations, be wary. V. Do not leave your real phone number to anyone you don't know. This includes logging on boards, no matter how k-rad they seem. If you don't know the sysop, leave a note telling some trustworthy people that will validate you. VI. Do not hack government computers. Yes, there are government systems that are safe to hack, but they are few and far between. And the government has inifitely more time and resources to track you down than a company who has to make a profit and justify expenses. VII. Don't use codes unless there is *NO* way around it (you don't have a local telenet or tymnet outdial and can't connect to anything 800...) You use codes long enough, you will get caught. Period. VIII. Don't be afraid to be paranoid. Remember, you *are* breaking the law. It doesn't hurt to store everything encrypted on your hard disk, or keep your notes buried in the backyard or in the trunk of your car. You may feel a little funny, but you'll feel a lot funnier when you when you meet Bruno, your transvestite cellmate who axed his family to death. IX. Watch what you post on boards. Most of the really great hackers in the country post *nothing* about the system they're currently working except in the broadest sense (I'm working on a UNIX, or a COSMOS, or something generic. Not "I'm hacking into General Electric's Voice Mail System" or something inane and revealing like that.) X. Don't be afraid to ask questions. That's what more experienced hackers are for. Don't expect *everything* you ask to be answered, though. There are some things (LMOS, for instance) that a begining hacker shouldn't mess with. You'll either get caught, or screw it up for others, or both. - Part IV - - How To Find Different Types Of Systems On Datapac - I think in my own opinion the best way to find systems is by scanning them out. Getting them off a board or off a friend is not very safe as them may already have been hacked to death. Now you are probably wondering how you scan for systems, well this is what you do. You select a four digit number eg. 4910 or something like then, what you do is when you connect to Datapac network you type in the four digit number you selected then type in a four digit ending number and then increase the last four digit number and press enter. Datapac wil give respond by giving you a Network message (see Part VII for the Datapac network messages), which will tell you if the systems you are reaching is out of service, up, busy, and so on. If you successfully connected to a system and want to disconnect from if type in "^(Control)-P Clear <CR>". Then to scan for more systems just add one to the last four digit number entered before and keep on sccaning up until whatever suits your needs eg. start scanning at 4910 0000 and stop scanning at 4910 1000. - Part V - - How To Connect To Datapac - Network Response 1) Make sure your computer on. 2) Load your terminal program. 3) Call your local Datapac node. (See Appendix A, B, And C) 4) Once connect type in "..<CR>" DATAPAC: XXXX XXXX 5) Enter your NUA address to access. - If it connects to the NUA specified, it will display this message. Call connected to: XXXX XXXX - Otherwise it will display a different message. See Part VI for other Datapac Network Messages. - Part VI - - Explanation Of Datapac's "Call Connected: Message" - When a Datapac call is established through the network, a call connected message is received at the originating DTE. All or some of the following messages may be identified depending on the type of call, options used for the call, and the type of destination. Example: [HUNTED] [BACKED UP] [BACKED UP & HUNTED] [i LCN] [P/N PACKETSIZE: (128 OR 256)] [NUI (6 to 8 CHAR)CHARGING] [CUG:(CUG#)] [REVERSE CHARGE] MESSAGE EXPLANATION ------- ----------- Call connected to: XXXXXXXX A virtual circuit has been established between an originating DTE and a remote (receiving) DTE. Hunted The remote logical channel is part of a hunt group. Backed Up The call attempt to the remote DTE has failed. The network has re-directed the call to another predetermined DTE that has been optioned as backup. i The call has been placed to an international address. P Priority service. Packet size: 128. N Normal service. Packet size: 128 or 256. DNA Data Network Address of the originating DTE. LCN Logical Channel Number of the recipient DTE. NUI The call will be billed to the 6 to 8 character Network User Identifier. CUG The recipient DTE is part of a closed user group. Reverse Charge The recipient DTE has accepted the charge associated wih the established call. - Part VII - - Datapac's Network Messages - There are thirty-three messages which may appear when you are accessing the Datapac network. All of these network-generated messages which are sent to a terminal, are written as "Datapac: text". The "text" will be one of the following messages: ADDRESS This is a Datapac herald message for an SVC terminal. The "address" displayed is your Datapac network address. This message indicates that you are connected to the Datapac network. Proceed with the call request command. {P,R} TERMINAL ADDRESS -- (DESTINATION ADDRESS LOGICAL CHANNEL) This is a Datapac herald message for a PVC terminal. It indicates that you are connected to the network (address and destination address) CLOSED USER GROUP ERROR INVALID ADDRESS, MORE THAN 12 DATA CHARACTERS, or COMMA REQUIRED BEFORE DATA CHARACTERS These messages indicate an error in the call request command--correct and re-enter the command. CALLED BY [P][R] or [N][I] ADDRESS (XXX) This message indicates that a host or terminal has called you. Proceed with sign-on. (Note: P or N denotes grade of service. R specifies the charging option, if applicable. I specifies that it is an international call. (XXX) specifies the logical channel number if it is a national call, and specifies the gateway id if it is an international call. CALL CONNECTED This message indicates that the SVC connection between your terminal and the destination has been established successfully. RE-ENTER This message indicates that a transmission error has occurred in the current input line. Re-enter the line. If the problem persists, report the trouble to Telecom Canada. INPUT DATA LOST This message indicates that a transmission error has occurred. Since part of your input line has already been transmitted to the destination, enter a "line delete" character for your application and a carriage return (CR). When the destination replies, re-enter the line. PARITY ERROR This message indicates that a parity error has occurred in the current input line from a terminal which is operating in echo mode. The character which is in error is not echoed. Re-enter the character and continue normal input. If the problem persists, report the trouble to Telecom Canada. INPUT ERROR This message indicates that there is a network problem, due to overruns. If the problem occurs often, contact Telecom Canada. PVC DISCONNECTED - TEMPORARY NETWORK PROBLEM This message indicates that a network problem is preventing the requested call from continuing. Wait for the Datapac herald message, then continue. If the condition persists, contact Telecom Canada. PVC DISCONNECTED - DESTINATION NOT RESPONDING This message indicates that either the access line to the destination, or the destination itself is down. Try again later. If the condition persists, contact the destination. PVC DISCONNECTED - REMOTE REQUEST This message indicates that the desti- nation has asked that the connection be discontinued. INVALID COMMAND This message indicates that there is a syntax error in the command. Correct it and re-enter the command. COMMAND NOT ALLOWED This message indicates that the command which was entered, although syntactically correct, cannot be implemented either due to the NIM state, or because it violates and/or conflicts with the service options selected --e.g., a call request command, when an SVC is already established. CALL CLEARED -- DESTINATION BUSY This message indicates that the destination computer cannot accept another call. Try again later. CALL CLEARED -- INCOMPATIBLE CALL OPTIONS This message indicates that the call request command includes facilities which are not available at the destination or are incompatible with it. Verify and try the call again. If the problem persists, contact the destination. CALL CLEARED -- TEMPORARY NETWORK PROBLEM This message indicates that a network problem has occurred--try again later. If the problem persists, report it to Telecom Canada. CALL CLEARED -- DESTINATION NOT RESPONDING This message indicates that the destination is either not acknowledging your request to connect or it is inoperable. Try again later. If the problem persists, contact the destination. CALL CLEARED -- ACCESS BARRED This message indicates that the network has blocked your call because of a Closer User Group violation. Verify the call establishment procedures with the destination. CALL CLEARED -- ADDRESS NOT IN SERVICE This message indicates that the network address in the call request command identifies a non-existent destination-- i.e., the address is not yet (or is no longer) assigned. Verify the address and re-enter the call request command. If the condition persists, contact the destination. CALL CLEARED -- COLLECT CALL REFUSED This message indicates that the desti- nation is not willing to accept the charges for the connection (e.g., it does not accept calls from Datapac public dial ports). Verify the call establish- ment procedures and try the call again. If the condition persists, contact the destination. (See Part VII and Part VIII for more information. CALL CLEARED -- LOCAL PROCEDURE ERROR This message indicates that a network protocol error has occurred. Try the call again. If the condition persists, report the trouble to Telecom Canada. CALL CLEARED -- REMOTE PROCEDURE ERROR This message indicates that a destination protocol error has occurred. Try the call again. If the condition persists, contact the destination. CALL CLEARED -- LOCAL DIRECTIVE This message indicates that a virtual circuit has been cleared in response to a clear command from a terminal user. CALL CLEARED -- REMOTE DIRECTIVE This message indicates that a virtual circuit has been cleared in response to a clear request packet from the destination. CALL CLEARED -- REMOTE REQUEST This message indicates that a virtual circuit has been cleared in response to an invitation from the destination to clear the call. RESET -- TEMPORARY NETWORK PROBLEM This message indicates that a network problem has occurred on the PVC connection. Wait for the Datapac herald message, then continue. If the condition persists, report the trouble to Telecom Canada. RESET -- DESTINATION NOT RESPONDING This message indicates that the destination end of the PVC connection is not responding-- i.e., either the access line to the destination, or the destination itself, is down. Try again later. If the condition persists, contact the destination. RESET -- LOCAL PROCEDURE ERROR This message indicates that the PVC has been reset because of a network protocol error. Wait for the Datapac herald message, then continue. If the condition persists, report the trouble to Telecom Canada. RESET -- REMOTE PROCEDURE ERROR This message indicates that the PVC has been reset because of the destination protocol error. Wait for the Datapac herald message, then continue. If the condition persists, contact the destination. If the host computer is connected via the ITHI option, this message indicates that data has been disregarded due to the host not reacting to flow control conditions sent by the PAD. RESET -- LOCAL DESTINATION This message is the network's response to a reset command from the terminal user. Continue. RESET -- BY DESTINATION This message indicates that the destination has reset the virtual circuit. Data may have been lost. Continue. If the condition persists; report it to the destination. RESET -- TEMPORARY NETWORK PROBLEM These messages indicate that the network has reset the switched virtual circuit. Data may have been lost. Continue. If the problem persists, report it to Telecom Canada. RESET -- LOCAL PROCEDURE ERROR These messages indicate that the network has reset the switched virtual circuit. Data may have been lost. Continue. If the problem persists, report it to Telecom Canada. - Part VIII - The Datapac Manual File #3/7 - What Is A NUI? - Description The Network User Identifier (NUI) is a credit card-like system associated with the Datapac Network - similar to a calling card used to bill long distance calls. A NUI is a 6-8 character alphanumeric code which is entered during call set-up to indicate an account to which Datapac calls may be billed. Associated with each NUI is a password which is used as a security check when establishing a connection to the Datapac network. The password is confidential, known only to the user. Purpose The purpose of a NUI is to allow a Datapac user to make use of the Datapac network for data communications without the requirement of a dedicated Datapac connection or the need for the destination to accept reverse charge calls. Once the NUI/password pair has been correctly validated, the call is set up to the requested destination and call usage billed to the NUI/Datapac account number. Use At call set-up time, the user specifies the NUI and password to the network. The password is used by the network to authenticate the use of the NUI. After the NUI/password pair has been correctly validated (process whereby NUI/password is checked by NUI application), the user will be able to bill all subsequent session usage to the specified NUI. - Part IX - - Why Have A NUI? - There are many useful applications for NUI. - NUI, when provided to authorized users, can eliminate the need for host to accept reverse charge calls. - NUI is required by users of public dial who are placing calls to a host application with the reverse charge blocking option. - NUI permits subscribers of dedicated and private dial Datapac services to "Third Party" usage charges to a NUI account. For example, some users may decide that they do not want usage charged to the dedicated access line which they are using (i.e., if using someone else's line/terminal). By entering the NUI, all usage for subsequent calls during the same session would be billed to the account associated with the specified NUI. - NUI permits sender paid calls to domestic Datapac network addresses and to foreign networks. Users can make international calls to overseas networks and charge the call usage to their NUI when using public dial ports. Offshore networks accessed via Teleglobe do not accept collect calls. Users also have the capability of placing sender paid calls to Domestic Datapac addresses, Telenet, Tymnet, Autonet, ACUNET and DASNET in the United Sates. - NUI is required to complete calls using Datapac indial/outdial ports (i.e., devices at destination not connected to Datapac). - NUI can be used to achieve benefits of departmental accounting. The Datapac bill is itemized to indicate the charges related to each NUI. This will assist in determining which department has generated usage and the associated charges. - Part X - - Datapac Family Of Services - Section A - Datapac 3000 Datapac 3000 is synchronous, application independent service that allows data terminals (DTE's) and data communicating equipment (DCE) to exchange data in a packet-mode over a public or private packet switching network. The DTE/DCE interface connection, disconnection and transmission rules are defined in a packet switching protocol called X.25 recommendation which is developed and governed by the international telephone and telegraph consultative committee (CCITT). X.25 protocol is a bit oriented framing structure based on the high level data link control (HDLC). The CCITT recommendations for X.25 are divided into three levels, namely: The Physical Interface (Level 1); The Frame Level Logical Interface (Level 2); The Packet Level Logical Interface (Level 3). Level 1 Level 1- Specifies the use of four-wire, point-to-point synchronous circuit between the dte and the network (DCE). This circuit includes two modems or datasets (one connected to the DTE and the other connected to the network). Characteristics are: - 4-wire point-to-point or dial via a V.22 bis modem - Full duplex ; - Via RS232 convention. Level 2 - Defines the frame level link procedures used to synchronize transmission, initiate the "handshaking" necessary to establish the 'R-U-There'/Yes-I-Am sequence, flow control mechanism and perform error checking of data exchange across the DTE/DCE interface (link). the DTE is usually located at the customer premises and is called host while the DCE is located in the network. the procedures used to control the link are defined as commands and responses. Characteristics are: - HDLC; - Link access procedure balanced (LAPB) - X.25(80) or X.25(84). Level 3 - Defines the packet formats and control procedures required to establish a logical path (call request), exchange information (data packets) and for removing the logical path (clear request) between the DTE and DCR. Characteristics are: - Logical Channels (LCN`s) - Packet Size - Window Size - Throughput Class - Etc How It Works The customer's terminal (Host) is connected to a local modem which in turn, is connected to a second modem (Remote) in the central office via by 4 wires which in turn, is connected to a line processing module in the Datapac network. This configuration is called the DTE/DCE link and can be assigned speeds of 1200 bps through 19200 bps. This DTE/DCE link is assigned a unique Datapac network address (DNA) and other link parameters such as line speed, modem type, flow control and security by Telecom Canada. When the electrical signals are in the correct state as specified in level 1, the Datapac line processing module continuously transmits a CCITT command called SBMM (Set Asynchronous Balanced Node) to the customers's terminal (Host) every three seconds. If the host is ready, it responds to the sabm with a CCITT response UA (Unnumbered Acknowledgement). When this occurs, the link is initialized (level 2 ready), the host and Datapac module exchange restarts or restart/restart confirmation commands. When this occurs, the DTE/DCE link generates a transition to the next X.25 level, level 3. The DTE then signals the address it wishes to communicate with in a CCITT defined call request format (8 digits ), 10 digits if using 9th and 10th digit subaddressing on a logical channel (lcn) Datapac then routes the call request to the appropriate destination (national or international) and awaits a CCITT defined call accept packet. If this occurs, the accept packet is transmitted back to the originating host and both hosts may now exchange CCITT defined data packets. This is called a switched virtual call (SVC); permanent virtual calls (pvc's) are also offered. At the end of the session, either host can terminate the svc by transmitting a CCITT defined clear request packet. Up to 255 SVC's may be supported simultaneously. Dial access service is also offered at 2400 bps with a maximum of eight lcn's over the public telephone network Benefits Datapac 3000 provides customers with a cost effective service derived from packet switching technology and X.25 protocol. Some benefits are: Dedicated or Dial-in access - Simultaneous communication with many (up to 255) different locations - national and international; - Error free transmission; - System expansion flexibility; Communication Universality - Cost containment through reduced host port connections; - 24 hours 7 days-a-week service - Lower communication costs; - Call paramater selection to suit particular applications. Section B - Datapac 3101 Datapac 3101 is a network access service which enables teletypewriter compatible devices, such as time-sharing terminals, to access the Datapac network. Low speed, asynchronous devices are supported through an interactive terminal interface (ITI) in a packet assembler/disassembler (PAD), which allows the devices to access the network over dial-up (DDD) or dedicated access lines. ITI, the end-to-end protocol for datapac 3101 conforms to the ccitt recommendations X.3, X.28 and X.29 and supports access to the Datapac network for asynchronous, start-stop character mode terminals. X.3 specifies the operation of the pad. It contains the specifications for the twelve international parameters and their operation. Additional domestic parameters are also in place to meet canadian market requirements. X.28 specifies the command language between the teminal and the pad. It also specifies the conditions which define the command mode and the data transfer mode. X.29 specifies the procedures to be followed by an X.25 DTE to access and modify the parameters in the pad as well as the data transfer procedure. The user needs no special hardware or software to interface a terminal to the Datapac network. A knowledge of the ITI procedures is the only requirement at the terminal end. The Datapac 3101 service provides for terminal to host (user's computer) and terminal to terminal communication. The host access should conform with the X.25 protocol, using the Datapac 3000 access service, and also support the higher level protocol conventions of iti. host access may also be provided via the Datapac 3101 service for some applications. The Datapac 3101 service also provides block mode and tape support. Section C - Datapac 3201 Network access service which enables various terminals that are buffered, pollable and operate asynchronously to communicate with host computers through the Datapac network. Applications The Datapac 3201 service is typically used by the general merchandise and speciality sectors of the retail industry in Canada. It provides a cost effective communication solution whenever there is a requirement for sending small amounts of information to a host computer and obtaining a short response. The primary applications are on-line compilation of sales data to help in inventory control, and on-line credit verification to detect fraudulent credit cards. Other emerging applications involve trust companies, credit unions, banks and service stations. Access Arrangements Datapac 3201 provides support at the customers' terminal end (for example a retail store) by means of a packet assembler/disassembler (PAD) which is located in a Telecom Canada member company central office. The PAD polls the various devices for information in an on-line real time environment. Devices may communicate to the pad via two options: 1) Shared multipoint multidrop access at 1200 bps, or 2) Dedicated access at 1200, 2400 bps. Protocol support Communication between the PAD and the terminal conforms to the ansi (American National Standards Institute) X3.28-1976 ISO (International Standards Organization) poll/select asynchronous protocol. Telecom canada undertakes to test terminals which support this protocol, prior to connecting them to the Datapac 3201 network. Communication between the customers host computer location and the datapac network is accomplished by the use of a X.25 (datapac 3000) interface which supports the datapac 3201 host to PAD "Point-Of-Sale (POS) end to end protocol" specification. Communication Response Time - Data Collection: Average 1.7 to 2.3 seconds in the peak periods. - Inquiry-Response (Credit Check): Average 2.7 to 4.2 seconds in the peak periods. Message Size A typical retail Datapac 3201 application uses short input and output messages. (For example an average of 50 characters). One kilopacket (1,000 packets or 256,000 bytes) is equal to approximately 1,000 sales transactions or 500 credit authorizations. Average transaction volume would be less than 5000 packets per day. Optional Datapac Network Features: Closed User Group (CUG): Allows devices within one group to communicate only with accredited devices of the same group, resulting in a high degree of data security. Additional options are available to limit call attempts between closed user groups or within a closed user group. Reverse charge call: Allows a user to charge a call to the destination address Reverse charge call Reverse charged calls destined to a Datapac 3201 blocking: address will be blocked by the network. Section D - Datapac 3303 (BSC) Datapac 3303 (BSC) provides polled bsc communications protocol support for IBM 3270 information display systems or their emulators. Datapac 3303 (BSC) supports all the typical online inquiry response and data entry applications normally accessed with these 3270 terminal clusters. Datapac 3303 (BSC) is a pad based service. The 3270 controllers connect to the network via PAD's (Packet Assemblers/Fisassemblers). PAD's perform the host functions of communicating with the 3270 controllers in the binary synchronous communications polling protocol, and in doing so, eliminate cross-network polling. Datapac 3303 (BSC) connections are dedicated facilities (one per controller) at speeds of 2400, 4800, or 9600 bps. A virtual circuit is maintained for each terminal across the network and out to the host at the other end via a datapac 3000 line. Most datapac 3303 (BSC) connections dialogue with hosts that are running Telecom Canada's Datapac access software (DAS) in their IBM 3720, 3705, 3725 or Amdahl look-alikes front ends. DAS supports X.25 connecting. To the network via Datapac 3000. It also supports the end-to-end protocol transporting the 3270 data across the network. Datapac 3303 (BSC) - Features Aside from lower communications costs, the main reasons for using Datapac 3303 (BSC) are: - Ease of network reconfiguration, and - Dynamic multiple terminal functionality. Reconfiguration New online systems are economically feasible and equipment changes can be easily accommodated without disrupting service or affecting the network. functionality with Datapac 3303 (BSC) - Terminals are now much more versatile than ever before. - The capability exists to dynamically access multiple hosts and/or applications from the same destination (either manually, or via a user friendly mnemonic addressing scheme). This means terminals behind the same controller can access different destinations at the same time, saving equipment and communications facilities costs. - In conjunction with das (datapac access software) in the host's front end, that 3270 terminal can also act as an ascii asynchronous device and access such systems as Rnvoy 100 and iNet. - In addition, each terminal now has the ability to appear as either a bsc device to a non-SNA host or an SDLC device to an SNA host in a matter of a few keystrokes. Section E - Datapac 3303 (SDLC) There are currently 2 services under Datapac 3303 (SDLC). They are 1) Datapac 3303/SDLC 2) Datapac 3303/SDLC Plus Both services allow ibm (and their emulators) devices to access the datapac network for the purpose of transmitting data using the SDLC link level protocol. Common Features - Terminal pad based: The service provides the X.25 framing and de-framing for SDLC data stream as well as the packetization and de-packetization. - Qllc end-to-end protocol. The service conforms to IBM's Qllc specifications thus making it compatible with most host X.25 pad software/hardware implementations. - Physical unit type 2 accessibility: services such as the IBM 3270, 3177, 52xx, 36xx, 37xx, 47xx, atm's, etc - 2.4, 4.8, 9.6 kbps access speeds. - Point to point & multipoint, on-net & off-net access - Terminal or host initiated calling - Normal or priority packet size option - Closed User Group options Datapac 3303/SDLC - 1 vc per pu (controller) - Switched and permanent virtual circuit support - Applications: Virtual private line emulation, centralized host processing simple call set up, international (via telenet/us) access, token ring gateway support using the IBM 3174 Datapac 3303/SDLC Plus - 1 vc per lu (end user terminal) - Local command mode allows call set up and clearing from users terminal - Automatic direct call, mnemonic DMA dialing methods of call set up - Switched virtual circuit support - Applications: Disaster recovery, alternate host access using switching capability from user terminal, datapac options (packet size, charging, CUG's) at user terminal level. Section F - Datapac 3304 Datapac 3304 offers batch terminal support. it supports RJE (or Remote Job Entry) batch work stations or communications terminals operating under binary synchronous communications (BSC) protocols. Datapac 3304 allows users operating under IBM's Multileaving Interface (MLI) protocol to access the Datapac network. It also supports compatible computers and terminals using this protocol. Datapac 3304 supports the bulk data transfer applications from these remote job entry (RJE) work stations which typically use this multileaving protocol. Datapac 3304 devices access datapac via PAD's at both the remote and the host ends of the network. This is known as 'transparent' service or 'pad-to-pad operation'. Devices are connected to the Datapac 3304 pad via dedicated lines at speeds of 2400, 4800, or 9600 bps. As users grow and implement new technology, the terminals emulating IBM's LMLI protocol are being upgraded to X.25. A typical user profile would include: - A host with a spooling or queueing subsystem such as: - Hasp ii - Jes 2 - Jes 3 - Asp - Rscs - Batch terminals such as: - IBM 3777 m2 - Data 100 - Have low to medium volumes to transmit Section G - Datapac 3305 Datapac 3305 also supports a variety of BSC RJE batch work stations such as: - IBM 2780 - 3780 - 2770 - 3770 - 3740 It provides network access support for those customers using equipment operating under ibm's point-to-point contention mode protocol and those compatible computers and terminals using the same protocol. Datapac 3305 supports the bulk data transfer (batch transmissions) applications that occur between terminals, hosts, and a variety of other devices such as communicating word processors. Datapac 3305 provides savings for those customers running low to medium volume applications. Datapac 3305 is a pad based service. The RJE (Remote Job-Entry) work stations access the network via PAD's while the host computer may also use the Datapac 3305 PAS or connect via an X.25 link on dDtapac 3000. Datapac 3305 supports three modes of access: - Dedicated lines at 2400 or 4800 bps - Private dial at 2400 bps - Public dial at 2400 bps It should be noted that the destination must be dedicated in order to receive a call. Section H - Datapac Access Software (DAS) Datapac access software (DAS) provides a Datapac (X.25) compatibility for IBM host computer environments. Datapac access software (DAS) resides in customer-provided ibm hardware; the communications controller or front end processor such as the IBM 3725 or IBM 3705, and co-exists with its compatible ibm software such as NCP (Network Control Progarm), EP (Emulation Program) or PEP (Partitioned Emulation Program). Datapac access software (DAS) compatibility also extends to ibm look-alike hardware manufacturers such as Amdahl. DAS-installed host computer environments have access to their Datapac-bound devices, such as those connected via Datapac 3101, Datapac 3303 (DSI/DSP), Datapac 3303 (Qllc)*, and Datapac 3305, as well as those devices which are connected via conventional communications facillities, such as private line or dial-up. Das can also provide SNA conversion for non-SNA devices, such as conversion from 3270 bsc-3 (Datapac 3303 DSI/DSP) to physical unit type 2 (SNA 3270 SDLC representation), and ASCII/asynchronous (Datapac 3101) to physical unit type 1 (SNA ASCII SDLC representation). These SNA conversion features allow the customer to convert his host environment to SNA without modifying or replacing his existing terminal/device population. DAS also provides an extended conversion feature for 3270 devices that modifies the incoming data (3270) to an ASCII/asynchronous datastream and re-routes the traffic into the Datapac network. Thus providing external ASCII database access to the 3270 device population. Other DAS features include multiple host support, trnsparent path, host to network callout, extended console routines, code conversion, etc. - Part XI - - Identifing The Different Operating Systems - This guide will help you identify some of the more popular systems you may incounter when scanning around for systems. Section A - Hp-x000 The Hp-x000 machines are made by Hewett-Packard and runs the MPS Operating System. This system can be identified by the ":" prompt. I have found that the login sequence for these systems can be very tricky. To login to these systems you must type the login in the following way :Hello (Job Id),(Username)(User Password).(Account name),(Group Name)(Group Password) Job Id : This is used to allow users to distinguish terminal sessions that are being run on the same group name. It consists of 1 letter followed by up to 7 characters (not ','). My favorite ones to use are MANAGER, OPERATOR, and some nasty ones when I get frustrated or bored. The first time hacker may not wish to use these as they draw unwanted attention if they are not used in the right ways. User Name : The user name consists of up to 8 letters, eg. Gebhardt Group Name : The group name consists of up to 8 letters and is often times the same as the account name, but not always. Account Name : The account name consists of 1 letter followed by up to 7 letters or digits. Password : The passwords are from 1 to 8 printing andoor non-printing (Control) characters. As with the 2000, the following characters will never be found in any passwords so don't bother: Line Delete (^X), Null (^@), Return (^M), Linefeed (^J), X-Off (^S), X-On (^Q), Underscore (_). Sometimes when you login you may try the some of the default passwords (list below) and it may just let you in with evening entering a password! Common Logins/Passwords:Hpoffice,Pub Unpassworded Field.Support,Pub Unpassworded Mgr.Rje,Pub Unpassworded Mgr.Telesup,Pub Unpassworded Section B - Prime Prime computer company's mainframe running the Primos Operating System. They are easy to spot, as the greet you with 'Primenet 22.1.1.R11 MDTOR' or the something like that, depending on the version of the operating system you run into. Some versions they will be no prompt offered and just looks like it's sitting there and some versions it will give you a prompt of "ER!" The version that doesn't give you a prompt you have to type in "login <username>", but for the version that does give you the prompt just type in the username of the person. Common Logins/Passwords:Admin Admin Guest Guest Prime Prime Or Primos Primenet Primenet System Prime or Systems Test Test Section C - Tops You can recognize these types of systens by the "." prompt. The good thing about this Operating System is you can get a listing of accounts and processing names that are currently being used online. To do this you type in that following "systat" at the "." prompt. This Operating Systems allows you to let you have unlimited tries at the account and deos not keep track of bad login attemps. Common Logins/Passwords:I have no record of any common logins/passwords. Sorry about that. Section D - Unix Unix in my own opinion is one of the most widely used Operating Systems. To identify if you connected to a Unix systems it will show a "login:" prompt. This system will give you unlimited login attempts and usually does no log bad uuser login attempts. This system also does not tell you if you entered a valid account name or not. If you enter a bad account name or bad password or both it will send you this message "Login incorrect" Common Logins/Passwords:Root Root Admin Admin Sysadmin Admin Unix Unix Guest Guest Demo Demo Daemon Daemon Sysbin Sysbin Section E - Vax/Vms The VAX computer is made by Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC), and runs the VMS (Virtual Memory System) operating system. VMS is characterized by the "Username:" prompt. It will not tell you if you've entered a valid username or not, and will disconnect you after three bad login attempts. It also keeps track of all failed login attempts and informs the owner of the account next time s/he logs in how many bad login attempts were made on the account. It is one of the most secure operating systems around from the outside, but once you're in there are many things that you can do to bypass system security. This system also does not tell you if you have entered a correct login or password or even both. If either one or both of those are wrong the system will respond and give you a "User Authorization Failure" message. Common Logins/Passwords:Decnet Decnet Guest Guest Demo Demo Operator Operator Default Default Dec Dec Section F - VM/370 The VM/370 runs the Virtual Machine Operating Systems and is run on IBM mainframes. When you connect to one of these systems you will see something to this effect. Logon Userid (Example: Logon Vmuser1) Dial Userid (Example: Dial Vmuser2) Msg Userid (Example: Msg Vmuser3 Good Morning!) Logoff But this may vary from system to system. To login you have to type in "login <username>. But there are Vm/370 systems which give you a "." prompt, (Note: Try doing a "systat" to make sure it's a VM/370 and not a Tops. If it is a Vm/370 it will give you a error message, which from there you can login by typing in "login <username>". These are some of the error messages you may encounter when trying to login to this Operating System. Login unsuccessful--incorrect password which means you entered a valid user id but entered a incorrect password. Already logged in which means you have attempted to login in the system with a valid user id and password when your are already logged in. This will lock out all users who attempt to login to the system from that particluar line. Maximum password attempt exceeded, try again later which means the threshold has been reached of illegal user id and/or password attempts you will reieve this message every time you attempt to login. Command not valid before logon which means is you type in anything that is not listed in the menu. It doesn't even matter what is being typed as long as it's not on the menu you will get this message. User id missing or invalid which means nothing was typed after entering the logon command or the format of the user id was not correct. Error in CP directory which means the CP directory is corrupt. The CP directory is the main user directory for the system which holds the user id, password, priveledge level, and many other other important options about and for the user. Without a proper directory entry a user cannot login to the system Common Logins/Passwords:Autolog Autolog Cms Cms Cmsbatch Cms or Cmsbatch Vmtest Vmtest Vmutil Vmutil Maint Maint - Part XII - - Conclusion - Well that's the end of this file. Hope you enjoyed it as much as I had typing it in. If you have any question or suggestions or any other feedback about this file or anything else, please let me know. You can contact me on one of the numbers at the end of this file (See list below) or any other 416 systems that i hang out on. Well have phun and be careful. The Lost Avenger "Phreak Out And Touch Someone" [Spectrum] - Appendix A - - Datapac 3000 Public Dial Ports - Province City Area Code 2400 Bps -------- ---- --------- -------- Alberta Calgary 403 263-5021 Edmonton 403 421-1428 British Columbia Vancouver 604 662-8747 Victoria 604 380-3874 Prince George 604 561-9178 Manitoba Winnpieg 204 947-6797 New Brunswick Saint John 506 633-1021 Newfoundland St. John's 709 739-1499 Cornerbrook 709 634-9060 Nova Scotia Halifax 902 453-9100 New Glasgow 902 755-4594 Truro 902 893-5434 Ontario Barrie 705 721-2411 Brampton 416 796-3808 Brantford 519 758-0058 Brockville 613 345-7550 Chatham 519 351-8950 Clarkson 416 823-6010 Guelph 519 763-3610 Hamilton 416 523-6948 Kitchener 519 741-4000 London 519 432-2710 Ottawa 613 567-4552 Sarnia 519 339-9144 St. Catharines 416 687-3340 Toronto 416 979-1232 Windsor 519 973-1086 Quebec Chicoutimi-Jonqui 418 543-8013 Montreal 514 861-4750 Quebec City 418 647-2421 Rimouski 418 725-3620 Sherbrooke 819 564-6417 Trois Rivieres 819 373-9983 Saskatchewan Regina 306 525-8760 Saskatoon 306 934-9100 - Appendix B - - Datapac 3101 Public Dial Ports - Province Area 300 Bps 1200 Bps Auto 2400 Bps City Code 0 - 1200 ---------- -------- ------- --------- -------- -------- British Columbia Abbotsford 604 850-0041 850-0042 Campbell River 604 286-0703 286-0094 Cranbrook 604 489-4171 489-3588 Dawson Creek 604 782-9402 782-9177 Kamloops 604 374-5941 374-9510 374-4580 Kelowna 604 860-0331 860-9762 861-5218 Nanaimo 604 753-6491 754-8291 Nelson 604 354-4411 354-4824 Penticton 604 492-8322 493-3656 Port Alberni 604 723-1057 Powell River 604 485-9453 Prince George 604 564-4060 562-8469 561-2152 Prince Rupert 604 624-9472 624-4951 Terrace 604 635-7221 638-0238 Vancouver 604 687-7144 662-7732 Vernon 604 549-5245 549-5285 Victoria 604 388-9300 386-0900 380-7955 Whistler 604 932-6420 Williams Lake 604 398-6377 398-7227 Alberta Airdrie 403 234-7740 Banff 403 762-5080 762-5458 Calgary 403 290-0213 265-8292 Drayton Valley 403 542-3926 Edmonton 403 423-4463 429-4368 Fort McMurray 403 791-2884 743-5207 790-9490 Fort Saskatchewan 403 421-0221 Grande Centre 403 594-7383 Grande Prairie 403 539-0100 539-6434 538-2443 Leduc 403 421-0250 Lethbridge 403 329-8755 327-2004 320-8822 Lloydminister 403 875-4769 875-6295 Medicine Hat 403 526-6587 529-5521 528-2742 Peace River 403 624-1621 624-8082 Red Deer 403 343-7200 342-2208 341-4074 St-Albert 421-0280 Sherwood Park 403 421-0268 Stony Plain 403 421-0236 Saskatchewan Estevan 306 634-3551 Melfort 306 752-5544 Moose Jaw 306 693-7611 694-1828 694-6422 North Battleford 306 446-2694 Prince Albert 306 922-4233 922-4234 763-0106 Regina 306 565-0181 565-6000 Saskatoon 306 665-7758 664-6300 Swift Current 306 778-3901 778-3921 Weyburn 306 842-1260 Yorkton 306 783-4663 Manitoba Brandon 204 725-0878 727-6609 726-1899 Dauphin 204 638-9244 638-9906 Flin Flon 204 687-8285 687-8241 Morden 204 822-6171 822-6181 Porta. la Prairie 204 239-1166 239-1688 Selkirk 204 785-8625 785-8771 482-4005 Steinbach 204 326-9826 326-1385 The Pas 204 623-7409 Thompson 204 778-6461 778-6451 Winnipeg 204 943-4488 943-1912 Ontario Alliston 705 435-2510 Ajax-Pickering 416 428-0240 Aurora 416 841-1702 Barrie 705 721-2400 721-2450 721-2414 Belleville 613 969-1500 969-1520 Bracebridge 705 645-1333 Brampton 416 791-8900 791-8950 796-3811 Brantford 519 758-5900 758-5910 758-5222 Brockville 613 345-4670 345-4942 345-1260 Chalk River 613 589-2175 589-2117 Chatham 519 351-8910 351-8920 351-8935 Clarkson 416 823-6000 823-6030 Cobourg 416 372-1222 Collingwood 705 444-2985 Cornwall 613 936-0040 Deep River 613 584-3308 Fort Erie 416 871-9270 Galt 519 622-1780 Guelph 519 763-3630 763-3621 Hamilton 416 523-6900 523-6920 Huntsville 705 789-1781 Kingston 613 541-3015 546-3220 Kit.-Waterloo 519 741-4030 741-4080 Lindsay 705 324-8083 London 519 439-1100 432-2550 Midland 705 526-9776 Milton 416 875-3075 Newmarket 416 836-1015 836-9022 Niagara Falls 416 357-2770 North Bay 705 495-4449 495-4459 Orangeville 519 942-3714 Orillia 705 327-3000 327-3006 Oshawa 416 579-8950 Ottawa 613 567-9300 567-4431 Owen Sound 519 371-5900 371-5910 371-7971 Pembroke 613 735-2391 Perth 613 267-7570 Peterborough 705 749-6010 Renfrew 613 432-8172 Sarnia 519 339-9100 339-9111 339-9140 Sault Ste Marie 705 945-0600 945-0620 Simcoe 519 428-3200 Smiths Falls 613 283-8671 St. Catharines 416 688-5640 687-1104 Stratford 519 273-5052 273-5751 St. Thomas 519 633-9900 Sudbury 705 671-4600 671-4630 Thunder Bay 807 623-3270 Tillsonburg 519 688-3322 Timmins 705 268-9505 268-9661 Toronto 416 868-4100 979-1619 Trenton 613 969-1400 969-1420 Uxbridge 416 852-9791 Welland 416 788-1200 788-1230 Whitby 416 430-2944 Windsor 519 973-1020 973-1096 Woodstock 519 421-7100 421-7200 Quebec Alma 418 668-6178 Amos 819 732-7683 Baie-Comeau 418 296-9113 296-8611 Buckingham 819 986-5897 Chateauguay 514 698-0120 Drummondville 819 477-7151 477-7153 Gaspe 418 368-1377 368-2352 Granby 514 375-1240 375-4184 Hauterive 418 589-8899 589-2911 Joliette 514 759-8340 759-8381 Jonqui/Chicoutimi 418 545-2272 545-2290 543-0186 La Malbaie 418 665-7501 Lachute 514 562-0251 L'Annonciation 819 275-7902 Louiseville 819 228-9451 Mont Laurier 819 623-1401 Montmagny 418 248-1383 Montreal 514 878-0640 875-9470 New Carlisle 418 752-6651 752-6621 Quebec 418 647-2691 647-3181 Rimouski 418 722-4694 722-4696 725-4700 Riviere du Loup 418 867-4024 Roberval 418 275-7246 Rouyn/Noranda 819 797-1166 797-0062 Sept-Iles 418 962-8402 962-7634 Shawinigan 819 537-9301 Sherbrooke 819 566-2770 566-2990 564-8714 Sorel 514 743-3381 743-0101 St-Felicien 418 679-9620 St George Beauce 418 227-4692 227-4690 St Jean 514 346-8779 347-6211 St Jerome 514 432-3453 432-3165 St Sauveur 514 227-4696 Ste Agathe 819 326-1805 Ste Hyacinthe 514 774-9270 774-9991 Thetford Mines 418 338-0101 Trois Pistoles 418 851-2166 Trois Rivieres 819 373-2600 373-2603 373-1037 Val D'Or 819 825-3900 825-3904 Valleyfield 514 377-1260 377-1680 Victoriaville 819 752-3295 New Brunswick Bathurst 506 548-4461 548-4581 546-1306 Campbellton 506 759-8561 759-8571 Edmundston 506 739-6621 739-6611 Fredericton 506 454-9462 454-4525 453-1918 Moncton 506 854-7078 854-7510 853-0551 Newcastle 506 622-4451 622-8471 Saint John 506 642-2231 633-1689 Woodstock 506 328-9361 328-9351 Nova Scotia Amherst 902 667-5035 667-5297 Bridgewater 902 543-6850 543-1360 Halifax 902 477-8000 453-8100 Kentville 902 678-1030 678-2096 New Glasgow 902 755-6050 755-6150 755-4590 Sydney 902 564-1400 564-1450 539-5912 Truro 902 662-3258 662-3773 893-0231 Yarmouth 742-2899 Prince Edward Island Charlottetown 902 566-5002 566-5934 566-4797 Summerside 902 436-1721 Newfoundland Carbonear - Harbour Grace 709 596-1911 596-1931 Clarenville 466-3808 Corner Brook 709 634-1839 634-1469 634-9946 Gander 709 256-4130 256-2804 Grand Falls 709 489-4930 489-4020 489-1243 Happy Valley - Goose Bay 709 896-2458 896-2491 896-9770 Labrador 709 944-7781 Marystown - Burin 709 279-4188 279-4077 St John's 709 726-4920 726-5501 739-6337 Stephenville 709 643-9682 City 0-2400 Bps ---- ---------- Northwest Territories Cambridge Bay 403 983-8870 Fort Simpson 403 695-8870 Fort Smith 403 872-8870 Hay River 403 874-8870 Inuvik 403 979-8870 Yellowknife 403 873-8870 Yukon Whitehorse 403 668-3282 City 110 Bps Auto 110-300 Bps ---- ------- ---------------- British Columbia Kamloops 374-6314 Kelowna 860-0391 Nelson 354-4540 Prince George 564-1088 Terrace 635-7359 Vancouver 689-8601 Victoria 388-4360 Alberta Calgary 264-9340 Edmonton 420-0185 Lethbridge 329-8797 Medicine Hat 526-7427 Red Deer 343-7374 Saskatchewan Estevan 634-8946 Melfort 752-1950 Moose Jaw 694-0474 North Battleford 445-1925 Regina 565-0111 Saskatoon 665-6660 Weyburn 842-8985 Yorkton 782-5601 Manitoba Brandon 725-0961 Winnipeg 475-2740 Ontario Cornwall 936-0030 Galt 622-1714 Guelph 763-3600 Hamilton 523-6800 Kingston 541-3000 Kitchener-Waterloo 741-4010 London 432-2500 Niagara Falls 357-2702 Oshawa 579-8920 Ottawa 567-9100 Peterborough 749-6000 St. Catharines 688-5620 Sudbury 673-9654 Thunder Bay 623-9644 Toronto 868-4000 Windsor 973-1000 New Brunswick Quebec Montreal 878-0450 Quebec 647-4690 New Brunswick Fredericton 455-4301 Moncton 388-2276 Saint John 693-7399 Nova Scotia Halifax 477-2000 Sydney 539-1720 - Appendix C - - Datapac 3305 Public Dial Ports - Province City Phone Number -------- ---- ------------ British Columbia Vancouver (604)683-8702 Alberta Banff (403)762-8080 Calgary (403)234-7659 Edmonton (403)423-0576 Saskatchewan Regina (306)565-0100 Saskatoon (306)665-7797 Manitoba Winnipeg (204)475-1490 Ontario Barrie (705)722-6933 Guelph (519)763-3650 Hamilton (416)523-6910 Kitchener/Waterloo (519)741-4100 London (519)432-2700 Ottawa (613)567-9450 Peterborough (705)749-6026 Sault Ste.Marie (705)945-0650 Sudbury (705)671-4620 Thunder Bay (807)623-5864 Toronto (416)868-4153 Windsor (519)973-1040 Quebec Montreal (514)875-6452 Quebec City (418)647-1827 New Burnswick Moncton (506)854-7689 St. John (506)633-6104 Nova Scotia Halifax (902)477-4418 Newfoundland St. John's (709)854-7689 - Appendix D - - Datapac Network Identifier Codes (DNIC) - Country Network's Name DNIX ------- -------------- ---- Alaska Alascom 3135 Andora Andorpac 2945 Antigua Aganet 3443 Argentina Arpac 7220 Arpac 7222 Austria Datex-P 2322 Datex-P Ttx 2323 Ra 2329 Australia Austpac 5052 Otc Data Access 5053 Austpac 5054 Bahamas Batelco 3640 Bahrain Bahnet 4263 Barbados Idas 3423 Belgium Dcs 2062 Dcs 2068 Dcs 2069 Bermuda Bermudanet 3503 Brazil Interdata 7240 Renpac 7241 Renpac 7248 Renpac 7249 Cameroon Campac 6242 Canada Datapac 3020 Globedat 3025 Cncp 3028 Cayman islands Idas 3463 Chad Chad 6222 Chile Entel 7302 Chile-Pac 7303 Vtrnet 7305 Entel 7300 China Ptelcom 4600 Colombia Coldapaq 7322 Costa rica Racsapac 7120 Racsapac 7122 Racsapac 7128 Racsapac 7129 Cyprus Cytapac 2802 Cytapac 2807 Cytapac 2808 Cytapac 2809 Denmark Datapak 2382 Datapak 2383 Djibouti Stipac 6382 Dominican republic Udts-I 3701 Egypt Arento 6020 Finland Datapak 2441 Datapak 2442 Digipak 2443 France Transpac 2080 Nti 2081 Transpac 2089 French antillies Transpac 2080 French guiana Transpac 2080 French polynesia Tompac 5470 Gabon Gabonpac 6282 Germany (west) Datex-P 2624 Datex-C 2627 Greece Helpak 2022 Hellaspac 2023 Greenland Kanupax 2901 Guam Isds-Rca 5350 Pacnet 5351 Guatemala Guatel 7040 Guatel 7043 Honduras Hondutel 7080 Hondutel 7082 Hondutel 7089 Hong Kong Intelpak 4542 Iatapak 4545 Inet Hong Kong 4546 Hungary Datex-P 2160 Datex-P 2161 Iceland Icepak 2740 India Gpss 4042 Indonesia Skdp 5101 Ireland Eirpac 2721 Eirpac 2724 Israel Isranet 4251 Italy Itapac 2222 Itapac 2227 Ivory coast Sytranpac 6122 Jamaica Jamintel 3380 Japan Globalnet 4400 Ddx-Ntt 4401 Nisnet 4406 Kdd Venus-P 4408 Kdd Venus-C 4409 Nici 4410 Korea (south) Dacom-Net 4501 Dns 4503 Kuwait Bahnet 4263 Lebanon Sodetel 4155 Luxembourg Luxpac 2704 Luxpac 2709 Macau Macaupac 4550 Malaysia Maypac 5021 Mauritius Mauridata 6170 Mexico Telepac 3340 Morocco Morocco 6040 Netherlands Datanet-1 2040 Datanet-1 2041 Dabas 2044 Datanet-1 2049 Netherland Antillies Netherland Antillies 3620 North Marianas Pacnet 5351 New Caledonia Tompac 5460 New Zealand Pacnet 5301 Niger Nigerpac 6142 Norway Datapac Ttx 2421 Datapak 2422 Datapac 2423 Panama Intelpaq 7141 Intelpaq 7142 Peru Dicotel 7160 Philippines Capwire 5150 Capwire 5151 Pgc 5152 Gmcr 5154 Etpi 5156 Portugal Telepac 2680 Sabd 2682 Puerto Rico Udts-I 3300 Udts-I 3301 Qatar Dohpac 4271 Reunion Transpac 2080 Rwanda Rwanda 6352 San Marino X-net 2922 Saudi Arabia Alwaseed 4201 Senegal Senpac 6081 Singapore Telepac 5252 Telepac 5258 South Africa Saponet 6550 Saponet 6551 Saponet 6559 Spain Tida 2141 Iberpac 2145 Sweden Datapak Ttx 2401 Datapak-1 2402 Datapak-2 2403 Switzerland Telepac 2284 Telepac 2289 Taiwan Pacnet 4872 Pacnet 4873 Udas 4877 Thailand Thaipac 5200 Idar 5201 Togo Togopac 6152 Tortola Idas 3483 Trinidad Datanett 3745 Textet 3740 Tunisia Red25 6050 Turkey Turpac 2862 Turpac 2863 Turks & Caicos Idas 3763 United Arab Emirates Emdan 4241 Emdan 4243 Tedas 4310 Uruguay Urupac 7482 Urupac 7489 USSR Iasnet 2502 US Itt-Udts 3103 Tymnet 3106 Telenet 3110 US Virgin Islands Udts-I 3320 United Kingdom Ipss-Bti 2341 Pss-Bt 2342 Mercury 2350 Mercury 2351 Hull 2352 Yugoslavia Yugopac 2201 Zimbabwe Zimnet 6482 - Appendix E - - Trouble Shooting - You want to hack a system on Datapac. So you decided to call and it connects onto the NUA you want, but you find you are having troubles getting the system to recognize your input. So here are some answers to some common problems people find when connecting to systems. The screen remains blank A physical link has failed - check the cables between computer, modem and phone line. The remote modem needs waking up - send a <CR> or failing that, a ENQ <Ctrl> E, character The remote modem is operating at a different speed. Some modems can be broght up to speed by hitting successive <CR>'s; they usually begin at 110 Bps and then go to 300, and so on up the ladder. The remote is not working at V21 standards, either becuase it is different CCITT standard. Since different standars tend to ahave different wake-up tones which are easily recognized with practice, you may be able to spot what is happening. If you are calling a North American service you should assume Bell tones. Both your modem and that of the remote service are in answer or in orginate and so cannot speak to each other. Always assume you are in the originate mode. The screen fills with randome characters Data format different from your defaults - check 7 or 8 bit charcters, even/odd parity, stop and start bits. Mismatch of characters owing to musdefined protocol - check start/stop, try alternatively EOB/ACK and XON/XOFF. Remote computer operating at a different speed from you - try in order, 110, 300, 600, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 14400, 19200, 38400. Poor physical connection - if using an acoustic coupler check location of handset, if not, listen on line to see if it is noisy or crossed. The remote service is not using ASCII/International Alphabet No 5. Every character appears twice You are actually in half-duplex mode and the remote computer as well as your own are both sending chacters to your screen - switch to full-duplex/echo off. All information appears on only one line, which is constantly overwritten The remote service is not sending carriage returns - if your terminal software has the facility, enable it to induce carriage returns when each display line is filled. many online services and public dial-up ports let you configure the remote port to send carriage returns and vary line length. Your software may have a facility to show control chacters, in which case you will see <Ctrl>-K is the remote service is sending carriage returns. Most of the display makes sense, but every so often it becomes garbled You have intermittent line noise - check if you can command line the remote computer to send the same stream again and see if you get the garbling. The remote service is sending graphics instructions which your computer and software can't resolve. The display contains recognized chacters in definite groupings, but otherwise makes no sense The data is intended for an intelligent terminal which will combine the transmitted data with a local program so that it makes sense. The data is intended for batch processing. The data is encrypted. Data seems to come from the remote computer in jerky bursts rather than as a smooth stream If you are using PSS or a similar packet-switched service and it is near peak business hours either in your time zone or in that of the host you are accessing, the effect is due to heavy packet traffic. There is nothing you can do - do not send extra commands to speed up things as those commands will arrive at the host eventually and cause unexected results. The host is pausing for a EOB/ACK or XON/XOFF message - check your protocol setting - try sending <Ctrl>-Q or <Ctrl>-F Most of the time everything works smoothly, but I can't get past certain prompts The remote service is looking for characters your computer doesn't normally generate - check your terminal software and see if there is a way of sending them. - Appendix F - - CCITT Recommendations - V Series: Data transmission over telephone circuits V1 Power levels for data transmission over telephone lines V3 International Alphabet No 5 (ASCII) V4 General structure of signals of IA5 code for data transmission over public telephone network V5 Standardization of modulation rates and data signalling rates for synchronous transmission in general switched network V6 Standardization of modulation rates and data signalling rates for synchronous transmission on leased circuits V13 Answerback simulator V15 Use of acoustic coupling for data transmission V19 Modems for parallel data transmission using telephone signalling frequencies V20 Parallel data transmission modems standardized for universal use in the general switched telephone network V21 300 bps modem standarized V22 1200 bps full duplex 2-wire modem for PTSN V22 bis 2400 bps full duplex 2-wire modem for PTSN V23 600/1200 bps modem for PTSN V24 List of definitions for interchange circuits between data terminal equipment and data circuit terminating equipment V25 Automatic calling and/or answering equipment on PTSN V26 2400 bps mode on 4-wire circuit V26 bis 2400/1200 bps modem for PTSN V27 4800 bps modem for leased circuits V27 bis 4800 bps modem (equalized) for leased circuits V27 ter 4800 bps modem for PTSN V29 9600 bps modem for leased circuits V35 Data transmission at 48 kbps using 60-108 kHz band circuits V42 Combined error correction and data compression standard to give 9600 bps on dual-up lines X series: Recommendations covering data networks X1 International user classes of services in public data networks X2 International user facilities in public data networks. X3 Packet assembly/disassembly facility (PAD) X4 Gernal structure of signals of IA5 code for transmision over public data networks X20 Interface between data terminal equipment and adata circuit terminating equipment for start stop transmission services on public data networks X20 bis V21 compatible interface X21 Interface for synchronous operation X25 Interface between data terminal equipment and data circuit terminating equipment for terminals operating in the packet switch mode on public data networks X28 DTE/DCE interface for start/stop mode terminal equipment accessing a PAD on a public data network X29 Procedures for exchange of control information and user data between a packet modem DTE and a PAD X95 Network parameters in public data networks X96 Call process signals in public data networks X121 International addressing scheme for PDN's X400 Standards for electronic mail, covering addressing and presentation - Appendix G - - Glossary - The following is a list of acronyms and terms which are often refered to in this document and others dealing with this subject. ACP - Adapter/Concentrator of Packets. ASCII - American Standard Code for Information Interchange alternate name for International Telegraph Alphabet No 5 - 7 bit code to symbolize common characters and comms instructions, ususlaly transmitted as 8 bit code to include a paraity bit. Asynchronous - Description of communications whihc rely on start and stop bits synchonize orginator and receiver of data = hence asynchronous protocols, channels, modems, terminals, etc. Call Accept - In packet switching, the packet that confirms the party is willing to proceed with the call. Call Redirection - In packet switching, allows calll to automatically redirected from orginal address to another, nominatedm address. Call Request - In packet switching, packet sent to initiate a datacall. Close User Group - A type of high security NUI in use on several PSNs throughout the world. CUG users can access optional parameters and NUAs blocked out by security. CUG - Close User Group. Data Circuit Terminating Equipment - Officalese for modems. Data Country Code - The first three digits in the four digits of any given DNIC. Data Network Identifier Code - The four digits which come before the area code/address/port address of any given NUA. The DNIC shows which PSN any given host is based upon. The DNIC can also be broken down into two parts, the DCC and the NC. For more information, see part VIII. Data Terminal Equipment - Officalese for computers. DCC - Data Country Code. DCE - Data circuit terminating equipment. Destination Paid Call - A collect call to a NUA which accepts collect charges. DNIC - Data Network Identifier Code. DTE - Data Terminal Equipment. DTE Address - The five digits following the area code of the host on any given NUA. For example, the NUA 234112345678 has a DTE address of 45678. Gateway - A host on a given PSN which is connecte both the the originating PSN and one or more different or same PSNs. Gateways also allow one user on one PSN the ability to move to another PSN and operate on the second as if the first was not interfering. Host - Any system accessible by NUA on the PSN. Hunt/Confirm Sequence - String of charachters sent to the SprintNet POTS dialin/port which allows SprintNet to determine the speed and data type to translate to on its PAD. ITI Parameters - Online PAD parameters (X.3 or ITI) which allow the user to modify existing physical measurements of packet length and otherwise. LAN - Local Area Network. Local Area Network - A data network which operates within the confines of an office building or other physical structure where several computers are linked together into a network in order to share data, hardware, resources, etc. These may or may not own a host address on any data network, and if so, may be accessed via NUA; otherwise direct dialin is the only alternative. NC - Network Code. NCP - Nodes of Communication of Packets. Network Code - The fourth digit of any given PSN's DNIC. Network Protcol - The hardware protocol which allows the host systems to communicate efficiently with the PSN it is connected to. Generally, synchronous protcols (X.??) are used within the network and asynchronous protcols (V.??) are used to access the network, but asynchronous protcools within the network and/or synchronous dialin points are not unheard of. The standard protocol for packet transfer today is the X.25 synchronous data protcol. For detailed information, please see part V and appendix F. Network User Address - The address of any given host system on any PSN. This address is thought of as a "phone number" which is dialed to access the desired host. Network User Identifier - The ID and password which allow the user which has logged onto the PSN's PAD to originate calls to host systems which do not accept collect calls. it is often thought of as a "k0de" or a calling card which will be billed for at the end of every month. NUA - Network User Address. NUI - Network User Identifier. Outdial - Any system which allows local, national, or international dialing from the host system. PC-Pursuit can be defined as a local outdial system. Most outdials operate using the Hayes AT command set and others may be menu oriented. Packet Assembler/Disassembler - The device/host which translates the actual input/output between the host and the user. The PAD often translates between baud rates, parities, data bits, stop bits, hardware protocols, and other hardware dependant data which reduces the hassle of continual modification of terminal and hardware parameters local to the originating terminal. Packet Switched Exchange - Enables packet switching in a network. Packet Switched Network - A network based upon the principle of packet switching, which is the input/output of packets to and from the PAD which translates input and output between the user and the host. For detailed information, please see part IV. Packet Switched System - Another name for the PSN. Packet Switch Stream - The PSN used by British Telecom. PAD Delay - The extra time that is used to translate incomming and outgoing packets of data which is composed of a continous stream of clear-to-send and ready-to-send signals. PAD delay can vary depending on the type of network protocol and network/port speed is being used. PAD - Packet Assembler/Disassembler (technical), Public Access Device (customer service description). PDN - Public Data Network or Private Data Network. Port Address - The two optional digits at the end of any given NUA which allow the PAD/PSN to access a given port. For example, 031102129922255 would reach the nua 311021299222.55, .55 being the port address. Private Data Network - Any network (LAN/WAN/PSN) which is owned and operated by a private company. Private networks are usually smaller than public networks and may host a myriad of features such as gateways to other public/private networks, servers, or outdials. PSE - Packet Switch Exchange. PSN - Packet Switched Network. PSS - Packet SwitchStream or Packet Switched System. PTSN - Public Switched Telephone Network. Public Data Network - Another name for the PSN. Public Switched Telephone Network - The voicegrade telehpne network dialled from a phone. Contrast with leased lines, digital networks, conditioned lines. Server - A type of network which is connected to a host system which can be reached either via NUA or direct dial which provides the "brain" for a LAN or WAN. V.?? - Asynchronous network protocol. WAN - Wide Area Network. Wide Area Network - A data network which operates on a continuous link basis as opposed to the packet switched basis. These do not operate on the X.25 protocol and may only be accessed via direct-dial or a host on a PSN which is linked with the WAN. X.?? - Generally symbolizes some type of synchronous network protocol. Greetings go out to the following: Amoeba Wonderboy, Black Manta, Dantesque (So, when are you going to come over), Datapac (For all the nifty information about Datapac contained in this file), Entity, Frost Bite, Galaxy Raider, Glass Head, Grimm, Infiltrator, Mad Hatter (Call me sometime, eh....), Mr Ferrari (How's IPX coming along), N Sult, The Keeper, Tri Nitro Toluene, Watchman (Call me next time your guys decide to have another one of those conferences.....), and lastly the gang on QSD, Altos, and TCHH. You can reach at the following systems: Bulletin Board: The Violent Underground - 416-Com-ing! - 1200/2400 - 85 Megs Voice Mail Box: 416-540-4410 Internet: R2D2@Contact.UUCP This has been a The Lost Avenger "Phreak Out And Touch Someone" Production, Copyright 1990