TUCoPS :: Networks :: dpextrm.txt

Datapac for the Extreme Canadian Hacker (1999, stolen from a 1989 text)


For the extreme Canadian Hacker. (?)

Disclaimer: I'm not going to be official, but I believe this is worth
mentioning. This text file is to provide you with information for hacking.
Yes, hacking. Not for educational purposes, because hacking isn't an
education, it's what inside of you..

I introduce you to packet-switched data communications :


DataPac. The packet-switched network of TelecomCanada. Introduced in the
late 70's, this association was meant to provide a nation-wide, safe and
high-speed transfer for the communities of business computing. DataPac has
many standards of service, from public-access PACX acess, to point-to-point
leased lines. 

Before you start your little adventures in the wonderful world of TeleCom,
you need your public dial-up access port. To obtain such a number in your
area, it is easier than you would have expected. =] You can find it in your
own public telephone book. DataPac is spread widely across Canada, you'd be
surprised where you can the dial-up ports. You can find it under Datapac
Public Dial Ports (or something of the other) in your telephone book.

Now, once you have found your dial-up numbers. Connect. (Obviously) Type a
period (.) to gain DataPac's attention, then a carriage return.

You will be prompted with something like looks like this:

DATAPAC: 6470 0138

DataPac works just like a phone system. Except completely different. For example, instead of voice, it's data. When connecting to a system, instead of a phone number, you type an address.

Amongst the first things to connect, especially if you're just beginning, is DataPac's info service. The address should be 92100086. In short, it's basically the information about DataPac. Read it, it'll help explain DataPac and the more knowledge of a system you have, the more weak points in the system you can spot out.

92100086, is made up of eight digits. The first four digits are the prefix, and the last four are the suffix. (See the resemblance to a phone number?) For example, the DataPac address for Victoria in British Columbia is 6470. So a DataPac address may depend, because it could have one prefix, or a couple. It depends on the population density of the subscribing systems in each area. 
The suffix, however can range from 0000 to 2000. You will unlikely find a suffix higher than 2000 except for personal addresses and such.

DataPac offers the use of public-switched network NUI's (Network User Identification), They're codes, and they are billed to you. You pay by the month, minute and the kilopacket (which is 250, 000 bytes). ( Or actually, the owner of the NUI pays =] ) Otherwise, the charges are called 'collect' or it is billed to the system. You'll realize, that most systems won't accept collect calls, obviously, nor being billed. So basically, if you want to get anywhere, a NUI is a hacker's sidekick, in this situation.

DataPac also gives a service to subscribers appelled DataPac Outdial. It has dial-modems in 18 main centres. (So I've heard so far..?) They're placed at 300 or 1200 baud. Some systems will let you shell back into their networks, and those are valuable to find, because even though you don't have an NUI, you get NUI priviledges. But, since it's so hard to find, a NUI is ESSENTIAL.

You will need to scan DataPac to find an NUI. In doing so, you need to pick a city's prefix (for example, Toronto would be 3910) So right now, let's say we live in Toronto. We decide to scan Toronto and we know the prefix for Toronto is 3910. Hm. We need an NUI . . . Let's start scanning! Now, if any of you know how to scan, it should be a piece of cake. For those that don't . . . I'll explain in a moment.
You're going to want to start from zero. So basically, the first suffix you will imput when prompted will be, 3910 0000. Then, 3910 0001 and 3910 0002 and so on. Important: Remember, the NUI is 8 digits! During your scanning, you will, very likely be prompted with messages such as:

Destination Busy. (Try later) 
Not In Service. (System doesn't exist)
Access Barred. (You need the NUI or only it's originate)
Collect Call Refused. (You need an NUI)
Invalid Address. (Typed less than 8 digits)
Call Connected. (The one you've been waiting for)

Now, DataPac isn't a completely non-securitized system. It has some
mechanisms in which prevents the scanning, but that doesn't mean you can
bypass it. 

Some basic knowledge: After 9 error messages in a row, DataPac will be

About a minute, after not being connected, DataPac will disconnected. So
one thing you do need to do, is connect every so often, because you're more
visible to the phone company than DataPac, itself.  For example, connect
about 5 times, to a known system, like its infoservice. Then, you need to
disconnect. To disconnect, type CTRL-P, follow by CLR. Or Clear, for that
matter. And for the last three connections, scan. The ^P CLR string will
result in the message: Call Cleared - Local Directive, and more
importantly, will reset the hack-counter and hack-timer so you can continue
scanning without actually phoning DataPac multiple times.

One, that's been often connected to, to insure security is:

DATAPAC: Call connected to 5550 0039
         (001) remote charging,n,128

DATAPAC: Call Cleared - Remote Request

Though, I doubt that 5550 0039 still works, it's not that hard to find your
own. It's good for automatic scanning, because you can connect to it 7
times, and still continue scanning.

Once inside..

After you have performed a scan of a DataPac and you have a list of addresses,
you're halfway finished.  Now you want to manually dial each of these systems
to find out what they hold.  Many will just freeze,-some- will have computers
such as VAXes and System/370s running a wide variety of operating systems.
Truly DataPac is an Eden for hackers.

Some systems will have PACXs of their own; these always have more than one
computer connected and many have dialout ports.  DIALOUT ports, although
usually password protected, are the elusive Fata Morgana of the DataPac
scanner.  Private dialouts are usually free of the kludges and restrictions of
DataPac's dialout and can call anywhere in the world.  No wonder most of them
have passwords.  If you find an unprotected private dialout, or the password
and address of a protected one, you Sir have hit the proverbial jackpot.
The Gandalf PACX has DIALOUT as a DEFAULT, and few PACXs have removed it, but
almost all have promecthd i .

Actually, I'll tell you something. A DataPac address MAY HAVE sub-addresses:
The syntax:

3910 0156 XX
3910 0156 X

And replace XX or X with a digit. And this could mean that the sub address
could be completely different than its original DataPac address.

On a last note..

Hope you've enjoyed this text file. It was created by my experience and the
knowledge I've pertained from many websites, and many a time, sitting in
front of the computer screen, reading away . . (E-mail me for websites). I
can't take all the credit. I give some of the credit to me, (of course,
scoff scoff.. heh) because all of my hacking is based on experience. And
through experience you gain knowledge. I give credit to the endless
websites I have read, and give credit to people who have supported and
encouraged me and made me feel worthy of something.

Dedications: My homie Tyler, you know who the fuk you are, yes and one day... yeah. Those airlines..
My g/f, Amie. I love you more than anything. And I hope you'll never forget it, angel.
HFG. (Hackin' for Girliez) You've always been a support.


Text by:

Ilogikal Glitch (or Glitch for short), 1999, leader of M.S.I. , Manipulating Society Ignorance.
E-mail: IGaveItToYourMom@your-house.com

(Much of this text was stolen from another text in this archive by The Fixer)

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