TUCoPS :: Networks :: kermit_i.txt

Kermit info and how to get it

[ netinfo/kermit-info.txt ]

                            KERMIT INFORMATION

DDN users interested in Kermit should FTP from the Columbia host



FTP to the WATSON.CC.COLUMBIA.EDU host and connect to the kermit subdirectory.
First get the file "read.me". The file is included here for your information:

---begin kermit/read.me from watson.cc.columbia.edu----


These are the Kermit files.  They are organized into subdirectories of this

kermit/a/*  -  Tape A  -  Popular micros
kermit/b/*  -  Tape B  -  Popular mainframes & minis
kermit/c/*  -  Tape C  -  Less popular micros
kermit/d/*  -  Tape D  -  Less popular minis & mainframes
kermit/e/*  -  Tape E  -  Documentation, mail archives, etc
kermit/test/*    -        Test versions, not ready for distribution yet
kermit/cu/*      -        Columbia-specific files (MS-Kermit scripts, etc)

You may cd (or cwd) to any of these directories, and get any files you

File names all start with letters and are of the form name.typ (lowercase!)
and will normally appear in alphabetical order in a directory listing or on a

Files whose names start with "aa" -- normally appearing at the top of a
directory listing -- give general information about Kermit.  There should be
an identical set of "aa" files at the top of each Kermit subdirectory.

Kermit programs are stored in the Kermit distribution areas with related
files grouped together using filename prefixes; the names of all the files
for a certain implementation all start with the same 2- or 3-character
prefix, for instance all the files for MS-DOS Kermit have names starting
with "ms", the files names for VAX/VMS Kermit all start with "vms".

The following files describe what's available in the Kermit distribution:

aafiles.hlp - Explanation of what files are available and how they are named.
aanetw.hlp -- Information about network access to Kermit files.
aanoks.hlp -- Information about the Oklahoma State U Kermit archive.
aatape.hlp -- Information about Kermit distribution tape formats.

Files whose names start with "aav" are brief, complete lists of existing,
available Kermit versions, sorted in various ways:

aavers.hlp -- Master list, in no particular order
aavnew.hlp -- Listed in reverse chronological order of release date
aavops.hlp -- Listed alphabetically by operating system only
aavlng.hlp -- Listed alphabetically by programming language
aavpfx.hlp -- Listed alphabetically by prefix, regardless of tape
aavsys.hlp -- Listed alphabetically by machine and operating system
aavtap.hlp -- Listed by tape (A,B,C,D,E), then alphabetically by file prefix

The next file lists the Kermit programs we are still waiting for:

aawait.hlp -- A list of Kermit implementations reportedly under development

And there are some bureaucratic files, whose names start with AAX:

aaxfly.doc -- The Kermit flyer and mail-order form.
aaxfly.ps  -- A postscript version of the flyer and order form.
aaxcom.doc -- The policy on commercial use and distribution of Kermit.

Finally, there is aavers.upd, which lists the Kermit programs released since
the last time the flyer was updated.

A group of files for a particular version is often headed by an "aaaa" file,
for example "ckaaaa.hlp" or "msaaaa.hlp".  These files explain the
organization of the files for that version.

---(end of read.me)---


There is a network mailing list for Kermit information; it is available to
users of Bitnet and the Internet and most networks that are connected to
them, including Bitnet, Usenet, Mailnet, CCnet, and others.  To get on the
mailing list, send mail to


There is a CREN sub-distribution list, I-KERMIT@UGA; Bitnet subscribers 
can join by sending the SUB command with your name.

To be removed from the list, SEND LISTSERV@UGA SIGNOFF.

To make contributions to the list, Bitnet subscribers should send mail to 
the INTERNET list name, NOT to the Bitnet list name.

WATSON is a mail host on both Internet and Bitnet, and is reachable from
CSnet, Mailnet, Usenet, and other networks via explicit host routing, e.g.


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