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Novell Part 5 -- Resources, FTP, and on the World Wide Web
Hacking Netware - Resources

Section 05 - Resources

05-1. What are some Netware FTP locations?

05-2. Can I get files without FTP?

05-3. What are some Netware WWW locations?

05-4. What are some Netware USENET groups?

05-5. What are some Netware mailing lists?

05-6. Where are some other Netware FAQs?

05-7. Where can I get the files mentioned in this FAQ?

05-8. What are some good books for Netware?

Section 05


05-1. What are some Netware FTP locations?

These are from various FAQs. I have not checked all of these and I'm pretty sure some may no longer be up. But here's a starting point.

Novell's ftp site:

Novell's ftp Mirrors:
netlab2.usu.edu29.123.1.44 (the best)

Other Misc. Sites:
ml0.ucs.ed.ac.uk/guest/pc129.215.112.49 (second best)
splicer2.cba.hawaii.edu /files/novell
cc.usu.edu /slip
risc.ua.edu /pub/network/novlib

05-2. Can I get files without FTP?

Try using the BITFTP-FTP/Email gateway. Just send e-mail containing HELP as the BODY (not a subject) to BITFTP@PUCC.BITNET. It will send more info to you.

Internet gateways are:


If you are on Compuserve, type GO NETWIRE to get to Novell's forum. There are files on there for downloading. Also try the CD NSEpro, which is most of the Netwire forum put on CD.

05-3. What are some Netware WWW locations?

http://www.novell.com/Novell in Provo
http://www.novell.de/Novell in Europe
http://mft.ucs.ed.ac.uk/Edinburg Tech Library*
http://resudox.net/bio/mainpage.htmlGreat tools**
http://www.efs.mq.edu.au/novell/faqcomp.sys.novell FAQ
http://occam.sjf.novell.com:8080Online manuals
http://www.safe.net/safetySecurity Company
http://www.cis.ohio-state.edu/hypertext/faq/usenet/netware/security/faq.htmlcomp.os.netware.security FAQ
* Excellent site for tons of techie info. The Netware Server Management section should be read be all hackers and admins alike.

** BioHazard has been busy collecting tools, a great site with assorted nasties like keystroke capture programs, sniffers, and other security compromising goodies. The bane of Sys Admins everywhere.

05-4. What are some Netware USENET groups?

Netware specific:

Security, H/P in general:

05-5. What are some Netware mailing lists?

NOVELL@listserv.syr.edusend an email with no subject to listserv@listserv.syr.edu with "subscribe NOVELL Your Full Name" in the body. You must reply to the message within two days or you'll not be added to the list. The same address no subject with "unsubscribe NOVELL" takes you off the list.
BIG-LAN@suvm.acs.syr.edusend subscriptions to LISTSERV@suvm.acs.syr.edu.
CUTCP-L@nstn.ns.ca for a discussion of Charon and CUTCP Telnet issues. Send subscription requests to listserv@nstn.ns.ca.
INFO-IBMPC@arl.army.milsend subscription requests to INFO-IBMPC-REQUEST@arl.army.mil.
NWP@UEL.AC.UK for programming under Netware. Send subscription requests to LISTPROC@UEL.AC.UK.
MSDOS-ANN@tacom-emh1.army.mil for announcements of SimTel uploads. To subscribe, send mail to LISTSERV@tacom-emh1.army.mil with the message SUBSCRIBE MSDOS-ANN.
CICA-L@ubvm.cc.buffalo.edu for announcements of Windows uploads to CICA. To subscribe, send mail to Listserv@ubvm.cc.buffalo.edu with the message SUBSCRIBE CICA-L .

05-6. Where are some other Netware FAQs?

The old comp.sys.novell (recently deleted) FAQ is available via ftp at ftp.eskimo.com in directory /u/m/mstal. The c.s.n FAQ is csn.faq. The Novell listserv FAQ is faq.txt. It can be FTP directly from its maintainer at netlab2.usu.edu/misc/faq.txt.

These are also available at URL http://www.eskimo.com/~mstal. Included is a URL to ftp the latest version of the Novell listserv FAQ, a URL to a web of the Novell listserv FAQ with many of the ftp sites webbed, and a URL to a web of the c.s.n faq, created by David Rawling. The Novell listserv FAQ web URL is http://www.salford.ac.uk/docs/depts/ais/Network/Novell-Faq.html and the c.s.n FAQ web URL is http://www.efs.mq.edu.au/novell/faq/index.html.

Stanley Toney publishes a bi-weekly Netware Patches and Updates FAQ in comp.os.netware.announce. It is also available at ftp://ftp.nsm.smcm.edu/pub/novell/patchfaq.zip.

Floyd Maxwell, fmaxwell@unixg.ubc.ca, keeper of the listserv FAQ, will automatically mail you the FAQ on a regular basis if you request it of him.

Fauzan Mirza has developed a FAQ for comp.os.netware.security, posting it there once a month. It is also archive at rtfm.mit.edu in the usenet FAQ archive.

Don't forget the alt.2600/#hack FAQ as a general hacking/phreaking resource, available at rtfm.mit.edu among other locations.

05-7. Where can I get the files mentioned in this FAQ?

Bindview Your local software dealer
GRPLIST.EXEml0.ucs.ed.ac.uk /guest/pc/novell/utilsjrb212a.zip
TRSTLIST.EXEml0.ucs.ed.ac.uk /guest/pc/novell/utilsjrb212a.zip
SECUREFX.NLMwww.novell.comSearch for it in the Tech Section

05-8. What are some good books for Netware?

For Netware basics, there are tons. Bill Lawrence has a number of books that are easy to read but cover things with enough detail for a good understanding. I recommend the latest stuff from him. Look in your local bookstore's techie section. The Novell Press books are also good, but you tend to pay more for the name.

For programming:

Programmer's Guide to Netware -- (1990) Author: Charles G. Rose. Publisher: McGraw-Hill, Inc. The bible of Netware programming, dated since Novell has changed virtually every header file, but still the best. Covers 2.x and 3.x except for NLM programming. Lots of good source code.

Netware Programmer's Guide -- (1990) Author: John T. McCann. Publisher: M&T Books. Another dated but classic book with lots of good source for learning.

Novell 4.0 NLM Programming -- (1993) Authors: Michael Day, Michael Koontz, Daniel Marshall. Publisher: Sybex, Inc. Not as complete as I would like, but I'm picky. Still a classic. Although the title implies 4.x, most of it still works for 3.x, too. And if you can't get the kids to sleep, try reading them the tons of useful source code. Jeez, you may have to leave the closet light on, though...

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