This is a PC PURSUIT address list and probsolver manual. Befor a bit of Knowledge is essential.... hehehehee PC Pursuit is a service for US people to call at lower rates data phone numbers using the Packet Network (Telenet) to do so you call your local access Telenet Port (DIALUP or PAD) it is a data phone number and you are on the Packet Network paying a local rate call. From there with a special id (you pay for it if you haven't hacked one!) you can call a HOST ( that is a system connected to the Packet Network and has an identifing id NUA (Network User Address) that is like a Phone number this id can be in two forms a mnemonic one eg DIAL213 or all numeric eg 213 114 When you are connected to this host that usually is placed in a distant area from yours you can give instructions to the modem that is over there to place a data call to any Phone number in the area code where it resides...... this is the DIALOUT!! . So PCPursuit is a network of dialouts that are placed all around US states. Who has a real PCP account is used to call it's local access telenet node to the TELENET Packet Switching Network (PSN) or System (PSS). Then types at the @ prompt DIALnpa/baud,myid,mypw<CR> where npa is the AREA CODE only supported ones!! and baud is 3 for 300 12 for 1200 24 for 2400. Supprted areas are here listed with also their host number. This is for people that have (legal or not) a Telenet id or use a Gateway on the Telenet Network . so for area code 202 at the Telenet @ prompt you can also write C 202 116<CR> if you have a previously set your telenet id or your pad has a direct line to Telenet no id is needed!! For FOREIGNERS if you have access to other packet nets connected to Telenet type this NUA (Network User Address) 0311020200116 where 03110 is to call Telenet network the 0 infront may be different for each country eg UK is A93110 see your net representative (or hacker better!) then 202 is the npa or area code desired and supported by PC Pursuit and then follows the port number always padded with zeros in front to make a five digit number so for 1 type 00001 and for 16 type 00016 and so on.. If from foreign countries you keep getting a busy or Network Congestion the best way is to call some US Hosts that have a Telenet Gateway and call from there the pcp dialouts.(i dunno why it seems always busy from europe and if i call from us is always free or almost!! may be they give lower privs to calls from other states!!) The remote modems are Racal Vadic and can work in two modes: Hayes Compatible and Racal Vadic (more infos on call progressing!). when you get connected the modem will not say anything unless you type AT<CR> or better ATZ<CR> to reset the modem. now you are in hayes mode so to dial : ATDT1234567<cr> as usual if you want to go in racal mode just type CTRL-E i mean the control char!! and <CR> and it will reply Hello I'm Ready. now you can dial by typing d and at the number prompt t1234567 to tone dial. you can get a full menu by typing M or P or ? yuo can get the version of the firmware by typing CTRL-V and you can also do a analogue test :that is all the data you type is converted to the corect analogue signal to be sent to the remote modem but it is fed back into the modem receive circuits and decoded to the correct digital (ascii) signal and sent down to you so you can see if the remote modem works ok and if all characters are fed through sometimes some chars get stripped out or interpreted! to get out of an analogue loop test type CTRL-C CTRL-D one after the other This procedure is also used to disconnect the modem when you are connected to a bbs or whatever ( it's a sort of hayes + + + A T H 0 i had to type spaces not to upset my modem when uploading this File HEHEHE!!!). Another fundamental thing is needed for those who want to dload: you have to set correctly the X3 parameters of Telenet. to see the parameters you need to call up the telenet prompt @ if you are connected to a host you have to type <CR>@<CR> to call the prompt now you can give commands to the telenet PAD eg to see the actual settings }itype PAR?<CR> to set them type SET? 3:0,4:2,5:0,9:0,10:0,12:0,13:0,14:0,15:0,7:8,2:0,1:0<CR> you will see how they change and to go back to the connection (remote Host) type CONTINUE<CR> but if you have set the pad like i have told you now you cannot anymore recall the PAD by <CR>@<CR> (that is 1:0 ->reset 1:1) but only with the <BREAK> signal (that is 7:8 ) also you loose al editing facilities (15:0) no word wrap line feeds after cr etch...no echo (2:0 ->reset 2:1) no Xon Xoff (5:0 and 12:0 ->reset 5:1 12:1) I have to remember if Foreigners call a telenet dialout through their packet net they have to set their PAD parameters sure they are similar to the normal telenet ones (X3 is now almost standard for all world! PADs) and if they go also through a telenet gateway both network pads (the local and remote gateway must be set to these values!) Now if you still don't manage x/ymodem u/dloads you have a chanche to find out the reason!! by setting the dialout in Racal mode and then going in Analogue Loop Back test mode (CTRL-A) at the * prompt! Then if you have a term prog that will show control codes (set that option otherwise capture all data to a file and then analyze it with a hex dumper so that you see all control chars) now start typing control chars to do it with a good rule get an ascii chart and you start with CTRL-@ that is hex 00 or ^0 and then CTRL-A that is 01 or ^A then go on in order with all capital letters of the alphabet and when you reached CTRL-Z continue with 5 symbols following Z in your ascii chart usually they are [ \ ] ^ _ there is one more problem be careful you have not to type CTRL-C followed by CTRL-D otherwise you go out of the analogue loop back test mode so when is their turn swap them round do CTRL-D and then CTRL-C and the go on with the rest of the alphabet. Now what you should get is , if your comms prog can show contrlol chars, you will see something like this :^@^A^B^D^C^E^F^G....and so on all ascii chart up to ^Z^[^\^]^^^_ or if it shows control chars in hex you should get 00 01 02 ....and so on all digits in hex or decimal from 00 (00hex) to 31 (1F hex) with only two of them in the wrong order around that are the CTRL-C and CTRL-D Usually the problem is that the network you use are not fully transparent and they don't return all chars you have sent usually these ate the CTRL-S and CTRL-Q usually used to control (stop and restart) data flow if this is your case the new Zmodem Protocol will solve your problem (this comms protocol escapes CTRL-Q CTRL-S CTRL-P <CR>@<CR> and the DEL char) also Kermit and SuperKermit will solve your problem but they are aufully slow compared to Zmodem!! if you see that there are other ctrl chars that are filtered then you have to use the same protocols as before but with an option that tells them to escape all ctrl chars (this will make it but...it will be a lot slower!!) if instead the prob is that the network adds come chars (sometimes adds a line feed to a CR ) you almost surely cannot solve the problem!! (use another system!) Last thing is that if no ctrl chars are stripped out you have to look if all the rest flow through so start typing with the ascii chart in hand all chars from the Space then to all simbols all digits and on up to all lower case letters and the following simbols if all ok the next step is looking for problems with all the rest of the ascii codes that have the most significant bit set (the ones from 128 to 255 decimal). If you haven't got a comms prog with show ctrl chars option just capture all you receive as you type and then close the file and and dump it with a hex dump utility and analyze it you will discover too the same things as online! PCPursuit Telenet nodes list scanned up to now. AREA Ports....... Town State ---- ------------ ---- ----- 201 1 301 Newark NJ New Jersey ok 202 115 116 117 230 Washinhgton DC 203 -Not yet scanned! Hartford CT Connecticut 206 17 19 Seattle WA Washington 212 16 315 316 412 New York NY New York 213 412 413 Los Angeles CA California 214 117 118 Dallas TX Texas 215 5 112 Philadelphia PA Pennsylvania 301 -once was a backdoor of 202 Baltimore MD Maryland 303 20 21 114 115 Denver CO Colorado 305 19 Miami FL Florida 312 411 412 Chicago IL Illinois 313 216 Detroit MI Michigan 314 -Not yet scanned! St.Louis MO Missouri 404 -Not yet scanned! Atlanta GA Georgia 408 20 21 San Jose CA California 414 20 21 Milwaukee WI Wisconsin 415 215 217 220 San Francis. CA California 503 20 21 Portland OR Oregon 602 20 21 Phoenix AZ Arizona 612 -Not yet scanned! Minneapolis MN Minnesota 617 311 313 Boston MA Massachusetts 619 -Not yet scanned! San Diego CA California 703 -once was a backdoor of 202 Alexandria VA Virginia 713 113 114 Houston TX Texas 714 -Not yet scanned! Riverside CA California 718 -once was a backdoor of 212 Brooklyn NY New York (1718+phone number) 801 20 21 SaltLakeCity UT Utah 813 20 21 Tampa FL Florida 815 -once was a backdoor of 312 Rockford IL Illinois (1815+phone number) 816 -Not yet scanned! Kansas City MO Missouri 817 -once was a backdoor of 214 Fort Worth TX Texas 818 21 Glendale CA California 916 -Not yet scanned! Sacramento CA California 919 20 21 Res.Tri.Park NC North Carolina ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Happy Pursuiting .......... BlackHack (DTE222) DOWNLOADED FROM P-80 SYSTEMS.....