********************************************** HOW TO ACCESS MINITEL OR HOW TO HAVE FUN ON QSD ********************************************** To reach the famous french CHAT system called QSD there are many different ways such as through X.25 with the NUA 0208057040540 or calling QSD direct from some european countries. There is of course another way that I will describe here in that file. First some background infos: QSD is, as mentioned above a french host that was designed to be reached through X.25 AND through the TELETEL NET, which is called MINITEL in france. Now, this MINITEL is accessable through the international INFONET. On INFONET, MINITEL is run by the Minitel Services Company - MSC (ever seen the USER - [USA/MSC] on QSD ?!). Included in this file is a list of dial-ups for almost every areacode. Once you login, with a dumb terminal emulation, you will be prompted with a "#". Enter a "x" and press return, now the prompt changes and you'll get an asterix, press ".vt" now and follow the menus to register yourself BY SIMPLY ENTERING A CREDITCARD (either MC or VISA). After you succeded filling in the form you'll get an account a temporary password that will last for 10 days. If it expires, just get a new account ! Ok, now, as you're a subscriber you can enter "P5" as access code for the so called 3615 services. Now you have to turn on your Minitel Emulation Software (sorry, but I only have the Amiga version) and press return again. You will be asked for a service that you wanna access, type "QSD" for example and hit the "Envoi" key. And then enjoy the QSD...... (c) Mahoney/GlobalCommunication California Inwats 800-422-2587 Port Hueneme 805-488-2558 Redwood City 415-964-8240 Sacramento 916-452-7356 Salinas 408-754-5561 San Bernardino 714-888-7611 San Diego 619-293-3620 San Francisco 415-391-9080 So Sn Fran 415-391-9080 San Jose 408-554-0344 San Barbara 805-966-3270 Santa Rosa 707-571-0345 Van Nuys 818-786-4111 Connecticut Hartford 203-232-9295 Milford 203-877-2751 New Haven 203-877-2751 Stamford 203-327-6745 Delaware Wilmington 302-571-1433 Hawaii Honolulu 808-524-7950 Illinois Chicago 312-704-0313 Oak Brook 312-572-8566 Peoria 309-671-0254 Rock Island 319-324-0042 Springfield 217-525-6683 Indiana Indianapolis 317-634-4301 Terre Haute 812-232-6322 Iowa Davenport 319-324-0042 Des Moines 515-224-0011 Kansas Wichita 316-269-0604 Kentucky Louisville 502-587-9560 Maryland Baltimore 301-760-1950 Massachusetts Boston 617-965-4900 Springfield 413-739-7352 Worcester 508-798-0565 Michigan Detroit 313-963-9141 Grd. Rapids 616-451-8734 Plymouth 313-963-9141 Nevada Boulder Cty 702-294-5070 Las Vegas 702-294-5070 Reno 702-324-1911 New Mexico Albuquerque 505-842-0028 Santa Fe 505-982-4248 New York Albany 518-346-8342 Buffalo 716-896-5410 Long Island 516-481-8028 Manhattan 212-391-1920 212-391-0370 Poughkeepsie 914-454-1808 Schenectady 518-346-8342 Syracuse 315-428-1674 White plns 914-694-6842 North Carolina Charlotte 704-374-0567 Fayetteville 919-436-0145 Raleigh 919-821-7535 North Dakota Fargo 701-237-5282 Ohio Akron 216-535-5537 Cincinnati 513-241-1446 Cleveland 216-621-3880 Columbus 614-461-8450 Oregon Portland 503-241-0549 Salem 503-364-1924 Pennsylvania Harrisburg 717-236-5241 Philadelphia 215-829-0912 Pittsburgh 412-261-9305 Puerto Rico San Juan 809-731-3153 Rhode Island Providence 401-272-0390 South Carolina Columbia 803-771-7665 Utah Ogden 801-544-0086 Salt Lake 801-544-0086 Vermont Inwats 800-422-2587 Washington Seattle 206-624-3580 Spokane 509-455-9398 Tacoma 206-926-0880