ZH2003-20SA (security advisory): Stellar Docs Path Disclosure and Security Leak Published: 10 august 2003 Released: 10 august 2003 Name: Stellar Docs Affected Systems: v1.2 Issue: Remote attackers can know the path of the site and access the administrative section Author: G00db0y@zone-h.org Vendor: http://www.imediasoftware.com/products/stellardocs/index.php Description *********** Zone-h Security Team has discovered a flaw in Stellar Docs v1.2 (and older versions?). Stellar Docs is an "incredibly easy to use online documentation manager" Details ******* It's possible to make a malformed http request in Stellar Docs and in doing so trigger an error. The resulting error message will disclose potentially sensitive installation path information to the remote attacker. Example: http://www.site.com/pathofstellardocs/data/fetch.php?page=' By doing this request we will receive this kind of error: Warning: mysql_num_rows(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /home/www/pathofstellardocs/_admin/cdb.php on line 20 Now we know where is the admin directory. So we can try to connect to the adminstration section: http://www.site.com/pathofstellardocs/_admin/ We will have a login form where we will insert these data: user: admin password: admin We have seen that there is no page to change them, so only modifying the source code of the administration pages we can change these data. Solution: ********* The vendor has been contacted and a patch is not yet produced. Suggestions: ************ Filter all files and change administrator password by editing his pages. G00db0y - www.zone-h.org admin Original advisory here: http://www.zone-h.org/en/advisories/read/id=2864/