Several vulnerabilities have been discovered in phpgroupware:
- CAN-2003-0504: Multiple cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerabilities
in Phpgroupware (aka webdistro) allow remote attackers to
insert arbitrary HTML or web script, as demonstrated with a request
to index.php in the addressbook module.
- CAN-2003-0599: Unknown vulnerability in the Virtual File System
(VFS) capability for phpGroupWare 0.9.16preRC and versions before with unknown implications, related to the VFS path being
under the web document root.
- CAN-2003-0657: Multiple SQL injection vulnerabilities in the infolog
module of phpgroupware could allow remote attackers to execute
arbitrary SQL statements.
For the stable distribution (woody), these problems have been fixed in
version 0.9.14-0.RC3.2.woody2.
For the unstable distribution (sid), these problems will be fixed
soon. Refer to Debian bug #201980.
We recommend that you update your phpgroupware package.