Vulnerability PHPSlash Affected PHPSlash 0.6.1 Description Tobozo Tagada found following. Url block type can access the filesystem when a path is specified by the administrator. The method used in Block_render_url.class does not check if the $url variable contains a valid url scheme. No parsing is really done to check integrity of the url scheme, neither the content of the url and file name. If a path to a file is specified (ex : /etc/passwd), the file will be read and its content stored in the cache exactly as if it was a remote file on a given url. Exploit: Login as admin with GOD permissions Access the BLOCKS admin section (blockAdmin.php3) and create a new block with the following information : Title : notTrusted Type : url Site Location : whatever Source URL : ./config.php3 Expire Length : 0 Owned by section : home Data : (empty) Order number : whatever It will display the content of the config.php3 as text in the block of the main page. It might become an issue if blockAdmin.php3 gives add/edit/remove permission to some users that are not supposed to access the filesystem. Solution Replace the function parse() in the Block_render_url.class to use parse_url() and a regex before sending $url to the file() function.