COMMAND php.exe allows access of all web server files SYSTEMS AFFECTED All versions PROBLEM Paul Brereton announced [http://www.fbb-security.com/] : As advised in the installation text that comes with all versions of PHP, the text tells the user that when installing PHP.EXE for use on a windows machine installed with Apache, the user should insert a few lines of code into the Apache \"httpd.conf\" . These exact lines are shown here : ScriptAlias /php/ \"c:/php/\" AddType application/x-httpd-php .php Action application/x-httpd-php \"/php/php.exe\" The problem with this exploit is due to the ScriptAlias line that is recommended you add to your configuration. This line effectively maps the alias /php/ to your web document root such that typing \" http://www.someserver.com/php/\" will actually try to access in this case \" c:\\php\\ \". Please note that the last \"/\" on the end of the url has to exist for this to work (\"http://www.someserver.com/php\" will not work.) . At this point your server will tell you \"Access Denied\", however if you now specify the url \" http://www.someserver.com/php/php.exe\" , you will see the error \"No input file specified\". This error is actually returned by php.exe, which you have just executed on the server. There are many exploits that can happen with this setup (Some very serious,which could be used to gain root access). Here are a few examples : Exploit 1: ========= It is possible to read ANY file remotely on the server, even accross drives with the following url construct \" http://www.someserver.com/php/php.exe?c:\\winnt\\repair\\sam\" PHP.EXE will parse the sam file \"c:\\winnt\\repair\\sam\" and return it to the browser for download. \" http://www.someserver.com/php/php.exe?d:\\winnt\\repair\\sam\" PHP.EXE will parse look for the same file on the D: drive. The above sam file can then be used to decrypt all the Account Passwords for the Server. Editors note : also try \" http://www.someserver.com/php/php.exe?c:\\boot.ini\" Exploit 2: ========= If you specify a file that exists in the php directory (different files exist depending on the version of PHP), the webserver will try to execute this file and will throw back an error reporting the install directory of php. So in PHP4 for example, you would specify the following line : \" http://www.someserver.com/php/php4ts.dll\" the error returned by the webserver would be : \" couldn\'t create child process: 22693: C:/php/php4ts.dll \" showing the install path of PHP. SOLUTION There is no solution at this time, however you can make the directory (and the alias that points to it) more obscure by choosing a difficult name guess or brute force.