COMMAND Mutliple PHP path revelation due to bad config & coding practice SYSTEMS AFFECTED PHP used as CGI on Windows plateforms PROBLEM In Paul Breton [brereton_paul@btopenworld.com] advisories : Problem 1 ========= By appending /123 to the end of a PHP file such as http://somehost/database.php/123 the PHP program will return its install path, the following message is displayed : Premature end of script headers: C:/php/php.exe Problem 2 ========= When a web administrator installs Apache with PHP and adds index.php to the Apache configuration file, Apache first looks for index.php when sending back the default web page for this directory. This opens up a security weakness that allows remote attackers to gain sensitive information about the directory structure of the Apache and PHP installation. Sending an OPTIONS request to the web server reveals the installation path of PHP. Example: The OPTIONS output is show here: > OPTIONS / HTTP/1.1 > Host: > Accept: */* < HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error < Date: Sun, 03 Feb 2002 10:56:53 GMT < Server: Apache/2.0.28 (Win32) < Vary: accept-language < Accept-Ranges: bytes < Content-Length: 680 < Connection: close < Content-Type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1 < <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN\"> < <HTML> < <HEAD> < <TITLE>Server error!</TITLE> < <LINK REV=\"made\" HREF=\"mailto:admin@\"> < </HEAD> < < <BODY BGCOLOR=\"#FFFFFF\" TEXT=\"#000000\" LINK=\"#0000CC\"> < <H1>Server error!</H1> < <DL> < <DD> < < < < handler \"cgi-script\" not found for: C:/php/php.exe < < < </DL><DL><DD> <If you think this is a server error, please contact <the <A HREF=\"mailto:admin@\">Webmaster</A> < < </DL> < < <H2>Error 500</H2> < <DL> < <DD> < <ADDRESS> < <A HREF=\"/\"></A> < <BR> < < <small>02/03/02 10:56:53</small> < <BR> < <small>Apache/2.0.28 (Win32)</small> < </ADDRESS> < </DL> < </BODY> < </HTML> < As you can see the line \" handler \"cgi-script\" not found for: C:/php/php.exe \" reveals the install path of PHP. Problem 3 ========= When making pages in PHP or JSP, many programmers keep include files in the same directory as the file calling them. Programmers can then include the file without having to code in the paths to the include file. This would allow an attacker to reveal the true path directory used by the server or reveal the content of the JSP file accessed. Examples: A programmer would have 2 files. The first would be ShowData.php: <? include(\'database.php\'); ?> And the second file would obviously be called database.php with the code requred to connect to the database. When a user calls http://someserver/ShowData.php the base path to database.php is stored in the server variable as http://someserver/ and so the include will load http://someserver/database.php. However, if you add a trailing slash to the request (i.e. http://someserver/ShowData.php/) the base path will be set to http://someserver/ShowData.php, causing the include statement to try to load http://someserver/ShowData.php/database.php. Because the include file is not found, an error is thrown back to the user, that will include the full path to the include file that was not found. -Also- JSP files work in the same way, with many pages throwing exceptions and showing their true path. But even more serious, it has been found that many JSP pages, when submitted with a trailing slash (such as form logins that redirect to the same page to check the login details) will reveal the source code of the JSP (that usually contain sensitive information). SOLUTION Configure display_errors to 0 in PHP Configuration. Chris Adams also added that all these problems occur only when PHP is used as a CGI instead of a server module, and then only on a poorly configured server. To bypass the third problem : Use hard coded directory paths in the \'include\' statements you use (same goes for the \'require\' statements).