TUCoPS :: Linux :: Red Hat/Fedora :: rhx11amp.txt

Redhat x11 audio mpeg player potential root compromise

Date: Sat, 28 Feb 1998 17:32:21 +0100
From: viinikala <kala@DRAGON.CZ>
Subject: x11amp playlist bug


x11 audio mpeg player (x11amp) version 0.65, when installed setuid root
(as suggested by the README file), creates playlist files in ~/.x11amp
while making 'root' the owner of these plaintext files (instead of the
proper user). unfortunatelly, the program DOES follow symlinks, and
overwriting for instance /etc/shadow is therefore trivial:

mkdir ~/.x11amp
ln -s /etc/shadow ~/.x11amp/ekl

now run x11amp, get into the playlist menu, select 'ekl', mark all the
entries and hit 'delete'. no matter if the prg crashes (it might),
/etc/shadow is gone, anyway.

viinikala/rvl&grif <kala@dragon.cz>
i could wrap you up in cotton wool.
Date: Mon, 2 Mar 1998 15:16:41 -0500
From: Kragen <kragen@POBOX.COM>
Subject: Re: overwrite any file with updatedb

On Sun, 1 Mar 1998, Cain wrote:
> in /tmp called sort0<pid>000{1,2,etc}. Each is around 512k. The

On SunOS 5.5.1, the filenames are of the form /var/tmp/stmAAAa003M_aa,
and the files are typically smaller.

The M_ part, at least, appears to change from run to run, but it
doesn't change within a run.

Solaris 5.5.1 sort doesn't check for symlinks before it opens the file;
I have successfully overwritten a file in my home dir this way.

This is similar to the gcc bug.


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