To: bugtraq@securityfocus.com announce@lists.caldera.com scoannmod@xenitec.on.ca ______________________________________________________________________________ Caldera International, Inc. Security Advisory Subject: OpenServer 5.0.5 : sar -o buffer overflow Advisory number: CSSA-2002-SCO.17 Issue date: 2002 May 01 Cross reference: ______________________________________________________________________________ 1. Problem Description If the /usr/bin/sar command is given an exceedingly long argument to the o option, it will memory fault. This could allow a malicious user to elevate their permissions. 2. Vulnerable Supported Versions System Binary ---------------------------------------------------------------------- OpenServer 5.0.5 /usr/bin/sar /usr/lib/sa/sadc /usr/bin/cpusar /usr/bin/mpsar 3. Solution The proper solution is to install the latest packages. 4. OpenServer 5.0.5 4.1 Location of Fixed Binaries ftp://stage.caldera.com/pub/security/openserver/CSSA-2002-SCO.17 4.2 Verification MD5 (VOL.000.000) = f912fe801263863956c257c4ef395570 md5 is available for download from ftp://stage.caldera.com/pub/security/tools/ 4.3 Installing Fixed Binaries Upgrade the affected binaries with the following commands: 1) Download the VOL* files to the /tmp directory Run the custom command, specify an install from media images, and specify the /tmp directory as the location of the images. 5. References Specific references for this advisory: none Caldera UNIX security resources: http://stage.caldera.com/support/security/ Caldera OpenLinux security resources: http://www.caldera.com/support/security/index.html This security fix closes Caldera incidents sr862424, fz520480, erg712003. 6. Disclaimer Caldera International, Inc. is not responsible for the misuse of any of the information we provide on this website and/or through our security advisories. Our advisories are a service to our customers intended to promote secure installation and use of Caldera products. 7. Acknowledgements Caldera would like to thank KF <dotslash@snosoft.com> for discovering this problem, researching it, and alerting us. And being patient, too.