Vulnerability Alibaba Affected Alibaba 2.0 Description Thomas Dullien found following. He tried a little freeware webserver named Alibaba 2.0 and found an exploitable overflow. He telnetted to and crashed it using POST [enter 1028 'x'] / HTTP/1.0 From a disassembled listing Thomas found that it uses a scanf("%s %s %s", szName, szFile, szSomething); where szFile is a local variable of 0x400 (=1024) bytes on the stack directly above the return address. Coding an exploit for this is going to be a little tricky as it mustn't have any 0x20, 0x00, 0x61-0x7A in it since these bytes are changes by the foregoing function that converts everything into uppercase. Solution The authorswere contacted but they stated since its freeware there will be no support to it!?