=========================================================================== ==== FRAME4 SECURITY ADVISORY [FSA-2003:002] --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---- PRODUCT : WebcamXP PRODUCT/VENDOR URL : http://www.darkwet.net/ TYPE : Vulnerability / Exploit IMPACT : Medium SUMMARY : Code Injection Vulnerabilities in WebcamXP Chat Feature DISCOVERY DATE : 00/03/2003 PUBLIC RELEASE : 02/05/2003 AFFECTED VERSION(S): All (as of discovery date) FIXED VERSION(S) : None VENDOR NOTIFIED : Yes --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---- BACKGROUNDER: Vendor web site states that WebcamXP is a "powerful webcam utility with an integrated http server so you don't need to install a web server on your computer. Works under all windows os and the server port can be changed." INTRODUCTION: We have discovered various code injection vulnerabilities in the chat feature of WebcamXP. ADVISORY URL: This advisory is available in its original format at the following URL: http://www.frame4.com/content/advisories/FSA-2003-002.txt VENDOR CONTACT: We have emailed the creator of the program, "wet", on wet@darkwet.net with the specifics of this vulnerability on the release date of this advisory. VULNERABILITY DESCRIPTION: Please refer to the 'Technical Description' section below, for full description of the problem(s). VULNERABLE APPLICATION(S)/PACKAGE(S)/VERSION(S): We have tested these vulnerabilities between two versions; v1.02.432 and the latest build, v1.02.535. Whereas the chatbox feature on the application side seems to be pretty immune to code injection (MOST code gets stripped), the web page portion is far from being safe. Although the tests have been carried out between two builds of the program, it is highly possible that other versions behave the same way. The tests were only carried out using Microsoft Internet Explorer. SOLUTION/VENDOR INFORMATION/WORKAROUND: None as yet. Although recently the server portion of the chat feature has been upgraded (where certain tags get filtered), the problems still seem to exist. TECHNICAL DESCRIPTION - EXPLOIT/CONCEPT CODE: The below examples are merely a small portion of what could be possible and in no way constitute an exhaustive list of potential vulnerabilities. [001] Code Injection 1 We have ascertained that typing <script>alert(document.cookie);</script> in the message field on the web page generates a message box whereas this should be ignored. You can see an actual screen shot of this at the following URL: http://www.frame4.com/content/advisories/FSA-2003-002-01.jpg [002] Code Injection 2 Following on from the previous example, we have also noticed that in a similar manner, an IFRAME can be generated by simply typing the following 'command' in the message field: <iframe src="http://frame4.com"></iframe>. You can find the relevant screen shots of this 'feature' at the following URLs: http://www.frame4.com/content/advisories/FSA-2003-002-01.jpg http://www.frame4.com/content/advisories/FSA-2003-002-02.jpg http://www.frame4.com/content/advisories/FSA-2003-002-03.jpg [003] Code Injection 3 This is the "showstopper". We have discovered that the IFRAME can be "pushed" onto the chat initiator in the same fashion. In this case, a webcam operator for example, can inject a script "out" to the user via the internal chat box. A screen shot of this problem can be seen here: http://www.frame4.com/content/advisories/FSA-2003-002-04.jpg [004] "Malformed Code" Injection Whereas the command <iframe src="http://frame4.com"></iframe> creates a perfect IFRAME (see above), if we issue (by accident) the same command in the "wrong" manner, i.e.: <script>alert(document.cookie);</script><iframe src=http://frame4.com</iframe> the page goes into some kind of 'loop'. The message box gets generated and then we DO get an IFRAME (and rightly, you get an 404 as the content) but the scroll bars disappear and the page just stops responding. Closing the browser and re-opening at the chat URL has absolutely no effect, as the above loop gets repeated and the situation does not change until the other party resets or refreshes their page. A screen shot of this problem can be seen here: http://www.frame4.com/content/advisories/FSA-2003-002-05.jpg CREDITS: The vulnerabilities outlined in this advisory and accompanying sample code have been discovered by a joint operation between Morning Wood and Anthony Aykut. We have NOT circulated any of our findings through the underground community, and, present them here as a PUBLIC DISCLOSURE. Morning Wood morning_wood@thepub.co.za Morning Wood, Inc http://take.candyfrom.us/ Anthony Aykut anthony.aykut@frame4.com Frame4 Security Systems http://www.frame4.com REFERENCES: None. ABOUT: Frame4 Security Systems is a new security partner, empowering clients with the necessary knowledge and products to protect and secure their computer systems. Headquartered in The Netherlands, Frame4 can be reached at +31(0)172- 515901 or on the Web at http://www.frame4.com/. DISCLAIMER: This advisory is a Frame4 Security Systems ("Frame4") publication, all rights reserved (c) 2003. You may (re-)distribute the text as long as the content is not changed in any way and with this header text intact. If you want to serve this paper on your web site/FTP/Newsgroup/etc., we encourage you to do so, as long as no changes are made without the prior permission of the author(s), no fees are charged and proper credit is given. IMPORTANT -- THIS DOCUMENT IS FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY. To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, in no event shall Frame4 Security Systems be liable for any damages whatsoever, (including, without limitation, damages for loss of any business profits, business interruption, loss of any business information, or other pecuniary loss) arising out of the use, or inability to use any software, and/or procedures outlined in this document, even if Frame4 Security Systems has been advised of the possibility of such damage(s). There are NO warranties with regard to this information. This advisory is the property of Frame4 Security Systems, all rights reserved. Copyright (c) 1999-2003 Frame4 Security Systems -- http://www.frame4.com/ =========================================================================== ====