TUCoPS :: Web :: Servers :: bt813.txt

Windows beta webserver for pocket pc: full remote access.

ZH2003-5SA (security advisory): Windows beta webserver for pocket pc: full 

remote access.

Published: 03/08/2003

Released: 03/08/2003

Name: Windows beta webserver for pocket pc: full remote access

Issue: Remote attackers have full access to pocket pc. 

Author: G00db0y & SyS64738

Contact us: G00db0y@zone-h.org & admin@zone-h.org

Vendor: www.microsoft.com



Zone-h Security Team has discovered a security flaw in 

Windows beta webserver for pocket pc. 



As announced by SyS64378 at his Defcon speech.

The default installation of windows beta webserver allows an attacker to

gain full remote access without authentication simply logging to 


The vendor has been notified and confirmed the vulnerability.

The product has been taken away from Microsoft website and will soon be 

replaced with a patched version.



Disinstall it from your pocket pc.

G00db0y - SyS64738 www.zone-h.org admins

Original advisory here: http://www.zone-h.org/en/advisories/read/id=2808/

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