COMMAND httpd SYSTEMS AFFECTED IBM\'s HTTP Server on the AS/400, OS/390 running \'VSE-HTTPD/01.04.00\' PROBLEM ken\'@FTU found following, an attack that will show the source code of the page -- such as an .html or .jsp page -- by attaching an \'/\' to the end of a URL. Compare these two URL\'s: http://www.foo.com/getsource.jsp http://www.foo.com/getsource.jsp/ The later URL will deliver the jsp source to the browser. Felix Huber wrote a nessus plugin to detect this vulerability, based on the following test : ---------------------------------------- GET /index.html HTTP/1.0 HTTP/1.0 200 OK Server: IBM-HTTP-Server/1.0 .... Content-Type: text/html ---------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- GET /index.html/ HTTP/1.0 HTTP/1.0 200 OK Server: IBM-HTTP-Server/1.0 .... Content-Type: www/unknown <------- here ---------------------------------------- Here is the Nessus Plugin ibm_server_code.nasl : s script was written by Felix Huber <huberfelix@webtopia.de> # # v. 1.00 (last update 08.11.01) if(description) { script_id(?????????); name[\"english\"] = \"IBM-HTTP-Server View Code\"; script_name(english:name[\"english\"]); desc[\"english\"] = \" IBM\'s HTTP Server on the AS/400 platform is vulnerable to an attack that will show the source code of the page -- such as an .html or .jsp page -- by attaching an \'/\' to the end of a URL. Example: http://www.foo.com/getsource.jsp/ Solution : Not yet Risk factor : High\"; script_description(english:desc[\"english\"]); summary[\"english\"] = \"IBM-HTTP-Server View Code\"; script_summary(english:summary[\"english\"]); script_category(ACT_GATHER_INFO); script_copyright(english:\"This script is Copyright (C) 2001 Felix Huber\"); family[\"english\"] = \"CGI abuses\"; script_family(english:family[\"english\"]); script_dependencie(\"find_service.nes\"); script_dependencie(\"httpver.nasl\"); script_require_ports(\"Services/www\", 80); exit(0); } # # The script code starts here # port = get_kb_item(\"Services/www\"); if(!port)port = 80; dir[0] = \"/index.html\"; dir[1] = \"/index.htm\"; dir[2] = \"/index.jsp\"; dir[3] = \"/default.html\"; dir[4] = \"/default.htm\"; dir[5] = \"/default.jsp\"; dir[6] = \"/home.html\"; dir[7] = \"/home.htm\"; dir[8] = \"/home.jsp\"; if(get_port_state(port)) { for (i = 0; dir[i] ; i = i + 1) { soc = http_open_socket(port); if(soc) { url = string(dir[i], \"/\"); req = http_get(item:url, port:port); send(socket:soc, data:req); r = recv(socket:soc, length:409600); close(soc); #display(r); if(\"Server: IBM-HTTP-Server/1.0\" >< r) { if(\"Content-Type: www/unknown\" >< r) { #security_hole(port); display(\"Security Hole detected\\n\"); exit(0); } } } } } Update ====== Mike Turk added : It is possible through HTTP server and servlet engine configurations that HTML and/or JSP source could be view at the browser. HTTP Server : There are configuration settings that could be made where JSP source could be displayed in the browser, such as placing JSPs in the document root of the HTTP server. Also, in regards to html pages, if you use a PASS directive that allow all file types to be served (e.g. Pass /MYsamples/* /QIBM/UserData/MyHtml/*) then you could see the HTML source. If the directive is qualified by file type (e.g. Pass /MYsamples/*.html /QIBM/UserData/MyHtml/*) you can prevent the request ending with \'/\' from being serviced. Servlet Engine: The problem description does not mention what Servlet engine/JSP processor that is being used. If it is WebSphere, if you have a file serving servlet in your web application, it will try to service the request for http://www.foo.com/getsource.jsp/. Like the PASS example above, if you limit the types of requests to be served my the simple file servlet by file type, you can prevent the source from being displayed. To do so: 1. select the simple file servlet for the web app. 2. modify the URI in the servlet web path list. a) start by modifying the existing URI. It may look something like default_host/webapp/myapp/ b) change to something like default_host/webapp/myapp/*.html 3. Continue adding URIs for other file types (*.gif, etc...) 4. Click Apply 5. Restart the web application SOLUTION Nothing yet.