COMMAND Talentsoft Web+ remote buffer overflow SYSTEMS AFFECTED Web+ 4.6/5.0 PROBLEM David Litchfield of NGSSoftware Insight Security Research [http://www.ngssoftware.com] posted in advisory [#NISR13032002] : Web Markup Language (wml) scripts files are created that contain the application logic. These are requested by a web client from the web server using either an ISAPI filter (webplus.dll) or a CGI executable (webplus.exe). These are known as Web+ clients. The Web+ client passes this request to the Web+ plus server for dispatch. When a request is made for an overly long wml file an unchecked buffer is overflowed and the saved return address on the stack is overwritten. SOLUTION Get patch from : http://www.talentsoft.com/Issues/IssueDetail.wml?ID=WP943