COMMAND Bea Weblogic incorrect URL parsing issues SYSTEMS AFFECTED Tested on : Bea Weblogic V6.1 Service Pack 2 on Windows 2000 Server PROBLEM In Peter Gründl of KPMG Danemark advisory [BUG-ID: 2002016] : The Bea Weblogic server incorrectly parses certain types of URL requests. This can result in the physical path being revealed, a Denial of Service situation and revealing of .jsp sourcecode. Physical webroot) By appending %00.jsp to a normal .html request, a compiler error would in some cases be generated that would print out the path to the physical web root. A similar result can be achieved by prefixing with %5c (backslash): Denial of Service) This issue is very similar to the one reported in KPMG-2002003, in which we published that requesting a DOS device and appending .jsp to the request would exhaust the working threads and cause the web service to stop parsing HTTP and HTTPS requests. If a malicious user also added %00 in the request, it would still work. The server can handle about 10-11 working threads, so when this number of active threads has been reached, the server will no longer service any requests. Since both HTTP and HTTPS are handled by the same module, both are crippled if one is attacked. Sourcecode revealed) There are a number of ways to manipulate the URL in a way that will allow a malicious user to read the contents of a .jsp file. One way is to append \"%00x\" to the request, another could be to add \"+.\" to the request (exclamation marks excluded). SOLUTION Get patch from : http://dev2dev.bea.com/resourcelibrary/advisoriesdetail.jsp? highlight=advisoriesnotifications&path=components/dev2dev/ resourcelibrary/advisoriesnotifications/ securityadvisoriesbea020303.htm