Vulnerability Websphere Affected IBM HTTP Server, 1.3.12, for Windows NT/2000 Description Following is based on a Defcom Labs Advisory def-2001-02 by Peter Grundl. The Apfa cache in the IBM HTTP Server, which Websphere is built on, has problems handling certain types of URL requests. The result of such a URL is a kernel leak, which will eventually end up consuming all available kernel memory and rendering the host useless. Sending a continous stream of HTTP requests resulting in "bad request" will cause a kernel leak in Windows NT. There are many ways to trigger the bad request result that triggers the leak, eg. GET / HTTP/1.0\r\nuser-agent: 20000xnull\r\n\r\n Solution Comment out the three lines beginning with "Afpa" in the httpd.conf file (located in the conf directory in the web server folder). Download and install the fix from http://www-4.ibm.com/software/webservers/httpservers/efix.html